i guess i'm fustrated about all this. i try something then i always see someone trying to undermine my efforts in doing so.
ok, so now thats out of the way i'll explain. i came to the bw community not to long ago (post sc2 launch) and i love the game, and i love the competition, and the people are mostly great. but whats always bothering me is no matter what i do, no matter what we try to do, bw is going to die it seems. there is no hope. i have worked on things, trying to get people to particpate in revival of bw, but its all in vian. working on project replay has been stressfull too, but again, seems all in vain because nobody seems to give a damn about bw anymore. its all about sc2, and even now people are trying to destroy the bw community by placing sc2 threads in bw forums (i got a warning for posting too much for trying to bury a thread)
so should i just give up on trying to work on project replay, or even try to start things and get balls rolling. should i just admit to myself that bw is dead and never will be what i would have loved to see it be (what it was 2 years ago) i guess i just should give in and decide i cannot try to change things, i should admit defeat and just not care, just vreak my discs and delete the 50k plus replays i'll been able to amass over the weeks working on project replays, becuase in the years to come, nobody will give a damn about the history of starcraft anymore.
i guess i'm fustrated with things in general, i guess i would like thigns a certain way and they won't happen. i guess we cannot repeat history.
Relax yo, bw will never die. Look at warcraft 2, people still play that game.
If you enjoy starting projects and trying to incite people to play broodwar, by all means do so. If it frustrates you though perhaps you should just play and enjoy the game for what it currently is, by doing that you're still contributing to the game's community.
Cheers for playing the best game ever made =D! I'm really glad you enjoy it ^.^
You need to cut down on all of the gloom and doom man, it's almost like you've already given up no matter what we tell you. BW and Starcraft as a whole will never die, fans like us will always be around to support and appreciate it. Don't give up hope, your work and support are not in vain!
As long as the pro scene in Korea is going strong, which it is right now, BW scene will never die. Maybe the western scene, if that's what you're talking about, but imo the pro BW scene won't die for a long time, and as a result the scene won't die
BW will never die bro, NEVER, because of how amazing it is, I sent you a PM, check your mail. 
Keep ya head up !!
BW won't die as long as BW in Korea is alive! But don't give up! I support you and you're desire to "revive" BW.
As long as koreans want to watch bw, bw won't die. BW is still > than sc2 in kr so I don't see it going away anytime soon due to sc2. Outside of KR bw is pretty dead though... I don't think too much can revive it. I think people who work on projects like the missing TLPD vods, stream or do translations a lot are EXTREMELY appreciated but its hard to tell because people don't mention it. Rest assured, if you give back to the community, people do appreciate it. Its up to you whether or not you think its worth it or not though.
How can BW die? Fucking EPIC showdown tomorrow night, I'm so pumped..
Wait, bw is dying? did I miss the memo?
What ? Look at the incredible games last night for the MSL ro8 ? Look at people actively working on TLPD ? Look at iccup offering a nice ladder system for free ?
Sure sponsors have all switched to sc2, but what matters for me, and if you truely love BW, that's what should matter for you as well : - I wanna watch competitive play, I have the amazing korean scene. - I wanna play, I have iccup, a ladder working well, highly skilled, with a nice map pool and around 1000 people online at any given time, which is enough.
As long as I will have iccup and PL/SL, BW will be fully alive for me.
As long there's people playing it, BW will never die. BW has survived for +12 years and will continue to do so. I'm sure BW will outlive sc2wol.
Is it depressing that players like Idra, InControl, Ret, and other foreigners who used to play broodwar will probably never/can't come back to BW? yes. Is it depressing that an up and coming BW phenomenon like the CSL immediately sold themselves out to SC 2? yes. But is BW going to die? no. There are people who stuck with BW from the start, and now we are even seeing people coming back to BW after trying out SC 2.
United States7481 Posts
On January 28 2011 11:42 masterbreti wrote: i guess i'm fustrated about all this. i try something then i always see someone trying to undermine my efforts in doing so.
ok, so now thats out of the way i'll explain. i came to the bw community not to long ago (post sc2 launch) and i love the game, and i love the competition, and the people are mostly great. but whats always bothering me is no matter what i do, no matter what we try to do, bw is going to die it seems. there is no hope. i have worked on things, trying to get people to particpate in revival of bw, but its all in vian. working on project replay has been stressfull too, but again, seems all in vain because nobody seems to give a damn about bw anymore. its all about sc2, and even now people are trying to destroy the bw community by placing sc2 threads in bw forums (i got a warning for posting too much for trying to bury a thread)
so should i just give up on trying to work on project replay, or even try to start things and get balls rolling. should i just admit to myself that bw is dead and never will be what i would have loved to see it be (what it was 2 years ago) i guess i just should give in and decide i cannot try to change things, i should admit defeat and just not care, just vreak my discs and delete the 50k plus replays i'll been able to amass over the weeks working on project replays, becuase in the years to come, nobody will give a damn about the history of starcraft anymore.
i guess i'm fustrated with things in general, i guess i would like thigns a certain way and they won't happen. i guess we cannot repeat history.
