On January 19 2011 03:32 Lexpar wrote:I should try to quit coffee. It's such a crutch. Get 5 hours of sleep because of own masochistic SC playing? Eh coffee. Anyone else quitting stuff? Maybe for New Years? I should quit drinks I think. They are bad. Not that I drink very much. ![[image loading]](http://www.theinductive.com/storage/post-images/380px-Rational_scale_to_assess_the_harm_of_drugs_mean_physical_harm_and_mean_dependence.svg.png?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1256239221464) Switch to Cannabis? Or just get off and not switch to another addiction that cost money, and is of no good value to your self
That pretty much sums up my opinion of Cannabis before I tried Cannabis.
And what is your opinion of it now? That it is a bigger waste of time and money than you expected or that you didn't realize how much damage it does to the body?
I have also quit smoking. I quit smoking Black&Mild cigars. I've been smoking 1/4 of a cigar every week. Not a big addiction but, never too early to quit.
On January 19 2011 03:32 Lexpar wrote:I should try to quit coffee. It's such a crutch. Get 5 hours of sleep because of own masochistic SC playing? Eh coffee. Anyone else quitting stuff? Maybe for New Years? I should quit drinks I think. They are bad. Not that I drink very much. ![[image loading]](http://www.theinductive.com/storage/post-images/380px-Rational_scale_to_assess_the_harm_of_drugs_mean_physical_harm_and_mean_dependence.svg.png?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1256239221464) Switch to Cannabis? Wait what... GHB that low on physical harm, do you realise how easy it is to kill yourself with GHB? But I guess being dead doesn't count as physical harm.
I didn't make the graph, nor have I ever used any of the substances besides Alcohol and Cannabis. It seems about right though. I think it's quite idealized. For instance, Ecstasy as a chemical drug might be pretty safe, but that's only if you didn't buy it from a skeevy guy in a club and it's actually a cocktail of nasty drugs and animal feces. Do you see what I mean? Idealized.
My opinion of Cannabis? Lots of fun, cheap, a great way to relax. Have you tried weed, out of curiosity? It's very easy to accept the sterile facts: recreational drug use is a waste of time and money. So is almost everything I enjoy. Starcraft? Waste of time and money. Movies? Waste of time and money Etc. If you don't acknowledge any of the positive effects these things can have, then the argument that "they are a dangerous waste of time and money and nothing else" seems stronger than it is.
If this is for cigarettes, way to go man! If this is for weed, wtf are you thinking dude?
179 Posts
i quit 16 days ago, it peaked around 75 hours (insane headache, fever, illness) and ive been on codeine quite a lot to get by.
after 6 days the headaches were gone but i started to feel really depressed. ive had ~12 cigs in the last 10 days, tho ~8 of them were barely inhaled and instead just for satisfying a habit (only put them to my mouth because they were lying around). this "lapse" was mostly because the depression and weakened emotional state fucks with you. i did have a beer and found it absolutely necessary to have 1 cig because of that. 2 beers and i would have needed 2.
my tips:
1. dont bother going cold turkey straight away, itll kill you. dwindle down to 2 a day for a week before stopping altogether. you absolutely NEED codeine (painkiller) to deal with the headaches (cant move otherwise, let alone get to work)
2. get antidepressants in preparation for the aftermarth. dont leave it to the last minute like me, then get told theres no available doctors appointments for a week
3. if you have some party or event coming up where you'll drink, dont bother to quit until its passed. you've got plenty of time (years) to quit, might aswell get the timing of it semi decent
4. its absolutely okay to have a ciggie every so often when you're feeling shitty. it isn't a race to quit, theres no reason to make yourself feel like shit, so give in and have a few every few days if you need to. if you dont think about it in this relaxed and casual and positive manner then you'll be far more likely to just outright give up and start binging on cigs again.
5. HOWEVER you absolutely CANT keep tobacco in the house. if you want to chill out and have 2-3 ciggies coz you're finding it a bit hard and are feeling depressed, then you absolutely MUST get rid of the ones you dont intend to smoke, ASAP. just take out 2-3 from the pack and give the rest to some random person in the shop as soon as you buy them.
6. um i guess avoid threads like these and gangsta programs where you see a cool awesome guy smokin a cig and think "omgggggggggg i wanna be a ganstaaaaaa *tokes on the air wistfully*"
7. dont expect ANY sympathy from your coworkers who havent smoked or tried to quit before, theyre just not capable of relating or caring. plus a lot of people will be like "oh yeah i used to smoke but quit last year. was easy, i just stopped and that was that. dunno what the fuss was all about." its not worth telling anyone unless you find someone who found it hard to quit and will genuinely support you. nobody else gives a FUCK when you're ill with the flu and feel like you're DYING for a week; itll be a bit like that
179 Posts
On January 19 2011 11:18 TheKing. wrote: And what is your opinion of it now? That it is a bigger waste of time and money than you expected or that you didn't realize how much damage it does to the body?
as far as i can figure out, its not much money ($250 a year) if you smoke pouch tobacco (altho you have to be a millionaire to smoke normal cigarettes every day).