On June 28 2011 02:09 LiLu wrote:
For a job, I have audition tomorrow and I have to teach office staff a non-academic subject.
They expect things like doing boardwork and group interactions, asking for opinions, and leading people to the correct answer. I was thinking really hard about teaching them starcraft 2 from the scratch but I don't know if it's appropriate. And if I do decide to do it, how should I go about doing it? I would really like some input, especially since sc2 is one of my favorite hobbies I think I have the basis to teach but I never really taught in a way it should be to people who never heard about the game.
If any other subject is easier to teach, suggest me. Please. Thank you~
I'd recommend against teaching about a specific video game for a teaching interview, just because you may encounter office members who have had no interactions with video games or negative interactions, and you don't want that to happen. If you're confident, though, here are some general thoughts:
Analogize sc2 with a "war simulation", noting the aspect of economic development and converting that economic development into infrastructure and war machines.
De-emphasize anything to specific, such as micromanagement, specific build orders, and tactics, and talk in broad sweeps about the differences between rushes and economic builds or technological builds.
Teach the game like you're teaching how to play chess. People will understand it better that way.