I have seriously lost all motivation to do anything. And by anything, I mean almost anything/everything. My past few weeks have been so damn boring & pathetic. They have consisted of sleeping from 6 am to 3 pm, waking up and eating dinner with family at 5 pm and then sit in front of the computer doing god knows what for 12 hours before heading back to bed. Sprinkle in a little bit of going to school with 0 sleep as well as working about one and half hours a day to support myself and there's my life for the past 4 weeks.
I look forward to absolutely nothing except Wednesdays when new comics come out and that is it. My weeks consist of be just waiting for Wednesday, the day I can go buy new comics and enjoy my 3-4 hours of reading. Then I do it all again and wait for another 7 days. It is absolutely pathetic and I know it, but I haven't changed my habits at all.
I honestly don't know what to blame for this. The only think I can think of that brought on this lack of motivation is my sleep schedule getting all fucked up (yet again) and not running/cycling in the morning like I used to anymore. I don't know why I stopped doing that, either. It was an integral part of my day. Something that got me jump started, so to speak, and motivated to do other things. I just stopped doing it out of the blue and now I feel like shit and wake up tired every day.
This blog is fucking pathetic. I feel bad for myself now. Class in 4 hours and a paper is due as well. Yay for another day of no sleep while going to class....................................
My life is like this sometimes too. We'll never know why.
welcome to my life. cept im inbetween jobs, so i wake up and sit on a pc all day until sleep. ;-;
Make friends and go out more.
find someone to run or work out with you. might help with your social life and motivation
You're not the only one bro. Not sure what to do about it to be honest, though in my case fixing my sleep schedule, diet or computer time didn't make a difference. Don't feel pathetic though, shit like this happens all the time to everyone. Maybe it's the winter, the hormones, or just a lack of fun things to do or people to hang out with. It'll change for the better sooner or later, like it always does. After rain comes sunshine, you know?
Maybe you are birned out? or are you stressing about something?
Is there some kind of issue that's causing stress or conflict within yourself? Is there something uncomfortable going on at home, or some stressor within family/home behaviour? How do you view the world and your problems? You might want to think about how you actually cognise the issues you're talking about. Last, what do you want to do with your life? What gives you meaning?
you feel like shit because you're not cycling anymore.....so start cycling again?
I know it's a blog but it just seems liek such a useless post, you're not gonna get help from people who don't know you at all.
EDIT: look up poverty around the world, maybe seeing people with worse lives will make you feel better about yours
I don't get it. Is there a problem in your post? I didnt see any.
Well, the only advice that I can give you, since I practice sports every day, is to force yourself into doing something.
Even if it's just a 10 minutes run or a 20 minutes walk, it can really "turn the tides" of your day. And also, get out of your house, hang out with friends, your life will get less boring and depressing in no time.
Hope it helps.
On March 29 2011 23:06 Navane wrote: I don't get it. Is there a problem in your post? I didnt see any. Hahaha.
I'm kind of in your shoes -- been feeling really fatigued and lacking motivation. Last week I fell asleep in my regular clothes with the lights on and music playing like 3 nights in a row... ugh. Been eating on a non-regular schedule and haven't been to the gym in days when usually I go quite often. I'm giving myself until the end of this week to be a slob and then next week I'm going to get my act together, especially by starting my gym workout schedule again. If I were you I would force myself to start your cycling/running regime again. That should kick start your day and give you the energy/focus to get your shit back on track.