The writer will upload a review of Alter Natsume Takashi soon. The figure is amazingly detailed. I helped out in the photoshoot and it was very fun! Can't wait to see the photos.
Yeah it's the 2.0 version. I decided I liked the ":D" face (for lack of a better description) better than the 1.0 version. I am planning to get the rest of the Alter Hyakka Ryouran girls eventually but I am still way over my figure budget from last month - they will have to wait a little while.
I'll look forward to the Natsume Takashi review. I love Alter's figures so much heheh.
The 1.0 version is pretty great too so you still did well.
I don't have too much coming in April/May (that I remember...) June is the killer for me. It's so big I have money saved away for it already. Mostly caused by the 1/4 Freeing Lucky Star figures... I preordered them all hohoho.
On April 29 2011 16:07 fanta[Rn] wrote: Ma Dizzy is already in Vienna, I'm expecting her today~~
I was hoping I would get mine today too but unfortunately my package is awaiting inspection by the customs commissioner. Seems to only happen randomly but it always adds on a couple of days to delivery T_T
Apr 29 8:30 Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner MELBOURNE D AUSTRALIA
Annoying when it happens but not much you can do about random inspections
I only get that message very occasionally, most of the time my packages go straight through customs and to the courier almost as soon as they arrive in the country. I think packages only get thouroughly inspected here if they suspect the value is wrong or the contents have been mislabeled.
I forget the normal message but its something like "arrival at customs" then "dispatch from inbound office" or something.
Sucks you have to pay tax too. There is a push by greedy retailers for imported goods under $1000 AUD to be taxed here at the moment (currently isn't). There is severe opposition from consumers because retail is such a massive ripoff at the moment and many people have turned to the internet. Our dollar is strong but we aren't seeing any savings locally.
On May 03 2011 01:15 fanta[Rn] wrote: Got Dizzy today, had to pay 33€ to customs... fuck yes austria So bizzare, they're even taking the shipment fee into calculation...
Wow! Sounds like Canada Customs to me. I HATE those bloodsuckers! One of the reasons I left.
Anyways, nice figure. Do those ghosts/demons detach from the figure? Can she be displayed without them? Or will there be a "hole" in her back somewhere if they are not attached?
On May 03 2011 10:22 VManOfMana wrote: Holes in the back, from her shoulder blades. The character has a white and a black wing, which transform into the characters.
You can pose her without the wings, but they are a pretty integral part of the character's design.
Ah! Ok. Thanks. She is cute, but those "wings" scare me!
Well, she is half-human, half-Gear (monster), so the innocent + scary look is the intended effect. I guess it did work out =)
The best way to explain it is in the game itself.
In-game fight:
The footage is from the highest-level tournament in Japan, so it may be a bit hard to follow. Still you can see how her wings transform to attack. Undine (blue, pink in the fight) usually does ranged/zoning attacks, while necro (black, orange in the fight) does melee attacks.
I've been browsing Mandarake, as I do every day, and found two gems that I ordered: Tsuraya-san! Finally. got her for 3000 yen and decided to go for SAL this time. I don't feel like paying 40€ for shipping + customs again. I hope SAL makes it through.
Well, it was just another day of figure shopping today. And, here are the cuties for today above. As you can see, the cuties consist of a "normal" figure and a few Nendoroids. I was also very lucky today as NonNo21's website listed Sengoku Nadeko as being sold out. I really wanted her after reading a recent review of her. She's such a sweet little cutie.
Unfortunately, I also went a bit overboard with all my shopping the past few weekends and have now already spent July's (What!) budget for figures and Dollfie stuff, etc. So, what else is new? Anyways, there won't be anything new posted until August at the earliest. If there is, though, you can have me committed!
Plus, I have now exceeded the maximum capacity of my figure storage box and am wondering how I am going to move everything when the time comes to move. I guess I will need another box by that time. Although, the trip back to Canada one day will be very expensive with all the boxes of stuff. And, of course, any trip back to another country to work will also be very expensive yet again as I have no place to store any of my things back in Canada. How did I get myself into such a mess! I guess it's called LIFE!
I need to stay away from NonNo21 and Volks.
For the rest of the pix, please see my blog post here (text is the same ,tho):