Note: there maybe some fanboyism and bragging about the awesome time I had in this blog.
First off, I wanted to thank the entire MLG staff for running such a kickass event :D Sundance has been doing a pretty damn good job of improving each event one after another (I rode down the escalator behind Sundance on day1, lulz).
Next, and the main body of the blog, I wanted to especially thank the players, as I don't think they get enough credit for being incredibly patient. I know it's easy for the fans to say "oh man it's so cool to be asked for autographs" or something, but actually attending an event made me realize how taxing it really can be to a player. Although I think he's taking it way too far, Tyler has some fair points about how it can really make it difficult to compete at the highest level, but for the most part the players are incredibly patient with the adoring fans. They are also, for the most part, extremely approachable and friendly, willing to talk to their fans, or autograph, or take pictures, throughout a large portion of the weekend (you know, aside from the times they're immediately preparing to play, or departing the booths, etc.). So this whole ramble is to say thank you.
Sheth, you were probably the most accessible pro, constantly hanging out in "fan accessible areas", and talking to your fans, willing to sign and take pictures almost endlessly, and it was really impressive how much you really just seemed to enjoy the fan interaction and didnt look at it like something you "had" to do.
Spoilers contain pictures, I'm the awkwardly tall white guy :D
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Jinro, a completely chill and friendly guy, always signing and taking pictures and also willing to just chat with his fans as well! Plus he's got a baller mohawk goin on.
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Grubby, was such a nice guy and really friendly and easy to approach as well! Not to mention, him and his wife make a ridiculously attractive couple!
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Hero, another friendly and approachable teamliquid member(who for the most part are all extremely willing to sign and take pictures! Love you guys!), I'm glad you kicked so much ass, your play was so interesting, and you as a person are so friendly, even if you don't speak my language! The 2gas steal and continual gas steal-cancel vs trickster was especially interesting :D
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The multi-talented and sexy-accented Mr Kiwikaki, your play was, as always, incredibly fun to watch (game 2 shattered vs Ret mothership was so ridiculously sexy!!!), you were another player I was super excited to meet and you didn't disappoint! You're an awesome guy and an awesome player!

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The final picture+note... Huk. Poor Huk, looked so unbelievably tired on the first day, because his flight was delayed cause of the hurricane, causing him to literally get no sleep thursday night (aside from what he could get on the plane, I imagine), and yet he still was willing to take a picture and chat for a minute with my friends and I. I'm glad you continue to do well, cause you have always been my favorite protoss, and favorite player. Thanks so much for being such a friendly guy and patient with the fans despite the most grueling month of travel I've ever seen, and on top of that getting no sleep the night before. Much ♥ Huk, you're the best, whatever team you're on!
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This next picture is my mousepad! Which I got signed by... Rain, Jinro, Hero, Sheth, TLO, HotBid(who by the way is nice as hell, he was the only reason my friend got his TL shirt signed by Tyler!), Puma, Grubby, Machine, Anna, Incontrol, Nada(SQUEEEEEAALLLLLL, I HEART NADA HE WAS SO CUTE AND NICE), DongRaeGu, Trickster, Kiwi, and Catz!
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I also got pics with Select(who was really friendly as well!) and inka! (I hope you keep doing really well man, I'll always be around watchin your stream!)
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Other thanks, without pictures incoming!
Idra, my buddy got your signature and chatted with you for a few, thanks for being such a nice guy! the BM in game really doesnt seem to transfer over to real life, which is good!
Incontrol, keep workin hard man, you were nice as hell to me even though you had a really tough weekend! hopefully your efforts pay off!
Anna, you were even prettier in person, and incredibly friendly and it was awesome to meet you! Even if you did make me hold your coffee while you signed!
Bomber, Tester, Dongraegu, Rain and Nada, even though there's a language barrier were all super friendly and only too happy to sign! <3<3<3
Catz was really chill and a funny guy as well, good luck in the future man!
Hot Bid was awesome, and didn't even seem that surprised when I asked for his sig! lol!
Anyways, I think that about wraps up all my thank yous, I know this was incredibly long-winded and rather directionless, but I had a kickass time and just wanted to mention all the people that made it so awesome! If I forgot anyone, sorry, it's not intentional! :D