Your metabolism is not what's keeping you at such scrawny weights. You are not eating enough. Eating a lot of junk does not count as eating.
On August 12 2010 03:48 NonFactor wrote: I'm like 130 and 6'0, oh the funzies.
My metabolic system seems to work on overdrive, I lived almost a whole year just eating chips and coke and going to McDonalds numerous times a week, and I didn't seem to gain any weight.
Case in point.
On August 12 2010 16:10 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: Eating a lot of junk does not count as eating.
As long as the junk includes calories, yeah it does. Eating a kilogram of cucumbers don't do much good but eating a kilogram of chocolate each day does.
On August 12 2010 11:19 Salv wrote:Show nested quote +On August 12 2010 08:46 News wrote:Example : Someone weights 200 pounds and has 20 pounds of that is fat, so he needs 180 grams of protein to maintain that muscle. Really? I won't maintain my muscle if I don't get 180 grams of protein daily? I'm 180 6.4 btw. Untrue. Just untrue. Means whole concept is false. I used to go through months where I would randomly not want to eat much meat at all, no protein from other rich sources either (like milk, beans, nuts etc.) I've never lost muscle due to that (I try to exercise regularly, I would've noticed) Definitely doesn't help to gain weight but we are not arguing that. According to you vegans should be dried out corpses (I know some of them kind of are but definitely not all). On August 12 2010 04:33 Salv wrote:On August 12 2010 03:47 Eatme wrote: You got any good suggestions/recipe for any easy to make cutting meals? I do! I would suggest making a lot of casseroles. I'm not sure if that's the right term, but what I mean is making meals that are just one big food instead of splitting everything up like I notice a lot of people do. A stir fry would be a good example of this. You get brown rice, some chicken, a lot of vegetables and some sort of sauce base like beef or chicken broth, and you put all that together and you're good to go. I'm suggesting this because you eat a whole lot more vegetables this way, and they actually taste good because they compliment each other and are eaten with other good things. For example, I don't like almost any vegetables on their own, and I'm really not a fan of plain baked chicken breast, but chicken breast & rice is a very common combination for losing weight (or bulking up i've heard). However if I put chicken breast in a hot sauce, and cook the rice and chicken with a lot of vegetables like asparagus, carrots, peas, peppers ( lot's of peppers!) and so forth, it's really good. Vegetables fill you up faster, and keep you full, the only problem is that not many people find them enjoyable to eat. If you can make combination dishes though, then you'll find yourself eating slightly more actual food at dinner, but a lot of that is good stuff to eat, and you won't snack as much later because of the vegetables. One huge meal is a lot harder to digest, it will be rotting in your stomach for 8 hours. This definitely isn't a good way to consume vegetables. I can only assume you thought I meant having one huge meal per day, which isn't what I meant. Maybe I explained it poorly, but you still eat three times, you just don't have like, some chicken breast, some rice, and some vegetables, you put it all together. Think of a stir fry, which is pasta, chicken usually, and then vegetables on top. It's a perfectly healthy way to eat anything, and especially vegetables, you'll eat two times more of them then you ever did. Show nested quote +On August 12 2010 09:48 Eatme wrote:On August 12 2010 04:33 Salv wrote:On August 12 2010 03:47 Eatme wrote: You got any good suggestions/recipe for any easy to make cutting meals? I do! I would suggest making a lot of casseroles. I'm not sure if that's the right term, but what I mean is making meals that are just one big food instead of splitting everything up like I notice a lot of people do. A stir fry would be a good example of this. You get brown rice, some chicken, a lot of vegetables and some sort of sauce base like beef or chicken broth, and you put all that together and you're good to go. I'm suggesting this because you eat a whole lot more vegetables this way, and they actually taste good because they compliment each other and are eaten with other good things. For example, I don't like almost any vegetables on their own, and I'm really not a fan of plain baked chicken breast, but chicken breast & rice is a very common combination for losing weight (or bulking up i've