iNcontroL fighting!
My original line doesn't really sum up all I meant to say. iNcontroL, really this situation is the result of moving from the role of a player, to a major ESPORTS personality. Unfortunate timing, and a few missteps really created a big stir. I can see how people were/are offended by what happened. However, I believe that their was no ill intent, and forgiveness is definitely warranted. A lot of what caused the controversy, your humour and attitude in general, is a great part of why you are such an awesome guy- please don't change! With that said, I reiterate:
iNcontroL fighting!!
You're the kind of guy that loves to spark up drama it kinda sucks that you have to repress that for the sake of people's notion of professionalism.
Do it for ESPORTS!
Don't see the big deal about the kelly thing, as that was done in jest and you guys are friends..And restreaming gsl wasn't that big a deal as you shut it off when told to.
But it seems people are pissed about the Huko incident of all things >.>, I'm just a neutral observer in this one cause I don't really know how it went down besides hearing the perspectives of yourself and Huko.
Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes!
yayyyyyyy iNcontrolllll i have no idea what hapened because i havent lurked the forums in ahwile but i forgive youuuuuuuu
Hyrule18943 Posts
You should write her a letter of apology on some paper and mail it.
United States12546 Posts
Sorry to see it bothering you so much Geoff. It's the Internet, and if there is a trendy thing to "hate," they're going to latch on to it and run with it because nothing feels better to nerds than to feel like they're doing "justice" behind their computer screens. It's really unfortunate, but it's best to ignore the hate machine. Even the Kelly hate machine has somewhat blown over for the time being. This is just a byproduct mainly due to Reddit's system (the core of all the disagreements lately). All the naysayers will be upvoted, while the supporters are downvoted, so it just seems like the world is against you. Taking legitimate opinions from a mob like that is foolish. This mob are the same people who think TL moderation is too harsh and believe that the forum interface here is "clutterred and unintuitive".
There is no denying restreaming GSL was a extremely poor decision (I woke up and checked the news and was like "lol that is bad PR") but there's no reason to linger over it. It wasn't too big a deal to begin with IMO and its just something people utilized to catalyze their established disagreements. Their were always people who disagreed with your personality for a long time (before NASL). It's just a convenient target that you're associated with NASL, but really underlying it all is predetermined whining.
It's obvious that there are people out there that already have their opinions formed about you, and trying to change those opinions are a vain effort - again it's the Internet. There are some people who get your "humor" and others who don't, and trying to win the hearts and minds of every eSports nerds out there is impossible. It was obvious when people started calling your apologies "sarcastic" that they've always been disagreeing with you, and it was just the appropriate time to publically lash out.
My rambling aside, my point is to take a point out of Tyler's book and just chill. It wasn't a big deal to begin with except for already established haters blowing it way out of proportions. I highly doubt that this will effect NASL's success, since these drama things always blow over (refer to SC2 NO LAN hate, buying GSL tickets hate, Kelly hate, etc). If people want to not support probably the biggest chance eSports has in the west due to some really minuscule political Internet drama, then they care a lot more about their entitlement rather than the passion of the game.
Keep up the good work Geoff!
I do find it funny that our culture is has shifted towards putting more stock in who said something rather than putting more stock in what was said. Keep being yourself and if that turns some people off, then too bad for them. I can't wait to see all the greatness that comes out of the NASL even if you can't seem to figure out that an individual league should not have rules about teams Just kidding I know you will figure a way to work it out.
USA29055 Posts
was writing this ffrom my iphone and the format sucked so I got my fat ass up and went to a terminal in the hotel and wrote it. So the first 10 replies in this thread are seeing a broken iphone attempt at writing this
It is complete now.
The restream was bad, But I think you're a good guy. I'm still your fan, man. (:
Personally I thought the mocking was funny. Restreaming GSL was obviously stupid but I'm sure it will blow over soon enough.
Boo serious iNcontrol! Long live inappropriate sarcastic and awesome iNcontrol!
What's the point of growing ESPORTS if it loses it's heart and soul along the way .
It was fair backlash. You can't build a reputation by being big-mouthed and walking the line without getting burnt from time to time. But if this kind of strategy (or personality?) can make you a big name on the SC2 scene, i'm not sure it is going to help a new born gaming franchise...
But it was also pretty disgusting to see Huko making a fuzz of all this in other sites. What a petty guy.
look, you are who you are and people like/dislike you for that.
For example take DJ Wheat, he is able to commentate professionally for big events, but OUTSIDE of that he still does alot of eSports related stuff, and doesnt have to stiffle his personality, curb his sense of humour or censor himself in any way.
just be yourself, and dont do this
But what it does mean is I will reduce my community exposure outside of the NASL.
because then youll be taking away alot of what this community expects and likes of you. we want to see you involved in eSports even more then you are now, because you will be this figure head.
incoherencey aside,
GL HF with NASL.
I'm glad that you're going to step up the professionalism to the level of your station. I'm sure you'll always be a little edgy since that's just who you are, but you did need to tone it down a bit. Very mature.
We all still love you, Geoff. Don't let a few poor decisions get the best of you. I'm always thrilled when Tuesday rolls along, because then I get to think to myself, "What the hell is iNcontroL gonna do today?!", and in the LOL way, not the OMG way.
While your public persona may have to change a bit to present the NASL in a more professional manner, I love being able to watch your stream or State of the Game, and laugh along with hundreds of other people at your antics.
Don't change too much, Geoff!
Honestly I think it got blown out of proportion, but I may be biased because I dig you. I don't know how to say that without any sort of homo-eroticism attached... /shrug
Either way, I think that honestly the hate is amplified because it is riding behind the Kelly hate, which is also kind of unfortunate because I think that was blown out of proportion as well. Let's face it - there's a lot of nerds in the StarCraft community and nerds are characteristically defined by their passion towards something. StarCraft is something worth being very passionate about.
I, for one, hope you don't change too much because then I'll have a reason to be genuinely upset with the community I enjoy being a part of.
Stay gold, Ponyboy.
Baltimore, USA22249 Posts
I will always love you big guy.