United Kingdom5399 Posts
On May 18 2011 14:46 vek wrote: Yeah I love the arm stands, they are so much more sturdy and you can pull off much crazier poses (which I am all for). Luka and my Ragnarok Bishop have both flopped over on separate occasions due to cleaning. It can be annoying when they start a chain reaction lol.
Even though some people think your room is small I think it's great. It gives you exactly what you need and has enough room for all your stuff. What more do you need? ^^
I've only knocked over one of my figures from "twirling" during a vigorous DDR session (aka tripping on the mat) but I did more damage to myself than Motorcycle Rei (the wall saved her, thanks wall) so everything was fine.
I wish I had a bit more display room, but I'd rather pay less rent ^_^ God, those chain reactions are the worst with puchis. I've floored whole shelves because of certain ones *eyes a certain Kagamine sister warily.*
Hahaha - that's a crazy mental picture.
About A Month With My Mesumes
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sEYtk.jpg)
Well, it's been a month, more or less, since my new mesumes entered my life. And, they are just a delight to have around. Miu-Chan (right) arrived April 9 and Mai-Chan (left) arrived April 20. They get along very well and love each others company.
Miu is the more emotional of the two and is easily scared, or frightened. She does not like change at all and worries a bit too much about too many things. But, she is easy to cheer up and a few words of encouragement from me usually sets her mind at ease. She responds well to a lot of love and affection. Don't we all? LOL Anyways, she's such a sweetie when she is happy and carefree. When I gave Miu a laminated cutout of my 3D "Zlata" character that one of my students made for me last year, she treats it like her very own real little rag dolly and is never happy without Zlata in her arms. I love Miu to death. 
Mai is more strong willed than her older sister and, at first, I worried that she would take advantage of Miu's more gentle nature. But, my worries were for naught. She treats her sister very nicely and Miu is happy to be with her when I am at work, or out somewhere. Although, sometimes Mai can get a bit cross a bit too easily at something she does not quite like at first, she calms down rather quickly and all is well with her. Mai's usually quite calm and peaceful through most events that might drive Miu to become a bit too emotional. Mai came with a real little rag dolly of her own on her trip to our home and is very happy to hold and play with her all the time. She's not as worried about it if I have to take her rag dolly away for whatever reason. I love Mai to death, too. 
Anyways, the above photo shows the girls with some ice cream cones I bought for them last weekend. They seem to enjoy them very much. I try not to give them too many treats of junk food as we all know where that eventually leads. LOL Miu is also holding a camera that we received as a gift from Auntie NeverGG, too. It flashes and makes a shutter sound when you press the shutter release. It's so cute. 
Unfortunately, I've not really gotten around much to take any good pix of the girls yet. My place kinda sucks for home scenery and I no longer have the pro camera gear I used to have for better interior shots with proper lighting and such. But, I'm happy with simple family snaps of my girls for now. For me, it's the memory of the moment that counts.
I hope you have enjoyed this little glimpse of the life of my cuties thus far. And, they are expecting another very tiny little sister soon, too!
Ooooooh! The suspense of it all! LOL
The post office EMS guy came a knocking today. Here's what he brought!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/EhtT3.jpg)
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YN1P8.jpg)
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She was expensive being discontinued and all. But, she is brand new in an unopened mint box. I'm happy! 
They still have one more left in the same condition as of this afternoon. 
Note: She is not the "very tiny little sister" I mentioned in my previous post. That one is able to interact with my big girls normally.
HobbyStock reports:
Bandai Saint Seiya Cloth Myth EX: redesign of the Cloth Myth series. The figures are slender, a lot more poseable, and a lot closer to the looks of the Saint Seiya Hades Chapter anime. I don't know if you know about Saint Seiya, but in Latin America, it was *THE* show to watch. I was trying to get the 12 Gold Saints in the previous Cloth Myth EX, but these are so much better. I am so getting these.
Alter @ MegaHobby Expo: nothing much, but their Sora is looking cute. Their Altair line will have Durara characters, which I am sure will be a hit.