I strongly disagree that bw is dying. It may not be at the same strength it maybe has been in the past, but it still has quite some life left in it.
I also take issue to your comments that people are trying to "destroy the bw community". Sure, there are a few, but no more than there are bw die-hards who go into sc2 forums/threads and trash it and say it never should have happened/deserves to die/etc. Those people are the bad apples of the scene, and should juts be ignored. Finally, spam bumping to bury a thread is something deserving of a warning. Why not just report the thread for being in the wrong place and let the mods handle it? How do you know it was intentional and not a simple mistake?
BW is not dead and will not die. Stop being to gloom and depressed about it and HOP ON FUCKING ICCUP AND LET'S RACE WARS
On January 28 2011 12:25 Grobyc wrote: BW is not dead and will not die. Stop being to gloom and depressed about it and HOP ON FUCKING ICCUP AND LET'S RACE WARS Race wars. I feel that.
I feel that if anyhting bw has been stronger recently in both foreign and korean scenes.
What you're seeing is just the community taking an interest to this new shiny game with the word Starcraft in it's title. That's fine, I play it too (but don't watch), people want to watch GSL etc to learn the strats and whatnot.
This is the new generation of gamers, the same kind which have subscribed to WoW in the millions to level up in 2 days and do the same thing the entire expansion. I deal with it too, trying to show my group of WoW/SC2 friends plays of BW and such, and they get dismissed as simply "good" plays or even worse, horrible graphics (I showed them the Flash v Mind analysis video from "The Ultimate Weapon" article on TL, the 09/10 highlights videos). Only one of them has bothered to *try* it out and has been enjoying himself thus far. They just don't know what they're missing.
Pretty sure BW has been considered dead outside of Korea for a while now (in the sense that people don't play it as much as they do SC2 now). What matters to us is the Korean Proscene yeah? PL/OSL/MSL is still going, the players are still passionate about the game from interviews, people still care - look at how many people posted about Violet, even NeverGG offered to make a card even though she hasn't done one in ages. Have you watched the streams and heard the Stork chants? It's almost like it's some soccer game instead of a "nerd" sport.
I agree with OP on the SC2 trolls though, if I had made a post for each person who has gone into the BW streams saying "hey what's this game, it has horrible graphics" or "what game is this? this isn't sc2", or in player retirement threads like forGG's saying that they hope he should switch to SC2 - which is like a slap in the face when people are saddened by the news (omg you guys lost a player, plz come to sc2 now), I'd be konadora (no offense kona).
Sure, the TL BW community has lost some of its strength, but BW isn't dead, I know it, you know it, GuemChi knows it.
Keep it up with your dedication~ I appreciate everyone's efforts.
You wouldn't be making this thread unless you knew the answer to your own question. Everything in your OP hinted at you believing that BW will die. So it seems that you feel it is true, but somewhat don't want to believe it. What we say will most likely not affect how you feel about BW and its fate, it will merely just support the notion that it will not. You've got some thinking to do man. I know at least for me, I don't think BW will die anytime soon, and I don't need to worry about that. Take it as you will.
Broodolf & Acti-Blizzzz
Broodolf: "Daddy! Nobody wants to play with me like they did in kindergarden! Now everybody says I'm ugly and that I walk funny! They're all just laughing at me. "
"Listen, Broodolf my son, let dad tell you a thing or two about life's mysteries! When I was young I was the popular guy. Everybody wanted to play with me. I was never alone, never bullied. At the time I actually thought it was the time of my life because I was oh so popular - even with the ladies. But you see, that did not make into a good person. I don't know if you actually remember, but I beat the shit out of you just yesterday my boy. My ego is bigger than my body, and the Earth is too small for me. That's also why I kicked your mom outa my god damn house. She is saying all kinds of stuff to get to see you again, like you're her son more than you are mine. I provided the damn sperm! You're mine, kiddo, forever. But back to my point. See Broodolf, in the end, the consistent beating your're going through from both me and your "friends" will eventually make you a stronger and better person than I will ever be. You will learn not to judge by what you see, but to judge by what you feel. Real beauty comes from within and you're indeed beautiful my darling, but my self respect can't stand having a questionable miracle like you as my only child. So I've decided to buy a 18 year old sex slave as a daughter. She's amazingly beautiful with skin as smooth as silk. My plan is to make her earn as much money as god damn possible. Well, someone is gonna have to pay for my pension. But enough about your sister. My point is that you have a life right in front of you, and it's only just begun. You took the beating, it made you strong. Your sister is nothing but a pretty face with outstanding potential for making money. And yeah, after I'm done with her she's probably no good for an education, so a hooker she shall be and she'll provide good money for pimp daddy Acti-Blizzzz. Now go to your room before I make your ass look like mince with my leather belt you little prick..."
And that was story about Broodolf and his father, Acti-Blizzzz.
Night night, keep your buttholes tight.
United States10328 Posts
wait hmm, OP is the dude who made some effort to try to "revive" broodwar a bunch of times right?
don't worry too much.