... Which lead me to watching sc2 battle report #2 (OMGGG merc compound? Why was it removed???)
... Which lead me to watch a couple streams
... Which lead me to being bored
.... Which lead me to browse TL and saw the latest (c)rap song on starcraft 2.
and so of course now I HAVE to list some of the best songs that TL made (and from other sources), and please... to all "rappers".... cut it please? Most of it is just trash. Only a few are actually "ok" and even then its not good.
+ Show Spoiler +
- By Smix and mahnini
No Beta Key :'(
- By nowhereMaan (TL name?)
Atomic Dance Explosion
- By ?
Pump it up
By : Star Virus Mr Park
The Ghosts - DTs on top
By : ???
By : WCG Theme song (Does this remind anyone else of pokemon?) Yeh I know its not SC related...
Zerg Must Die
By : Evil Adam
12 days of starcraft
By : ???
Got any more? List them! :D