Man, I was playing so sick. Really nice stim and drop timings, double pronged attacks. Sitting at rank 1 gold for the last week with well over a hundred points between me and second place, I assumed it was only a matter of time before I moved into the 'non mineral leagues' I beat well over 50% of the platinum players I faced which made me feel great. They were hard earned wins and I felt like I was improving even when I lost.
So after beating a few guys who were top 25 plat I faced two diamond players who lol'ed all over me and just had more stuff and 1a'd me. I still have no idea how to beat that, they are just better. It didn't matter what harass I did or how many drops, just more stuff rolled me. Mass banes vs thors = no problem apparently. Anyway I took these losses as "well, those guys are a whole TWO leagues above me" (I think one of them was really high diamond) Anyway, I lose those 2, then lose to another plat, and another and another. Tilting hard I did the smart thing. I KEPT MASSING GAMES. Lost another and another all to the same '1a lol all over your base shit'
It's actually funny to see my mental state decay as I look at the replays I go from 'gg wp ' to opening the games with 'LOL I'M GONNA LOSE" and proceed to miss scv's and accidentally cancel barracks. So now, 8 losses later I'm back to playing gold people which is SWEET BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO MOVE UP ANYWAY :D:D:D:D:D:D
How on earth does this work. How do I go from playing so well to losing like a fucking dickhead. That's the best description of my way. Fucking dickheadish. I would post the replays but it's just full of dumb mistakes and me getting 1a'd, no special micro or decision making going on. I just want to see a sign of my improvement. The game LETS ME win games against higher leagues, gives me the idea that "any game now" and then just bends me over and fucks me until my mmr drops back and I'm playing people below my level again.
Tl;dr. Jesusfuckingchristwhycan'tIjustmoveupit'sbeensofuckinglongshit.