On November 15 2010 08:12 Scorch wrote: You sure have some nerve bitching about the cop, the law and the whole country of Canada over your own obvious mistake. The fine was well deserved.
i'm bitching about toronto law, oh yeah. why is the fine for a bicycle so high when a bicycle traveling at less than 10m/s can do nothing near as much as a car can do?
so someone tell me now, say i'm running up to a stop sign at pretty high speed, am i gonna get fined for not stopping at the stop sign? cuz it's almost the exact fucking thing
On November 15 2010 08:25 Frobert wrote: So you want to leave Canada as soon as you can because they enforce laws here designed to keep people safe on the road? Great attitude.
I have a serious issue with cyclists who seem to think they're entitled to preferential treatment. When I ride, I act like a vehicle because I AM ONE. People like you give cyclists a bad name.
I can understand blowing through a stop sign in a residential area with no one around, but if you're anywhere with traffic you should always respect the rules of the road.
uh, it was a residential area, i don't think i've seen a stop sign and not lights in a non-residential area. where do i say i expect preferential treatment? who do i expect it from?
obviously i don't expect riding through red lights or riding across traffic to be allowed. but is the fine for riding through a stop sign in a near empty street really the same as riding through a red light?
On November 15 2010 08:12 Scorch wrote: You sure have some nerve bitching about the cop, the law and the whole country of Canada over your own obvious mistake. The fine was well deserved.
i'm bitching about toronto law, oh yeah. why is the fine for a bicycle so high when a bicycle traveling at less than 10m/s can do nothing near as much as a car can do?
so someone tell me now, say i'm running up to a stop sign at pretty high speed, am i gonna get fined for not stopping at the stop sign? cuz it's almost the exact fucking thing
Sure, that's if you don't cause the driver of a car to swerve into another car or onto the sidewalk. You got screwed, deal with it. Don't try to rationalize it with shitty analogies, especially ones with massive holes.
And the "you" I am referring to is you the idiotic person running through traffic (which is what you are implying) and you the person on a bike.
I'd say you have a good chance to get the fine reduced, but it's up to you.
On November 15 2010 08:12 Scorch wrote: You sure have some nerve bitching about the cop, the law and the whole country of Canada over your own obvious mistake. The fine was well deserved.
i'm bitching about toronto law, oh yeah. why is the fine for a bicycle so high when a bicycle traveling at less than 10m/s can do nothing near as much as a car can do?
so someone tell me now, say i'm running up to a stop sign at pretty high speed, am i gonna get fined for not stopping at the stop sign? cuz it's almost the exact fucking thing
You're not running on the road, are you? Or if you are, I think it's illegal to run in the bike lane, strictly speaking. But I'm not actually sure. But yeah, it's still just as bad if you don't stop.
You might not be able to do damage, but someone can do damage to you. The law is there to protect the people who may hit you, which would cause a lot of trouble for them.
uh, it was a residential area, i don't think i've seen a stop sign and not lights in a non-residential area. where do i say i expect preferential treatment? who do i expect it from?
obviously i don't expect riding through red lights or riding across traffic to be allowed. but is the fine for riding through a stop sign in a near empty street really the same as riding through a red light?
You know what happens when crashes actually happen? People always say, "oh, I thought the street was empty." I'm not saying the situation you were in was dangerous. Yeah okay, you see those 2 cars coming down the road, you know what's there. But that's not always the case. One day, you may slip up. You may get used to this feeling of safety. And when you fuck up, shit happens. That's why the law is there.
If the street is empty I see no problem with going through a stop sign on a bike. It sucks that you got a ticket, but that's a risk you gotta take when you want to get across the street quicker.
On November 15 2010 08:12 Scorch wrote: You sure have some nerve bitching about the cop, the law and the whole country of Canada over your own obvious mistake. The fine was well deserved.
i'm bitching about toronto law, oh yeah. why is the fine for a bicycle so high when a bicycle traveling at less than 10m/s can do nothing near as much as a car can do?
so someone tell me now, say i'm running up to a stop sign at pretty high speed, am i gonna get fined for not stopping at the stop sign? cuz it's almost the exact fucking thing
Sure, that's if you don't cause the driver of a car to swerve into another car or onto the sidewalk. You got screwed, deal with it. Don't try to rationalize it with shitty analogies, especially ones with massive holes.
