1. At the beginning of the game, it is generally wise to scout the other player(s) base thoroughly but
probing too hard might result in an irritated opponent. Find the sensitive information and you will both
be off to a good start.
2. Rushing is typically not appreciated by the other player due to the lack of satisfaction the
player recieves when the game is over so soon. This may be acceptable however if the available
amount of time to play is limited.
3. Be careful when attacking because sometimes pushing too far into the other players base might
cause your army to explode resulting in a pre-emptive gg.
4. Cheesing the other player by for example slipping a cannon in the players backside without any warning is probably not a good idea and might very well cause a raqequit, no gg and no rematch.
5. The optimal game is often where each player is allowed to macro up, do a lot of probing/harassing on the other players base which results in both players being happy and exhausted at the end of the game.
6. Usually it is up to one of the players to do most of the attacking. The best result is acheived
by this player thrusting their army into the opponents base, retreating, attacking again, etc...
7. Multiple players in the same game is often for more casual gaming and isn't taken quite
as seriously as 1v1. This game mode is acceptable as long as everyone in the game is okay before
the game gets started. With an ample warning, a player getting attacking from the front while being
harassed in the back of their base will still be able to enjoy the game. Most players want to be in the
Masters league for 1v1 and don't care too much what league they are in for the other modes.
8. High apm is an excellent trait to have in this game because fast moving fingers can be the key
to success.
9. There are a few different ways to play this game. Fast and aggressive, slow and steady,
somewhere in between or a combination. Certain play styles don't work so great together, for example,
two slow and steady players could create a very boring and long game. Any spectators will probably
not wait to see the end of the game.
10. Players often don't use their real name in this game. Aliases such as longdongsilver are both
clever and if true, much appreciated by the other player.