Flash …….............…...………..Jaedong.........………
WWW 0.200868721 ………..... WWW 0.069832725
LWWW 0.03991622 ………... LWWW 0.06238159
WLWW 0.030231078 ………... WLWW 0.082366804
WWLW 0.028695532 ………... WWLW 0.086774392
LLWWW 0.013987514 ……… LLWWW 0.04425679
LWWLW 0.071491738 ……… LWWLW 0.008658937
LWLWW 0.011433004 ……… LWLWW 0.054145215
WLLWW 0.01005554 ……… WLLWW 0.06156233
WLWLW 0.054145215 ……… WLWLW 0.011433004
WWLLW 0.051394982 ……… WWLLW 0.012044804
Total Bo5 0.512219545 ……… Total Bo5 0.493456591
The map odds were 51-49 in Flash's favor. While Flash had a 20% chance to take it in three vs Jaedong's 7% chance, Jaedong had a 24% chance to take it in four vs Flash's 9% chance there, and both were about even for the chance to take it in five.
So seriously, the maps were no imba. I don't understand people who say they were. Asymmetric? Yes, Dreamliner vs PR+GL made it that way, but in the end, balanced, just like BW is asymmetrically balanced btwn the three races.