On May 22 2011 14:35 VManOfMana wrote:HobbyStock reports: Bandai Saint Seiya Cloth Myth EX: redesign of the Cloth Myth series. The figures are slender, a lot more poseable, and a lot closer to the looks of the Saint Seiya Hades Chapter anime. I don't know if you know about Saint Seiya, but in Latin America, it was *THE* show to watch. I was trying to get the 12 Gold Saints in the previous Cloth Myth EX, but these are so much better. I am so getting these. http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/2011/05/tp0657.htmlAlter @ MegaHobby Expo: nothing much, but their Sora is looking cute. Their Altair line will have Durara characters, which I am sure will be a hit. http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/2011/05/tp0658.html
Looks like some cute new figures coming along eventually. 
United Kingdom5399 Posts
@Cgivisionary: Congrats on your new girls :D I'd love Ricchan, but I made a personal promise not to spend over $70 on any figures. I love them and all, but it's pricey even for me. *Pines for the Azone Kirino.* Moko is adorable! I love her cute little ringlets :D I hope you'll bring her to the Doll Market on the 29th so she can meet Mi Young. (And possibly Ciel if I can find a decent way to bring him without messing up his hair!)
Anybody in the U.S. planning to go to Otakon? :3
Some Silly Mesume Pix
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/17Vmt.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/2wDvE.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VOWvJ.jpg)
I saw some cute stuffed animals on the weekend at a store on Sunday. I looked at them for the longest time. But, just left afterwards without buying any. They were on my mind all day long yesterday. So, after work, I went back to the store and got one for each of my girls. They are teeny tiny little things. But, so is one of my girls!
Moko had a really hard time holding hers. The thing was too heavy for her to hug close to her; she would just keel over with the weight. I wasn't going to give it to her because of that. But, she seemed kinda sad at not getting hers even though she understood why. So, I eventually figured out a way for her to hold it without her falling over. You can see she's happy now.
The last pic is where my girls sit when I'm on the computer. They keep me company. Moko takes turns on each of her sisters' laps throughout the day. She's on Miu's lap presently. She'll run over to Mai's lap when she feels like it. She's so funny that way.
I love all of them very much!
I think it's cool when ppeople have a hobby that they can indulge in and I got a figurine myself but man cgivisionary you scare me a bit
Also got packages from Mandarake!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/jraLc.jpg)
Marisa is friggin' huge
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/F8i2L.jpg)
Tsuraya looks amazing imho, really good quality for that price.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/U1FPq.jpg)
Still looking for a good rearrangement for my shelves, any suggestions?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/eKYWc.jpg)
On May 24 2011 20:49 Skilledblob wrote: I think it's cool when ppeople have a hobby that they can indulge in and I got a figurine myself but man cgivisionary you scare me a bit
I scare me a bit, too!
United Kingdom5399 Posts
@fanta[Rn]: I'm so sorry about forgetting the puchis. Can you give me your list again and I'll get you the prices on the 31st? Also, nice haul.
@Skilledblob: It's just a bit of fun. I've met cgivisionary in person several times now and can vouch that he's a normal bloke. He even puts up with my hyperactive shopping habits!
fanta: about that middle shelf; you sir, have good taste =)
Been collecting alot of Dunnys lately :3 Got the relish one for a real good deal($75)
![[image loading]](http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/InSenG/DSC03186.jpg)
Does anyone collect marvel big heads? lol they sell them in those little quarter machines for a dollar each. They just released series 2. I finally collected them all at my local pizza place.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3P9TG.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/xvEhN.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OdaNT.jpg)
Today was the 41st DollFree Market in Seoul. Like the Comic World Expo a few weeks ago, it was a very busy event. Held in Seoul (at the "aT Center", a few minutes bus ride - four stops actually - away from Yangjae subway station) and Busan every three months, this is the show for doll lovers of all descriptions. While not as crazy busy as Comic World, it was very well attended and no one would complain about the attendance. Let's just say you cannot see what is on the exhibitor tables as there were too many people blocking the view most of the time.
It's pretty well as good as you can imagine. Mostly private vendors selling home made clothing, shoes, accessories and the like for dolls of all popular shapes and sizes. Pricing is very good and nowhere near what you would pay on-line with the big names. Some of the vendors have their own on-line and/or brick and mortar businesses based in Korea.