heard). However if I put chicken breast in a hot sauce, and cook the rice and chicken with a lot of vegetables like asparagus, carrots, peas, peppers ( lot's of peppers!) and so forth, it's really good. Vegetables fill you up faster, and keep you full, the only problem is that not many people find them enjoyable to eat. If you can make combination dishes though, then you'll find yourself eating slightly more actual food at dinner, but a lot of that is good stuff to eat, and you won't snack as much later because of the vegetables. Stupid question but how do you cook stuff with the rice? I boil the rice seperately and then put everything togheter, hum hard to explain really. I tend to do tuna or chicken salads since it's really easy and quick. Especially tuna (in water) were you just open the can, take some lettuce, tomatoes, an apple and maybe a hardboiled egg and put it together. The egg is ofcourse bonus since it is takes effort and time to boil it. That's all you do haha. I cook pasta and rice in boiling water (for rice it is equal part rice and water) and then make your veggies however you like. If you cook your vegetables from raw in sauce, then they are going to be soft, whereas if you fry vegetables in a pan, with just olive oil, then they will go more crispy and hard, but still cooked of course. Either way, I cook my base (rice or pasta), and then I cook my veggies however I like and poor it over the base. I suppose you could also poor the rice in to the pan you have your veggies in, but that might be harder, and it might burn your rice or pasta. End product is meals looking a lot like this: ![[image loading]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_UIXOn06Pz70/Sh3GZ0FHQOI/AAAAAAAAG5k/oTJ_KHyMKkQ/s800/Asparagus+and+Cashew+Chicken+Stir-fry+500.jpg) Point is, you'll eat alot more vegetables this way, and you'll feel fuller and for longer because it's healthy and not empty fats and such. Also you can impress your girlfriend with this stuff  Actually I usually eat rice with a casserole type thingy just like that picture. Only with some other veggies.´
EDIT:Fixed the broken layout and messed up quote stuff.
Am I the only one finding this thread disgusting? Why the hell would you modify your body structure just to please a few women? It's not very practical having a lot of big muscle mass. Not even boxers who need to have good arm-muscles make them big, because they know it won't benefit them. You get exhausted very easily and you will suck at enduring tasks. Better to build your (whole) body to get better at a sports you like or handle your work easier, but to please girls? Seriously?
On August 13 2010 01:08 Shauni wrote: Am I the only one finding this thread disgusting? Why the hell would you modify your body structure just to please a few women? It's not very practical having a lot of big muscle mass. Not even boxers who need to have good arm-muscles make them big, because they know it won't benefit them. You get exhausted very easily and you will suck at enduring tasks. Better to build your (whole) body to get better at a sports you like or handle your work easier, but to please girls? Seriously? why do people wear nice clothes? why do girls wear makeup? what's the meaning of life?
some people just like to get laid let them enjoy it
boxers don't emphasize arm muscles because the power of a punch is not determined solely with biceps and triceps. (how many curling / pulldown motions are in a punch?) they also have to make weight so they need to build muscle that will help them the most.
on top of that their arm muscles look pretty big anyway
On August 13 2010 01:08 Shauni wrote: Am I the only one finding this thread disgusting? Why the hell would you modify your body structure just to please a few women? It's not very practical having a lot of big muscle mass. Not even boxers who need to have good arm-muscles make them big, because they know it won't benefit them. You get exhausted very easily and you will suck at enduring tasks. Better to build your (whole) body to get better at a sports you like or handle your work easier, but to please girls? Seriously?
Seeking women is a natural part of being a man, and it's inherent for people to naturally be attracted to good looking people. You should elaborate on why you think wanting to be appealing to the opposite sex is disgusting. Personally I don't go to a gym, nor do I workout, I naturally build muscle easily because of my body type and genetics, but I try to eat moderately healthy and look good for my girlfriend, and in return she does the same.
