On October 21 2010 07:24 SubtleArt wrote: Well in his defense
"sure, i could use some pots to keep my flowers in"
is a horrendous joke.
If you're asking people trick questions just to make them feel stupid and feel better about yourself then you're not exactly a sterling example of human reason and self-actualization here.
I read that joke and thought
wtf is your problem
then I read 'potheads' response and realized why im a pot head myself.
Im also in a top 15 university honor's college and play tennis for my school. Generalization much?
On October 21 2010 07:16 qzmpwxno wrote: i also find stupid people have a tendency to... stereotype people too easily without getting to know them at all.
Youchies dude. That guy isn't a meathead for answering your question in a totally acceptable way. You're the weirdy odd ball for asking a question just to prove to yourself that your subject is a meathead.The guy's not an idiot for offering you weed. It's no different from someone offering you a beer. Except no one buys awkward-stuck-up-judgmental-hypocrite-faces beer.
rofl at the OP making the worst joke he could have in the situation and then jumping into a diatribe about how people don't have a sense of humour.
The first guy said nothing that would make him a "meathead" and the OP somehow, somehow jumps from meatheads and potheads to equating them with ignorance, racism, homophobia, and laziness. What a fucking douche.
according to you, technically if a professor states in the beginning of the semester that there will be pop quizzes throughout the semester, then they're not really pop quizzes are they? your question was stupid from the beginning
i also find stupid people have a tendency to state the obvious, and the worst part is they think they sound so intelligent. that and people who say stuff like "b!tch make me a sandwich" or stereotype people too easily without getting to know them at all. Then there's people who think that because you criticize something or someone you're immediately jealous of that person or something that they have.
you have just contradicted yourself... most of what you say is pretty Obvious and I think you Believe that you are much more intelligent person than those meatheads and potheads. Humbleness and Tolerance is something much more smarter than critique.
So many people talk crap about conformity and conformists, but it's so ironic because those people actually go out of their way to be noncomformists, a la OP. So basically, they are just conforming to the opposite of what everyone else is. You shouldn't really care at all about conformity. I personally don't try and conform to everything but I don't see anything wrong with people who do and I don't mind trying out stuff my friends recommend, like music or whatever. It's natural. It's part of the human psyche. Humans weren't intended to live in isolation, and conformity is a tool for human development . There is obviously a reason why things become popular and mainstream.
Also, have you really never known you were going to have a pop quiz ahead of time. Most of the times, people find out about pop quizzes from students in earlier classes, and people ask each other whether or not there will be a pop quiz all the time. It's a perfectly acceptable question.
One more thing: good job championing nondiscrimination and then discriminating on intelligence and conformity. IQ is something people our born with, kind of like race you know.
On October 21 2010 08:05 Coagulation wrote: You should worry less about other people and try to concentrate more on how you act.. .. your jokes are unfunny and awkward.. pot to plant flowers? Really???
I agree, if everyone would focus less on what everyone else is doing, then comparing themselves to it saying "Oh, I'm better lets move on", and more on self improvement then the world would be a much better place.
Who cares how other people act, you should be concerned with how you act, if you don't smoke weed and you don't want to then great for you- but don't criticize people who do, because who cares what they do, it's their decision.
i just found a blog from this guy http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=141141 ignoring the suicide part, he basically says he's a loner and also admits to failing AP english i guess his jokes could be a reason for his loneliness
On October 21 2010 08:55 koreasilver wrote: I just saw his old blog too. No wonder you're a loner. You're a complete asshat.
Hey now, I'm sure you're much older than he is and have a lot more experience. I look back and I would definitely call my self an "asshat" a few years ago- and I doubt you're any different, cut him a bit of slack. I see no excuse to be a jerk.