And the "you" I am referring to is you the idiotic person running through traffic (which is what you are implying) and you the person on a bike.
I'd say you have a good chance to get the fine reduced, but it's up to you.
i'm not trying to rationalize it with an analogy. i'm asking a serious question. will i get fined for running on the sidewalk and ignoring stop signs if i see there are no fucking cars riding my way?
people are pissing on me because they expect everyone to know the law; and I only got my bike for 3 days, I never drive or even ride a bike since I came to toronto, and I didn't even know or expect there to be rules for cyclists. the guy who was with me rode his bike for past 2 years also didn't know. probably 90% of the people i am acquainted with probably won't know the rule.
if i knew the rule of course i would read and obey it, that's why i don't drive because i can't be bothered to study the rules. i didn't expect there to be a law governing cycling and that's what i'm complaining about
Getting fined for not stopping at a Stop Sign is so fucking ridiculous and WAAAAAY more ridiculous, to the point that I dare to call everybody who defends it retarded, if you are just riding a bike.
On November 15 2010 08:12 Scorch wrote: You sure have some nerve bitching about the cop, the law and the whole country of Canada over your own obvious mistake. The fine was well deserved.
i'm bitching about toronto law, oh yeah. why is the fine for a bicycle so high when a bicycle traveling at less than 10m/s can do nothing near as much as a car can do?
so someone tell me now, say i'm running up to a stop sign at pretty high speed, am i gonna get fined for not stopping at the stop sign? cuz it's almost the exact fucking thing
On November 15 2010 08:25 Frobert wrote: So you want to leave Canada as soon as you can because they enforce laws here designed to keep people safe on the road? Great attitude.
I have a serious issue with cyclists who seem to think they're entitled to preferential treatment. When I ride, I act like a vehicle because I AM ONE. People like you give cyclists a bad name.
I can understand blowing through a stop sign in a residential area with no one around, but if you're anywhere with traffic you should always respect the rules of the road.
uh, it was a residential area, i don't think i've seen a stop sign and not lights in a non-residential area. where do i say i expect preferential treatment? who do i expect it from?
obviously i don't expect riding through red lights or riding across traffic to be allowed. but is the fine for riding through a stop sign in a near empty street really the same as riding through a red light?
i dont think you quite realize that accidents dont only effect the person who gets hit.
On November 15 2010 07:46 Manifesto7 wrote: You should have known the rules. Blowing stop signs on your bicycle puts you and other drivers in danger. How would you feel if someone had to swerve around you because you didn't stop and smashed up their car?
I cycle a lot, and stupid cyclists piss me off more than stupid drivers because they make the rest of us look bad.
why don't you think carefully again about what you're saying
stop signs are only abundant in neighborhoods. if a car was driving fast enough to swerve and smash up their car and get hurt, i wouldn't be the one to blame since the other driver also didn't stop at a stop sign
my partner was taking me to somewhere, and i was trying to keep up with him. i know traffic laws regarding cars plenty well, but i'm never even knew there were bicycle laws, since the last time i rode a bike was 10 years ago in edmonton and i never once encountered a law that i had to obey
i'm careful enough by myself to ride slowly and in bicycle lanes, stop at red lights and yield to pedestrians and cars on the road. I also look in all directions to see if cars are crossing. the road was almost empty, and it's ridiculous that I get fined for not stopping at a stop sign when I can tell that there are no cars that are going to cross
Um, not every stop sign is a four way stop. There are plenty of intersections with only two stop signs. Anyway, common sense should have prevailed here. Now you know
Ya a bike is considered a vehicle, so you have to follow the rules.
At the same time, I can't believe you got fined for this when no one ever does :/
On November 15 2010 07:23 Karthane wrote: If anything, it's more dangerous than a car because if you do get hit you will definetely be seriously hurt.
That doesn't make sense. Because he put himself at risk doesn't mean he should pay more for it. When you put others at risk is when you should get into trouble (i.e. blowing a stop sign in a car). edit: To be clear, I realize that you said it would be more dangerous. You're post just makes it sound like he should be in more trouble because of it.
a bike on the road is a vehicle and is bound by all the laws all motor vehicles are.
so someone tell me now, say i'm running up to a stop sign at pretty high speed, am i gonna get fined for not stopping at the stop sign? cuz it's almost the exact fucking thing
lol, that's pretty funny, especially since it's a stop sign on an empty road. I once went through a red light when there were no cars around, passing some guy waiting for the light to change on his bike. As I passed, I realized he was a cop, lol (facepalm). He didn't care though, or he didn't feel like chasing down a speedy youth on a bike.
