For my 2k blog, I couldn't think of anything creative to write, so I will just tell you about a day in the life of your favourite TL-browsing car.
(I guess my prediction from my 1k post blog was off, the prediction of when I'd get 2k posts. Theres still another month and a half before I reach 1 year at TL, which I predicted to be when I get 2k posts.
Also, I know this is kinda short for a 2k post blog, but there isn't much else I can write about.)
A Day in the Life of 57 Corvette
I will split this into 4 parts, one part for each different type of day for me. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday are all the same for me, and each of the other days are different.
Day Type 1: Mond/Tues/Wednes/Friday.
I wake up a bit after 7am, not too early but not too late. I check if there are any replies to my posts from the previous night on TL, and check the results of any tournaments.
Around 7:30 I leave with my dad heading to my co-op placement. We stop at a nearby Tim Hortons to grab my breakfast and his coffee, and then he drops me off at Co-Op. I spend 3 hours at a local architectural firm, usually just helping other co-workers with their projects, learning about architecture as a career.
My grandfather picks me up from the Co-Op afterwards and drives me from there to school, also generously giving me a can of pop and a chocolate bar. I go to my two afternoon classes (With lunch splitting my third period on two), Environmental Studies and Data Management.
After school I usually roam the hallways for about half an hour talking to my friend about Starcraft or League of Legends. I get on the bus home, takes about 45 mins to get from my school to home via bus (including transfer time).
Once I get home I set up my computer, eat dinner and then browse forums/play games for pretty much the rest of the night (walking the dog when needed)
I usually sleep around 11, but sometimes I stay awake longer for things like the NASL or SotG.
Day Type 2: Thursday.
On Thursdays there is a student from a local college that goes and works at my co-op, so there is no room for me in the office. That means I have an open morning, free to do whatever.
I usually wake up around 7 again, but I go back to sleep and wake up at 9. My grandfather comes to my house to pick up my dog, and I go with him to his house.
When I get there, I start up his Vista desktop and start up Minecraft and Fraps. I make some waffles for my breakfast, and then record some video of me playing. I put that video to process in Windows Movie Maker.
While that is processing, I play one or two games of League of Legends. Since I am on a much faster computer compared to my home netbook, I can play better and lag-free.
I leave his house around 11:20, and after I leave, the rest of my day is the same as Day Type 1.
Day Type 3: Saturday.
Saturdays for me are probably the most variable day. I usually sleep in, waking up as late as 11am, and for most of the morning I just go on forums/play games. Around 11:30 I choose whether to go with my dad/brother to Tim Hortons for lunch or not.
Either way, afterwards my Saturdays split within themselves. I either stay at home after lunch and continue to browse the internet/play games for the rest of the day, or I gather my stuff and drive over to my grandfather's house.
If I go to my grandfather's house, I go to the computer again and this time record and process a video of me playing League of Legends. I continue to play while the video processes, and by around the time it finishes my grandfather and brother either order pizza for dinner or go get some fast food (MC Ds or KFC usually).
After dinner my brother usually takes over the computer, and I just watch TV or play the Xbox360. Depending on who sleeps in the computer room, I either continue to game late into the night or fall asleep on the couch after watching some TV.
Day Type 4: Sundays.
Sundays I usually wake up around 9am, and if I am not already at my grandfather's house, he drives over to my house to pick up the dog, my brother and I. When I get to the house, I go on the computer once again, usually just grinding out League of Legends game or playing SC2. I have waffles for breakfast again.
Around Lunchtime My brother takes over the computer, and I have a lunch consisting of Kielbasa slices, Ritz crackers and toasted waffles. It may not sound like a filling lunch, but it does it's job.
I usually switch back onto the computer around 4, playing until my parents arrive to have dinner.
My grandfather cooks dinner for the entire family, and we all eat at the dining table. Afterwards I usually go back to the computer and finish up whatever I was doing, and my parents/brother/grandfather sit in the living room discussing whatever crosses their minds (currently the NHL playoffs).
We leave between 6-7 PM, and when I get home I continue with my usually forum/games.
Theres also homework somewhere in there, not sure where though.
So yeah, thanks for reading my blog, and I am looking forward to my next 1k posts.
PS. I am so glad to get rid of that reaver icon, no more shall I remember bad memories from BW of going 3-120-6 because of them. DTs are much more happy memories for me.