how old are you
i have been in hawaii all my life
there is racism towards whites for sure especially if they give an air of arrogance or appear really non-local
but i think you drastically over exaggerate your experience unless you are bringing it on yourself in a very large amount
i know this because i know even more people that (incoming classic race trump card) have best friends who are white
you must live in a really ghetto area where the racism tends to be stronger
Maybe they are mad because the western people came from the other side of the wold, destroyed their army, occupied their land, crushed the resistance and then annexed it.
there is only one answer for you. start tanning.
On September 08 2011 17:32 overt wrote: it wasn't that long ago that Hawaii was totally fucked over by white people
What? Were they better of tribal with no hope of development and endemic war?
A good friend of mine is 100% of hawaiian decent but was born on the mainland. he went to hawaii (honolulu) summer of 09 for vacation and he went to visit his family outside the tourist areas and they were even rude to him, calling him a haole and flipping him off and stuff. he couldn't go anywhere by himself he had to have his cousins with him to keep things from happening to him. i guess him and his family are traders for leaving hawaii?? (not from him that's my theory) it's not just white people it's all "outsiders".
idk anything about the government and the court system so i can't comment on that, but it seems very weird to me that people don't know about the racism/violence. i learned this in high school in U.S. history class. maybe if ur not from the US i can understand, but sometimes americans suprise me. i'd assume us history is pretty standard throughout the states, and the history of hawaii seems significant enough to be put into the curriculum. do people just not pay attention? or does no one care because it doesn't involve them? i don't agree with the violence but i don't blame hawaiians for being angry at us. we did go in there and kinda take over. (i'd like to be more specific but it's been a few years since US history.)
as someone said earlier in the thread, racism is everywhere. as an african american gentlemen i can tell you that even today as a 21 year old living in the united states, i see it all the time. i even find myself being i wouldn't say racist but judgmental at times. if a group of 5 big black guys wearing baggy clothes comes walking toward you what would you do?? not gonna lie i'd be fkin scared, and i'm big and black myself. did those black guys do anything to me? are they planning to do something to me? i have no idea only thing i know is i wanna get the hell away from them as soon as possible. racism is everywhere (in america at least) don't be ignorant and say it's done with and you've never heard anything about it. sry idk if the last paragraph was necessary but this is a sensitive subject for me.
EDIT: + Show Spoiler +On September 08 2011 18:53 Terranist wrote: there is only one answer for you. start tanning.
i hope i'm being trolled cause otherwise ur a fkin idiot
+ Show Spoiler +On September 08 2011 19:00 Romantic wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2011 17:32 overt wrote: it wasn't that long ago that Hawaii was totally fucked over by white people What? Were they better of tribal with no hope of development and endemic war?
i can't believe i just read someone write this...
I've heard similar stories like this about korea as well. It's sad that we're in this day and age, yet we can't be accepting of others. That's humans for ya.
On September 08 2011 19:02 JDizz6688 wrote: What? Were they better of tribal with no hope of development and endemic war?
i can't believe i just read someone write this...
That is an excellent explanation as to how white people came along and made things so much worse for them that they have regrettable but historically understandable racism towards white people.
Its what happenin when a population is entirely secular apart from tourists. Now I could say all the Hawaiians i've met have been nice (actually i lie.. one was a total socio-path I'll be telling people stories about for the rest of my life,) but from what I understand they are very proud of their heritage, just like the koreans /Japanese etc. So they don't seem to immediately warm to outsiders no. I've had some blatant racism thrown at me being a whitey when I was in Japan, but i also met a lot of really awesome people. So I wouldn't go so far to judge a whole country on a few assholes.
That really stinks. All I can say is try to keep a positive attitude and set a good example for your race. I would read about Martin Luther King Jr, Thurgood Marshall, Nelson Mandela, Jackie Robinson and other people who have had to deal with racism. Howard Stern also grew up in an area where it was tough being white, and he turned out ok. I don't know how helpful his autobiography would be. Of course these are the exceptions, it is perfectly understandable that you would be bitter. Just try to stay true to yourself.
+ Show Spoiler +On September 08 2011 19:00 Romantic wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2011 17:32 overt wrote: it wasn't that long ago that Hawaii was totally fucked over by white people What? Were they better of tribal with no hope of development and endemic war? This is so wrong its almost funny. What makes you think that the Native Hawaiians had no hope of development? I think anyone can see that if avoiding war is your goal, joining the US is probably not productive, probably better if they were colonized by Switzerland or something.
Personally, I think all racism is a joke and all racist terms are even funnier. The reason I think that is because usually the only people who attempt to use the terms at a disrespectful level are more than likely not doing very good their selves and using them on someone who the think is "Lower" than them makes them feel better. Its the same with trolls on the internet, and its the same with the big ugly kid in your elementary/middle school classes. If someone calls me a "nigger", I dont get mad at all, I just ignore them because thats the easiest (and best) way to deal with people like that. They're just your basic bullies. Not sure if this has anything to do with the op but, in your case just go where you want to. If you cant get there, go to where your wanted. Dont try to force yourself into any awkward positions because the place that you live at is (obviously) naturally going to be filled with Hawaiians anyway.