I can understand the increased police vigilance in Toronto though, it gets pretty damn busy there. i don't bike there cause you're forced to bike on the road since there are so many pedestrians on the sidewalk, and the drivers can get really aggressive. Plus I don't wear a helmet, but want to live. Sidewalk racer here!
And to anyone who bikes, I feel it's necessary to put this out there. For the love of god, trust NO CARS EVER. Only took getting hit once by some guy blindly making a right trying to fit into traffic for me to lose all trust in everybody. I wait for eye contact making rights, guys making lefts, pretty much anywhere I could potentially be at risk.
Funny anecdote, I was standing, waiting for the light to turn green so I could cross, and for some reason the guy making a right though I was gonna cross, and slammed the brakes. At the same time, his ten year old daughter was scratching her face, and he finger ended up in her eye, and the dad was like, shit, sorry!
French police tried to catch me one day. Obviously their car can't go in small streets , and they dont run faster than me on my bike. I taunted them and laugh. One of the funniest moment of my life
On November 15 2010 08:12 Scorch wrote: You sure have some nerve bitching about the cop, the law and the whole country of Canada over your own obvious mistake. The fine was well deserved.
i'm bitching about toronto law, oh yeah. why is the fine for a bicycle so high when a bicycle traveling at less than 10m/s can do nothing near as much as a car can do?
so someone tell me now, say i'm running up to a stop sign at pretty high speed, am i gonna get fined for not stopping at the stop sign? cuz it's almost the exact fucking thing
Sure, that's if you don't cause the driver of a car to swerve into another car or onto the sidewalk. You got screwed, deal with it. Don't try to rationalize it with shitty analogies, especially ones with massive holes.
And the "you" I am referring to is you the idiotic person running through traffic (which is what you are implying) and you the person on a bike.
I'd say you have a good chance to get the fine reduced, but it's up to you.
i'm not trying to rationalize it with an analogy. i'm asking a serious question. will i get fined for running on the sidewalk and ignoring stop signs if i see there are no fucking cars riding my way?
people are pissing on me because they expect everyone to know the law; and I only got my bike for 3 days, I never drive or even ride a bike since I came to toronto, and I didn't even know or expect there to be rules for cyclists. the guy who was with me rode his bike for past 2 years also didn't know. probably 90% of the people i am acquainted with probably won't know the rule.
if i knew the rule of course i would read and obey it, that's why i don't drive because i can't be bothered to study the rules. i didn't expect there to be a law governing cycling and that's what i'm complaining about
It would be impossible to enforce law and order if ignorance of a law excused you from obeying it. You unknowingly broke a reasonable law, and you have to just accept that for what it is. It's okay to be frustrated that you didn't know the law, but it's not the government's job to inform you of every law you could conceivably break.
On November 15 2010 07:20 saltywet wrote: yeah, so i was riding down a nearly empty street with a friend and a cop busted us for not stopping A BYCICLE at a stop sign.
i just got the bicycle 3 days ago (i dont drive), i was following my friend and i had no idea that in toronto bicycles have to stop at stop sign
the cop stopped us, took 20 minutes (a duration in which 3 other bicycles passed by, not stopping at red light) and gave us each a 110$ ticket (SAME GODDAM FINE AS A FUCKING CAR).
this is so garbage, and for this reason im leaving this country as soon as i graduate. people who want to come to toronto, don't. I bet in china i can ride my fucking bicycle through a red light in the highest traffic intersection at rush hour and not get fined 1 RMB.
edit:: realized i made a typing mistake, we didnt rush a red light, we didn't stop at a STOP SIGN
i wouldn't ever rush through a red light, but in toronto theres like a million stop signs and if we get fined for not stopping at a stop sign, i rather stop biking and just ride an unenvironmentally friendly car
Even after your edit there is nothing in here about it being a residential area, so stop replying to posts saying that it's a residential area so you should be fine because you never said that. Also you now say it's a stop sign, BUT you never say it's a 4 way stop. There's plenty roads that have stop signs for one road but not the cross street.
the most unfair part is where a few other cyclists doing the same thing did not get caught. otherwise everything else seems justified (although the fine amount seems a little too high).