On August 13 2010 01:08 Shauni wrote: Am I the only one finding this thread disgusting? Why the hell would you modify your body structure just to please a few women? It's not very practical having a lot of big muscle mass. Not even boxers who need to have good arm-muscles make them big, because they know it won't benefit them. You get exhausted very easily and you will suck at enduring tasks. Better to build your (whole) body to get better at a sports you like or handle your work easier, but to please girls? Seriously? maybe lol
On August 13 2010 01:08 Shauni wrote: t's not very practical having a lot of big muscle mass. Not even boxers who need to have good arm-muscles make them big, because they know it won't benefit them.
Arm muscles, no, but look at a top-class boxer's traps. They're enormous. It helps stabilize their necks so they don't get wtfpwnt.
ohhh man i could really type a shit ton and help the op out here a little. i have been trying to bulk but got sick and essentially burned out. however i have done a shit ton of homework on this and i actually did gain result. previously i was 6ft 140lbs, after a year i gained 50 lbs due to bulking and people noticed. my arm size grew, both muscle and fat. now i have stopped and lost everything *sigh.
op is right. generally you wanna do bulk then cut. its easier that way for ALOT of reasons. reasons include lifestyle habit being less demanding then cutting. try not to go through the whole cycle a whole bunch of times. thats meant for more advanced people who can time and schedule it out. while bulking you will gain fat but also muscle. so dont let your bulky image disappoint you. i have had friends who talk shit about me being "fat" stating i didnt know what i was doing. funny how fast people shut up when you can show you lift more then they can.
one tip that i can give you and something people undervalue is TO STICK TO YOUR SCHEDULE. what i mean is dont take breaks on the whim. stick to your planning and do it. all those little breaks you do and violating your regime adds up. believe me. a lot of times not sticking to your plan will make you break your working habits like me and you will stop working out and just go to square 1. HOWEVER this does not mean not to asses the situation. if you are sick or something happens then yea take a break. but dont do it just because you are lazy. there are exceptions to the rules and please listen to them.
OK so i will tell in a nutshell what happens and what to do. im sure op will fill in what i say. what i give you is a general outline... BTW: those infomercials that say this and that and oh you can get abs in 2 weeks. those are a bunch of bull honky. you dont get a good looking body easy and fast. its not possible. its only through hard work and discipline that it will be possible...or steroids...which i will discuss a little.
there are three foundations that you MUST do to get a good body. they include rest, nutritrions, and working out.
1)rest: VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT. many people dont realize this but getting a good night sleep is as important as taking protein, working out, or eating a nutrious food. VERY IMPORTANT. get whatever hours you need (general is 8) HOWEVER people require different amount, for example i need about 7 hours, too much sleep is not good for me and too little is bad. you must figure this out. the sleep must be a deep sleep and very restful. you must aim for this kind of rest. reason this is important is because while you are in a deep sleep your body will repair the workout you have done and make new muscle. it releases hormones (GH i believe its called) that help stimulate the growth. tldr: good sleep please.
2) food: VERY VERY IMPORTANT: another foundation people dont realize that is important. this subject actually get very in depth and i wont mention it all. you need proteins (duh), carbs for energy (herp), and fat (what??). whatever your calorie intake is gonna be they need to be based on these three. proteins and carbs should generally make up around 40% each of calorie (so total of 80%) and fat being the 20. again generally this is a good number to go by but you can modify this. just make sure fat isnt the dominating percentage for obvious reasons. you want alot of carbs for energy. believe me. i ate little carbs because of fear of getting too "fat" but i had no energy to lift weights thus i was tired and overtrained (overtrain is when you...over train your body. very bad and ill explain more). there are different types of carbs (simple and complex). simple is mostly sugar( white bread, fruit juice) and you want to generally avoid them. however they are good for first meal of day and before after workout. they help spike the insulin little thus making the body more effective at absorbing nutrients. what i do is eat a jelly sandwhich with my protein shake after i work out. complex includes potatoes, vegetables and wheat/grains. you wanna eat 4 or 5 meals a day to help eat more smaller meals to meet your calorie intake. your calories goal should be more then your