On September 16 2011 21:03 Vlare wrote:
I think the internet has just gone down the drain these last few years, it doesn't really have much to do with the "20xx x crowds" . However, I do come from many other gaming community's and I have noticed that the TL community tends to be much more.. soft? I'm not sure if that word best describes what I mean. So let me try to explain.
People on TL seem to be much more oblivious to trolling. They seem to get troll'd very easilly, upset very quick, and have a n extremely low tolerance for "Fun/Stupid" things. And while I don't think having a low tolerance for these sorts of things is neccessarely bad, I think it's important to realize that MOST other communities have very different environments, so for many people coming from other community's, TL community can easilly come off as carebears in this regard.
Elitism is often not taken lightly, while in other games, elitism is the standard. A prime example of this is the strategy forum. Countless times I find myself bored and looking for something to read and I find a thread that has somehow been left in the strat forum reading " HI IM JOESHOE, IM A GOLD LEAGUE X AND THIS IS MY BUILD THAT WORKS. I THINK ITS SUPER DUPER. HERE IS A BO AND BE CRUSHING OTHER GOLD PEOPLE"
And while I guess this is helpful topeople who are gold or subgold, its so often so easy to see countless flaws in most of these builds so long as you assume your opponent isn't completely horrible.
But I guess the issue with this sort of thinking is that 90%~ percent of the community is actually not on a high level. Which is again something I myself, and possibly many other people are not used to.
Maybe if top tier players had their own forum to discuss strategy where goldness mcgee and his friends with limited game knowledge could not jump in and throw in stupid troll comments like "OH LOL BUT GHOST AND INFESTOR OPOP" it would reduce the amount of trolling. I don't know.
8am rant sorry if it doesn't make sense, I'll edit when Im home in 6~hours.
@ topic.
internet has gone down the drain. many Wow-esque players. Sadness all around.
Edit : I'm 2010 fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Nothing WoW-esque unfortunately. The nicest "tech" forum I've browsed was ElitistJerks. And by comparison TL is anarchy while EJ is nazy land. But it's nice to have all the posts clear and without repetitive content or solely off-topic posts. I've got infractions on EJ for grammar (use of "imba") and useless post (repeated something already said in a 50 page forum as far as I remember). I prefer that much much more and while it couldn't work over the entire TL it might be OK for LR and Strategy.
You've certainly been hanging around the wrong WoW crowd