Do what you enjoy. Getting your weekends back won't mean squat if you are hating your life M-F.
Why can't you combine both the cooking job and the social life? Even with the increase in hours, 32-39 hours a week doesn't seem to be imcompatible with a healthy social life.
erm.. isn't 32-39 hours a week less than a 9-5 job?
i'm sorry if this sounds kinda harsh, but its the impression i got:
you state your current social life is seeing two people at work, which you already call more or less non-existant. So it seems like you don't really need to worry about losing something you don't have. So to me it feels a little like this "reason" against staying at your current job is somewhat an excuse you made up for yourself.
So i'd recommend you take a moment and think about this (neither might be true, but still you should read it because if you don't think about it you won't find out): Did you make up that excuse, because you genuinely want to do the other job and try to make the idea of staying in your old one feel uncomfortable to yourself in order to get you to move on? Or did you make it up in order to represent the "outside world tells me that this is a bad thing" point of view, but you yourself don't actually think so yourself and only feel obligated to think that it is bad because you are taught that impression from outside?
in case its to make your old job seem more uncomfortable: thats plus score for changing your job.
in case its because you feel obligated to think that is a bad life: thats plus score for staying at your current job.
if both isn't true, then i'm sorry to have wasted about 5 to 10 minutes of your time ;/
Still, try this for all your arguments: think about if it is a real argument, or if it is made up to tilt you in some direction, because you want that direction and don't know how else to express it, or because you feel obligated to do so by parents/society/friends telling you that its the "right" thing. Because "right" isn't always "good"
United States41644 Posts
Come on dude, you have 5 days a week off and you don't have time to get some social interaction in there? Be honest with yourself, if you haven't gone out once over the past year then it's probably largely by your own decision. If your current friends are so extremely busy they can't possibly meet you for some drinks or coffee other than during the weekends, then it's time you seek some activity/hobby on weekdays that allows you to meet new people.
Sounds to me like you're pretty happy with your current job, except for the schedule.
To be honest, I believe you should definitely continue the job and the carreer you are pursuing at the moment. I don't think that you really want to do something else.
However, social life is important and I can see that your work-hours can make it hard to meet up with friends. On the other hand, you've still got a huge amount of free time left, that for some reason does not suffice. That leads me to believe that there is more to it.
I don't want to guess, so let me put bluntly what the facts that you did provide tell me: you should have no problem establishing an adequate social life in the free time you'll have. There are many ways to do that, not least of all is getting another, lighter job, where you do meet lots of different people. What about volunteering?
I don't know. I just have the feeling that something else entirely is holding you back and that that is the real issue. Good luck anyway.
Do what you love. Social life will work itself out.
I remember hearing some actor say: "If you wanna be successful: Be prepared to work 10 years without getting paid".
If you have a 40hrs job that you work at most of the week, that means you're loaded when you want to party. Stick with your job, shit will work itself out.
On December 07 2010 06:14 hifriend wrote: Come on dude, you have 5 days a week off and you don't have time to get some social interaction in there? Be honest with yourself, if you haven't gone out once over the past year then it's probably largely by your own decision. If your current friends are so extremely busy they can't possibly meet you for some drinks or coffee other than during the weekends, then it's time you seek some activity/hobby on weekdays that allows you to meet new people.
Sounds to me like you're pretty happy with your current job, except for the schedule.
Cooks have the most fucking absurd hours, that's probably part of it. My friend is a cook and the moron calls me on Monday nights at 11pm asking where we are going. He works virtually all weekends. The entire industry is crazy like that.
And you all apparently get terrible, terrible grease burns because you're all crazy people.
Hyrule18937 Posts
9-5 sucks. Don't do it. And if you want to learn to cook, stay where you are. Learn a bit, then, if you want to learn a different type of cooking, move to another restaurant.
Go 2-3-4 years to college, meet people then go cooking?
Just saying.
Oh I KNOW! Get a degree of some sorts in cooking :o
9 to 5 blows too, but it's nice knowing exactly when you will and won't be working. I have a lot of friends in the food industry and it's a bitch planning things with them.
Though I guess if you're a spontaneous individual, predictability blows.
I know the feeling of everyone being at university...kinda sucks :D Go for what you think will make you have the most job satisfaction with the bonus of being sociable? Good luck to you sir!
I dunno, seems like social life is something you can pick up whenever you have the time//meet new people at work with the same schedule etc. Getting a chance to have a career training+full time work on something you want to do, especially if you don't have a degree, is the chance of a lifetime if you ask me.
P.S "I'm fed up of being alone." Intentional pun?! don't tell me you're trolling again =p I mean, your average gamer craving a social life seems plausible at best already
ever tried applying for some cooking course/university? That would mean at least some socializing + a good job
Netherlands6142 Posts
On December 07 2010 05:14 Flicky wrote: Current Work - I am about to get an increase in work hours from 16 hours a week to 32-39, going from working Friday-Sunday to Tuesday-Sunday and on top of that, I'll get training in Chinese cuisine from my boss. I'd like to do this, but the issue is my already rubbish social life will completely disappear and I'll have one evening or two evenings a week to do what I wish. Hours are approx 4pm-11pm
Best option I think. It'll give you enough social security and money to do whatever you want on your time off. Plus getting training or any sort of schooling on the side will make you climb the ladder more. If cooking is something you enjoy learning to become better at it seems a good carreer investment. Your free time (with 32 hrs of work), granted, is not at ideal times but I think you can make it work if you want to. It also seems the easier option to take /and then turn around from/ if you don't like it.