metabolism (generally an avg teen requires 2500 calories so aim 2700~). drink protein shake and try to consume as many vitamins and minerals as possible. i wouldnt recommend pills because they are expensive (tend to) and dont offer the actual amount of daily value it says. try to get the most out of fruits and veggies. for fat try to consume omega 3 fat (fish like salmon or nuts are great sources). flaxseed oil are a good one to get omega 3( fat you need). stay away from saturated but little is fine cause your body needs them anyway, but dont go crazy on them. poly mono unsaturated fats are fine though. proteins....you can get them from protein shake (you will probably need to buy them), eggs (best source, ill explain), chicken, tuna, fishes, turkey, beef. beef is good cause you get natural creatine (helps muscle retain more water and nutrients). rest are considered the staple of a protein food diet because of lean fat and high protein. now eggs are where its at. not only are they the cleaniest protein (eating lot of proteins create harmful waste for kidneys so make sure to drink lots of water seriously) and have lot of protein (8 for one) but they are the BEST protein to consume.egg has such awesome quality of protein that protein shakes are measured BY THE EGG. they use egg as the standard measurements. awesome huh. however the downside is the high cholestrol. so what a lot of people do is remove the yolk (easy to do) dont worry the yolk only carries 2 protein gram out of the 8. btw you need to cook the egg in a certain way to get the protein else cooking it wrong (or too high of setting) will denature the protein (essentially make the protein useless for the body).
3)working out/exercise to do. this is the one field EVERYONE seems to know about and focus only. too many uneducated folks put too much emphasis on this and not on the other ones. if you fail at the other two foundations you might as well quit. this subject is quite big so ill keep it short. there are two types of exercise you can do. compound and isolated. isolated exercise are ones where you work ONLY ONE AND ONLY ONE muscle group. generally machines at the gym do this since its balanced so that one muscle works. compound is when you focus on one muscle group BUT different muscles are used to "stabilize" and help it (bench press is a good example cause it focuses the pecs but works tricep, shoulder, and even back and leg. btw squat is the king of all exercise cause you work out almost all your body. this is what makes compound best which ill explain later).what is the best?? isolated are good for beginners cause you tend not to injure yourself however this limits and is not the most efficient to gain muscles. compound is considered for the advanced because you tend to use free weights like dumbbells and with those you can hurt yourself cause your back might not be strong enough to "stabilize" your muscle when you work out. next you have the split or full body workout. split is when you do monday for pecs and triceps/ wednesday for legs etc... (splitting up workouts throughout week). full is when you workout your whole body on a day. i tend to do split cause its easier, less prone to injury, i think i grow more from it, and have more energy for it. split is controversial because you will work out your bicep with 100% energy then by the time you workout your leg last you will have no energy thus injury can happen. however its your choice. make sure to spread your workout because you dont wanna overtrain. yes you can over train. its done by not giving your body enough rest. you actually kill muscle by over training thus you LOSE muscle. symptons include stress, depression, diarrhea, and loss to work out. you avoid this by giving the muscle you workout to recover by at least 48hrs and not even making that muscle do any work. if you do tricep workout on monday you better FUCK not do bench press on wednesday. also do not i repeat DO NOT WORKOUT MORE THEN AN HOUR. its a unanimous response by researches and pros that doing more then an hour is harmful because by working out you release stress hormones, by going past the hour you reach the "diminishing return." see how easy this section was??
like i said stick to your schedule and DO NOT NEGLECT OTHER FOUNDATIONS. you will not grow by not resting, giving nutritions for your body to grow, and exercise to stimulate (everyone FUCKING knows about exercise wtf). people in my high school always wonder the fuck why i was so big and having a huge success in the gym and growing with the ladies noticing. you wanna know why. because i did my hw and didnt neglect. every serious work out person knows what i just said although this is a shitty kinda and generalized. however op promised to make more to it so dont fret. what i gave you is a general outline thus if you wanna start now and not wait for op you know what to look for and who not to listen (people will do anything to take your money). yes i didnt talk about cutting buts thats because..well..i never....got to that phase myself . im actually very sad about that.
