For the purpose of this blog series I will be starting a new fortress, but I won't give you any of my starting information (location, items, dwarf skills, etc...) until the first chapter for the narrative's sake (because in my opinion a narrative is much more interesting than a neutral commentary+ Show Spoiler +
and on my blog my opinion is most important
At any point if you have suggestions (flood the moat with lava, find some HFS + Show Spoiler +, etc...) just post them and I will do my best to incorporate them into my play. Just keep in mind that I may be a few chapters a head of the last posted chapter so it might take me a while to accomplish your suggestions.
Finally, if you want to start having your own fun you should download the Lazy Newb Pack
and watch this video in order to get started. Also, the DF Wiki is very helpful - I use it everyday.
So, without any more introduction, here is the introduction. I hope you enjoy it.
From the Diary of Tholtig Inodtat, Dwarf
20 Timber 125
I woke up with a start this morning. Some idiot was pounding at my door raving about the imperative and immediate construction of a outpost in The Wealthy Steppe. Naturally I slammed the door in his face.
A few hours later he was back. This time he brought a friend,Momuz Ritzas, who instructed me that by order of the king I was to assist them. He even have an official looking piece of paper. Given no other options I agree. Apparently the idiots were in a hurry. They rushed me out the door before I could grab any supplies. Luckily I managed to grab my spare set of armor, crossbow, and some bolts from the hidden weapons cache in my strawberry patch. Laugh all you want; its only paranoia if they’re not really out to get you. And, by the looks of it, someones out to get me. Well, I guess I’m off to The Wealthy Steppe. It could be worse I guess. At least its not Boatmurdered.
24 Timber 125
After hiding out in an inn for a few days we’re finally leaving the capital city of the Dwarven Civilization The Blanketed Razor. It seems my job is to make sure everyone stays safe and alive. That doesn’t seem to hard. Hey, it might even be a little fun.
My companions all seem a bit peculiar but Momuz Ritzas, the king’s man, assures me that they are all worth their weight in ale though. At least they brought a wagon full of supplies. At least, I think its full of supplies Momuz Ritzas never let me see the inside. Must be secret king stuff. I wonder what this outpost is for.
1 Moonstone 125
We’ve been traveling north for a few days now...I always thought The Wealthy Steppe was south. Hmmm...never was no good at maps though. Hope we get there soon.
5 Obsidian 125
We’ve been traveling through the snow for about a month now. I’m starting to think we were never meant to go to the steppes at all. My companions seem to grow more incompetent by the day. By the way they complain you’d think I was traveling with a bunch of elves - or worse nobles.
Well that's foreshadowing if I've ever seen it!
Stay tuned for Chapter One to see what happens next!
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