The iCCup season is over and I did not reach my C/C+ goal mainly because I started playing with only 3 weeks left and also because I am bad. To celebrate my failure I have decided to do a battle report on this game that is so bad, it's actually quite entertaining.
Pre-game hype : My opponent is none other than xEroZx from Peru. Real name luis, 23yrs old and uses an "obtico" mouse (according to his iccup gaming profile). Plays zerg.
Even more hype : I had just lost a game against him. He 9 pool'd on longinus and my depot-depot-barracks wall was misplaced allowing his lings to simply end the game there as I was going for a very standard 1 rax FE. My reputation was at stake here.
On to the game !
"gl hf" I say as the countdown begins.
He does not respond.
Immediately, I knew this was serious business. He had tasted blood and he was out for more in a crazed frenzy that impaired his speech function (typing function?) or maybe he didn't want me to have any luck nor fun.
The game starts.
dat split
It's actually hard to split your workers when the mineral patches are just under your cc. Anyway, I quickly rectify the situation thinking how stupid it is to have mineral patches directly below your starting cc and that this was totally imbalanced. But then I realized I now had a preference regarding starting locations... me, who never thought much of starting locations and who never understood progamers that say something along the lines of "As soon I spawned at x o'clock, I was relieved because that other o'clock is disadvantageous" I must be improving.
surprise surprise
we both scout in the wrong direction, not like it matters
great wall of china right there
This time, I was ready. The wall was carefully planned. His lings make their way towards my base. I laugh preemptively as I'm sure he is 9 pooling again. My starsense was correct!
is he playing zvz ?
Meanwhile he is starting his lair off one base. I see this with my scouting scv and I don't know what to think. What can you do off 1 base as zerg ? I keep my cool and go about my drone harassment.
However, I was not paying attention and my hero scv died shortly thereafter. No matter ! it was nothing in the grand scheme of things.
I usually proxy this somewhere on the map but i forgot to send the scv out...
As the factory completes, I lift it off, over the wall and land to produce the game winning vulture.
Curses! What kind of trickery is this ? How could have have spotted my secret factory located right in front of my base ? He then proceeds to throw down the hydralisk den and starts lurker research. I didn't get to see this so at this point I'm not sure wheter he has hidden a hatchery somewhere or hes going 1 hatch muta for some reason or any other crazy strategy.
Little did he know, he was actually playing a leta fanboy
I didn't mention my game plan at the start intentionally because I know most people secretly hope to see those 2 starports being thrown down in any TvZ. Yes, I get all giggly too. I wait for 3 wraiths before revealing my master plan.
I move out as he's morphing lurkers in the middle of the map
Good heavens, I have no detection.
But it was an EE HAN TIMING moment for me. I needed to cripple his sick 1 base economy with my wraiths
I snipe (or just attack) his 1 overlord
and begin pew pewing his drones
More wraiths join in on the drone massacre
I try to put a defense but
it is in vain
I evacuate my scvs and plan on settling down my command center somewhere with less zergs. At this point, I do think I have an advantage since he basically has no aa so he cannot take down my floating buildings anytime soon and I have wraiths to make sure he doesn't mine from anywhere.
that sneaky bitch !
He needs this drone to gather minerals, but I do not know how many drones he has left nor how many minerals he has.
He tries to sneak the drone back in
We now both scout around frantically to see just how each other is bad by not having any other base anywhere. Huge relief : he's just as bad as myself. I now know that he has nothing except a few lurkers around the map trying to deny any landing attempt of my cc.
Time to end this. He has 2 lings in his main, next to his spores No problem, I will snipe the lings with my wraiths and then use my scvs to take down the spores.
finally over !
or is it ?
lurker run by back into his own base !?
By now xerozx has probably reazlied that I was a soon to be progamer with my trademark wraith control. And thus comes the ...
gg ! oh wait
Well there you have it, probably one of the worst games I've played but certainly one of the most entertaining. I hope you enjoyed it, that look a long time to write and upload.
replay :