p.s. ladies do love and do notice guys that work out (personal experience). im what would be labeled as a "nerd" yet i was social "acceptable" (wtf does that mean, i dont even know). they will always come up and ask for advice for their bf, ask to feel my arm, or ask why i workout (guess a nerd working out is a taboo huh) the reason why i workout is another story to tell though...
i simply regret that i didnt work out earlier and stick to it...sigh .
feel free to hit me up if you wish for me to be more specific. im getting ready to bulk myself lol. if any info is wrong or if you disagree then let me know. im not ignorarnt and am willing to learn in this field. was thinking about getting a license to lol
On August 13 2010 01:33 kainzero wrote:Show nested quote +On August 13 2010 01:08 Shauni wrote: Am I the only one finding this thread disgusting? Why the hell would you modify your body structure just to please a few women? It's not very practical having a lot of big muscle mass. Not even boxers who need to have good arm-muscles make them big, because they know it won't benefit them. You get exhausted very easily and you will suck at enduring tasks. Better to build your (whole) body to get better at a sports you like or handle your work easier, but to please girls? Seriously? why do people wear nice clothes? why do girls wear makeup? what's the meaning of life? some people just like to get laid let them enjoy it boxers don't emphasize arm muscles because the power of a punch is not determined solely with biceps and triceps. (how many curling / pulldown motions are in a punch?) they also have to make weight so they need to build muscle that will help them the most. on top of that their arm muscles look pretty big anyway hahaha pwn. actually there are alot of benefits to working out not just to "show off" people tend to fuck with you less you have more strength and you do actually gain endurance to do tasks. right now i find it hard to do task that i could easily do before. btw you really cannot just workout your left arm and make it huge. its retarded and not really possible. oh and people do gain confidence from having a nice body...which helps in alot of fields in life. dont be so biased.
oh and boxers dont have huge huge arms because thats not where the power lies in the punch. the back powers that. bicep, contrary, is not what makes you strong nor make you arm look big. its the tricep that gives you power in that direction. that and pecs. bicep is to contract the arm.
i find your narrow perspective disgusting.
Very good post, thank you Heroyi.
I'm going to write part 2 tomorrow, right now I'm very tired from the trip to Bosnia to the US.
On August 12 2010 08:46 News wrote:Show nested quote +Example : Someone weights 200 pounds and has 20 pounds of that is fat, so he needs 180 grams of protein to maintain that muscle. Really? I won't maintain my muscle if I don't get 180 grams of protein daily? I'm 180 6.4 btw. Untrue. Just untrue. Means whole concept is false. I used to go through months where I would randomly not want to eat much meat at all, no protein from other rich sources either (like milk, beans, nuts etc.) I've never lost muscle due to that (I try to exercise regularly, I would've noticed) Definitely doesn't help to gain weight but we are not arguing that. According to you vegans should be dried out corpses (I know some of them kind of are but definitely not all).
No, this is not untrue. Unless you have great genetics, that rule strictly applies.
depends on what you mean by working out
if by working out you mean lifting heavy weights in a gym then no it's not good for you lifting heavy weighs = big muscles big muscles != strength the human body can adapt to anything, this includes being able to lift heavy weights. most people are suprised by their adaption and go too fast and injure themself. big muscles make you less agile, stress on joints, tendons etc. stick to natural bodyweight excersises and go lean, i say.
On August 13 2010 01:08 Shauni wrote: Am I the only one finding this thread disgusting? Why the hell would you modify your body structure just to please a few women? It's not very practical having a lot of big muscle mass. Not even boxers who need to have good arm-muscles make them big, because they know it won't benefit them. You get exhausted very easily and you will suck at enduring tasks. Better to build your (whole) body to get better at a sports you like or handle your work easier, but to please girls? Seriously?
The answer is yes.