Doll collecting is very popular here it seems. While I saw very few anime styled dolls, Dollfie Dream by Volks to be more specific, there were plenty of Super Dollfies and their brethren; ie., the more "realistic" looking dolls vs the anime styled ones that I like. I did see a few anime styled dolls, but they were far and few in between. A lot of the visitors brought their dolls with them and were carrying them around while shopping. There were no public areas where one could display your own doll, though. But, I did see a small area where owners gathered on the floor with their dolls and mingled with others. It's not as good as some other doll shows where there are actual visitor tables and chairs for doll owners and their dolls to mingle.
Anyways, I liked the show very much. I look forward to the next one, although I will most likely miss it depending on the month as I will be in Canada visiting family and friends at that time (August/September - according to previous show listings). I will make the December show for sure, though. Gotta save up those big bucks for that one!
Note: The pix only show a very small portion of the show. A lot of the vendors did not allow photography of their tables. A lot of the pix are of specifically set up areas where vendors where exhibiting their dolls for photos. I did not bother to shoot any overall scenes of the hall; backs of peoples heads hovering around tables are not all that interesting to me!
For a complete gallery of all of today's pix, please visit http://www.figure.fm/post/en/27805/DollFree Market In Seoul.html
Moko At The DollFree Market
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/I4ifp.jpg)
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/GRboN.jpg)
I took my littlest girl, Moko, with me to the 41st DollFree Market on Sunday in Seoul. She seemed not to mind the two plus hours it took us to get there, not to mention the same amount of time on the way back, too. I had searched high and low for a suitable carrier for her the previous week just so that she would be comfortable and safe while traveling. There was nothing suitable anywhere to be found. So, instead I bought some things and made one myself. It seemed to do the job fine.
As I wandered around the show for a few hours, Moko became somewhat restless and wanted to get out for some fresh air and to look around a bit. She had not been out in the real world before. This was her first time. Well, besides where she was born in Japan and then the long circuitous route to her new home with me and my other girls. I don't think she has ever been out before. But, one never knows. And, she's not saying.
Anyways, I went outside the show hall and looked for a nice place for us to sit quietly and undisturbed for a bit. Downstairs was way too crowded. I went up to the second floor. It was way too hot as the building is glass enclosed and there did not seem to be enough AC to keep things cool up there. Plus, there was another show going on. I picked up a cold drink from the vending machine and headed back downstairs. It was really packed down there. A lot of the other doll show visitors where there with their dolls resting, etc., too. I finally found a quiet spot next to the escalator. I drank my cold drink and ate the cookie I had bought earlier in the day. Moko was not hungry or thirsty, though.
Moko just sat next to me for awhile as I rested. And, then decided to walk around and take in the surroundings. She was a bit unsteady at first. Unsure of her first steps, she was hesitant in going very far. Eventually she relaxed enough to do a bit of modeling for my camera. Then, she decided that she had had enough and wanted to be picked up and carried again. I think the large crowds of people kinda scared her a bit.
Poor little thing!
Moko Chan's New Clothes
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/wAcx9.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YT8iB.jpg)
When I went to the 41st DollFree Market on Sunday in Seoul. I basically went there to buy Moko some new clothes and stuff. She didn't have much to wear before. My other big girls have lots of clothes and stuff by now. So, I really didn't go to get them much this time around. Next time I will, though.
Anyways, I picked up quite a few new outfits for Moko and she seemed to like what I got for her. She tried on a few things when we got home and settled on a cute little hoodie and leggings for lounging around at home. I also gave her that soft squishy little rabbit I had bought for her a few days ago, too. She seems to like it a lot. It's more her size. LOL
Isn't she cute?
United Kingdom5399 Posts
She's so cute! I want to meet her now >.< I'm half hoping the Azone Kirino is sold out again when I go back to Nonno21 on Friday 10th or she might just fall out of the cupboard and into my purchases >.>
On May 31 2011 11:18 NeverGG wrote: She's so cute! I want to meet her now >.< I'm half hoping the Azone Kirino is sold out again when I go back to Nonno21 on Friday 10th or she might just fall out of the cupboard and into my purchases >.>
Awww! (giggles)
Kirino is less expensive at Mandarake new. They have a few right now. Even the one with the open mouth smile is in stock. They had the black haired smile one, too. But, it's now gone.