Never knew this existed in Hawaii, interesting
On September 08 2011 17:58 caradoc wrote: Racism exists everywhere, you'll find it if you look.
I was in Hawaii recently for a while, got to know a native hawaiin dude-- was a cool guy, was proud to be able to speak hawaiian when so many people forgot it, taught me some hawaiian pidgin. (yeah, I'm a white guy).
If you say something like "native Hawaiians hate white people " and then follow it up with statements about how 'they' are so corrupt, etc, that says a lot more about your view of the place than the place itself. That kind of mindset basically creates racism both towards you, and from you.
yeah it's like people think racism only excists in the Western world or something... I know someone who lived on this island ( can't remember the name it's half Dutch and half French ) and she went trough a lot of racism there from the black people it can be quite bad everywhere.
Hawai'i was invaded, their royal family and high level government officials imprisoned, and is still occupied to this day. Yeah, I'd think they'd be just a bit racist towards white people.
I don't know why people are surprised that the Chinese are racist towards the Japanese, the Tibetans and Mongolians towards the Chinese, the Afghanistanis towards Americans and Russians, etc.
Makaveli1, foreigners introduced a lot of things to Hawaii, like disease, racial degradation, and the concept of "private land ownership." Through these introduction of foreign mentalities and concepts, and various events like the abolishment of the Kapu system, the Great Mahele, and the "ban" of speaking Hawaiian, Hawaiians lost a lot of their culture while foreigners obtained a lot of Hawaiian land. Also, with the introduction of plantation farms, the plantation owners were not conscious of how delicate the resources of the islands were, and so not only were the Hawaiian people suffering, but the land itself suffers, too.
Then in 1887, King Kalākaua was forced to sign the Bayonet Constitution at gunpoint, which removed the executive powers of the king and restricted the voting rights of many Hawaiians through various restrictions like literacy and property requirements. Queen Liliʻuokalani succeeded Kalākaua to the throne after he passed away, and she was going to create a new constitution, but in1893 there was the whole event where Queen Liliʻuokalani was overthrown, and a group consisting mainly of white plantation owners took charge of the government in Hawaii for a long time, and Hawaii eventually became a territory, and then a state of United States.
This is only a little bit of history of Hawaii, but white people have had a tremendous impact on Hawaii. Not everything foreigners introduced were necessarily negative, but over a very long period of time the Hawaiian culture, land, and people suffered. The attitudes some people possess towards foreigners here in Hawaii may be negative at times, but I hope you can understand the reasoning. The negative attitude towards white people is not shared by everyone, but there are still some people who feel compelled to outwardly express their discontent. It is not nice for anyone to show disrespect, but do not let their behaviour discourage you. Do your best to be respectful and to be courteous. Chances are you may encounter the same people more than once, and they will probably remember you.
Having lived here all my life, I do question your doubt in the justice system. I live in a different area of Hawaii, but I cannot confirm the racial preference in the court. On this island at least, the Hawaiian ethnic population of inmates is slightly more significant compared to the other ethnicities. No court system is perfect, but I wonder what your sources are for these allegations. There are Innocence Programs going around the country looking to free innocent individuals who have been accused of crimes they did not commit. In Maui there was a recent case this year where a man who had spent about 20 years of prison has been released because the Hawaii's Innocence Program gathered evidence to support his innocence. But I still question the validity of the statement that Hawaiians are immune to the justice system.
Two more things: The term "haole" is the Hawaiian word for "foreign." In the culture here it is frequently used in reference towards white people, but it is not a racial slur. Also, there is this concept and attitude of "Aloha." Believe it or not, but it exists, and people possess it. I hope you may experience it.
Sucks for you man, better go try to make peace.
Otherwise =[
One of my coworkers (white male) lived in Hawaii for 10+ years, and he told me similar stories, but not as severe as your case.
He told me that Asian Americans are really popular in Hawaii, is that true?
On September 08 2011 18:47 Suisen wrote: Maybe they are mad because the western people came from the other side of the wold, destroyed their army, occupied their land, crushed the resistance and then annexed it. Wait Hawaii had an army?
I don't know anything about racism in Hawaii but I can say from first-hand experience that much of the "native" population lives in really desperate poverty. The neighborhoods I've seen remind me of some of the worst areas of Los Angeles. You just can't see them from the resorts. It's the kind of environment that would breed a lot of resentment.
On September 08 2011 19:05 KonohaFlash wrote: I've heard similar stories like this about korea as well. It's sad that we're in this day and age, yet we can't be accepting of others. That's humans for ya.
Korea is nothing like this. Korean people are lovely to visitors.
On September 08 2011 19:00 Romantic wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2011 17:32 overt wrote: it wasn't that long ago that Hawaii was totally fucked over by white people What? Were they better of tribal with no hope of development and endemic war?
Typical Western viewpoint. Bringing civilization to the natives so they have to be grateful? Bullshit.
Like the poster a couple of posts above said, white settlers on Hawaii disenfranchised the majority of the poor native Hawaiian population, implementing policies that favored the rich whites greatly. The Bayonet Constitution and the illegal overthrow of the Queen also didn't help matters.
I don't condone racism though, so those Hawaiians actively bullying white people are deplorable.