On August 13 2010 10:18 Megalisk wrote:Show nested quote +On August 13 2010 01:08 Shauni wrote: Am I the only one finding this thread disgusting? Why the hell would you modify your body structure just to please a few women? It's not very practical having a lot of big muscle mass. Not even boxers who need to have good arm-muscles make them big, because they know it won't benefit them. You get exhausted very easily and you will suck at enduring tasks. Better to build your (whole) body to get better at a sports you like or handle your work easier, but to please girls? Seriously? The answer is yes. nah, i agree with shauni, not sure what he meant by boxer though. I work out because i wanna be a better runner, i don't do it consciously for girls. And i do feel dissociated from people that do work out only to please women. Perhaps my reasons of working out is subliminally for women, but i do not consciously believe that. But that's for debate.
On August 13 2010 11:02 YPang wrote:Show nested quote +On August 13 2010 10:18 Megalisk wrote:On August 13 2010 01:08 Shauni wrote: Am I the only one finding this thread disgusting? Why the hell would you modify your body structure just to please a few women? It's not very practical having a lot of big muscle mass. Not even boxers who need to have good arm-muscles make them big, because they know it won't benefit them. You get exhausted very easily and you will suck at enduring tasks. Better to build your (whole) body to get better at a sports you like or handle your work easier, but to please girls? Seriously? The answer is yes. nah, i agree with shauni, not sure what he meant by boxer though. I work out because i wanna be a better runner, i don't do it consciously for girls. And i do feel dissociated from people that do work out only to please women. Perhaps my reasons of working out is subliminally for women, but i do not consciously believe that. But that's for debate.
The point Shauni made was not only does he not do this, but he finds it disgusting. A lot of people work out with other reasons, I have a friend who I am convinced works out solely to impress his friends, but he's not gay. I don't work out to impress my girlfriend, I don't work out at all, but at the same time I'm not disgusting or put off by people bettering themselves to attract the opposite sex.
On August 13 2010 11:02 YPang wrote:Show nested quote +On August 13 2010 10:18 Megalisk wrote:On August 13 2010 01:08 Shauni wrote: Am I the only one finding this thread disgusting? Why the hell would you modify your body structure just to please a few women? It's not very practical having a lot of big muscle mass. Not even boxers who need to have good arm-muscles make them big, because they know it won't benefit them. You get exhausted very easily and you will suck at enduring tasks. Better to build your (whole) body to get better at a sports you like or handle your work easier, but to please girls? Seriously? The answer is yes. nah, i agree with shauni, not sure what he meant by boxer though. I work out because i wanna be a better runner, i don't do it consciously for girls. And i do feel dissociated from people that do work out only to please women. Perhaps my reasons of working out is subliminally for women, but i do not consciously believe that. But that's for debate. not all of us can have your legendary dance moves to impress the ladies
On August 13 2010 10:08 Diuqil wrote:Very good post, thank you Heroyi. I'm going to write part 2 tomorrow, right now I'm very tired from the trip to Bosnia to the US. Show nested quote +On August 12 2010 08:46 News wrote:Example : Someone weights 200 pounds and has 20 pounds of that is fat, so he needs 180 grams of protein to maintain that muscle. Really? I won't maintain my muscle if I don't get 180 grams of protein daily? I'm 180 6.4 btw. Untrue. Just untrue. Means whole concept is false. I used to go through months where I would randomly not want to eat much meat at all, no protein from other rich sources either (like milk, beans, nuts etc.) I've never lost muscle due to that (I try to exercise regularly, I would've noticed) Definitely doesn't help to gain weight but we are not arguing that. According to you vegans should be dried out corpses (I know some of them kind of are but definitely not all). No, this is not untrue. Unless you have great genetics, that rule strictly applies. hey no problem maybe i can help you out make those posts lol.
but umm yea...vegans dont gain muscle. if you are doing a balanced diet you would have alot more muscle. its accepted that when you start eating meat afterwards you can feel the blood flowing more and you feel better. you dont get full proteins from just vegetables and nuts...you just dont. they are partial proteins and not complete. there isnt just one type of protein, they can all be partial. meat offers that solution and why we evolved into omnivorus
EDIT: vegans do gain muscle but just not as much as they should be getting
we work out because reach is buff and stork/nada are toned and we want to be as good at rts as they are
On August 13 2010 13:26 heroyi wrote:Show nested quote +On August 13 2010 10:08 Diuqil wrote:Very good post, thank you Heroyi. I'm going to write part 2 tomorrow, right now I'm very tired from the trip to Bosnia to the US. On August 12 2010 08:46 News wrote:Example : Someone weights 200 pounds and has 20 pounds of that is fat, so he needs 180 grams of protein to maintain that muscle. Really? I won't maintain my muscle if I don't get 180 grams of protein daily? I'm 180 6.4 btw. Untrue. Just untrue. Means whole concept is false. I used to go through months where I would randomly not want to eat much meat at all, no protein from other rich sources either (like milk, beans, nuts etc.) I've never lost muscle due to that (I try to exercise regularly, I would've noticed) Definitely doesn't help to gain weight but we are not arguing that. According to you vegans should be dried out corpses (I know some of them kind of are but definitely not all). No, this is not untrue. Unless you have great genetics, that rule strictly applies. hey no problem maybe i can help you out make those posts lol. but umm yea...vegans dont gain muscle. if you are doing a balanced diet you would have alot more muscle. its accepted that when you start eating meat afterwards you can feel the blood flowing more and you feel better. you dont get full proteins from just vegetables and nuts...you just dont. they are partial proteins and not complete. there isnt just one type of protein, they can all be partial. meat offers that solution and why we evolved into omnivorus that's a load of shit, "vegans dont gain muscle"
see shaolin monks
vegans do gain muscles but not a whole lot. like i said if they switched to regular diet with meat then they will notice in increase in their body performance. vegans have a very very strict diet. they have to be very picky with what they eat since they dont consume a lot of calories and must eat much much more and correctly (trying to eat a lot of veggies with a shit ton of fiber is difficult) thus they have to eat a more specific balanced diet with nuts and tofu and what not. simply put i can eat a burger and get the same amount of protein then a ridiculous amount of nuts and tofu. its just easier with a omnivore diet.
shaolin monks- i dont understand where you want to go with this. i think you are getting confused what the purpose of my post is. when i say muscle i dont necessarily mean strength as in "i can muscle my way through that group" when i say muscle i mean like having bigger muscle and having a nice look like this
shaolin dont have abs and all that. you can only get the body like the picture above by everything i just said. shaolin monks are known for their skills and super strength because mostly of training. if you notice a lot of monks dont have abs because of their diets. its just not possible. they are strong and fast with their fighting skills because of their training routine, they put heavy bracelets on their legs and arms and fight with it on. thus increasing their muscles ability to throw that limb faster and stronger. they do isolation exercise. WE are trying to get a nice physique all around. if you wanna learn how to fight better, having muscle will help, but that comes from training and you will need to look elsewhere. ok now your probably thinking well this contradicts your post about having a good diet. yes it kinda does however this is an exception. there training routine is so intense and incredible that they will have muscle of some sort to pull off all those feats. IF THEY WERE TO EAT A BALANCED DIET THOUGH then they would be much MUCH better off. they cant really get that six abs look cause that is more of an art. you have to give your body the right things, and your body is very picky. look at jet li. he is cut, a vegan, and strong. but he isnt stocky. what op and i are trying to do in these posts are help people get a nice body yes? and already to get a nice body its a very long process. what we say is what, at least, we believe to be the fastest way. to make it the fastest way possible you gotta be efficient as possible. not everyone can do a vegan lifestyle nor choose it. if you choose to be a vegan that is fine for whatever reason, i do not judge. i just want readers to know that being a vegan requires a more stricter discipline thus little harder. like op said, rules apply except for the genetic blessed. genetics can play a HUGE part in gaining muscle...or technically smoke a lot of weed (according to some research lol)
edit: let me get this straight. i know people that are "vegans" (please notice the ""). yet they look like shit. because they think oh i can eat a salad and be healthy...FAIL. in one meal i can eat some fish, rice, potato, beef and all that in one meal. but a non-enlightened vegan will eat a salad (no dressing or meat) and think thats ok...ok i just consumed maybe 300calories which is ok. the "vegan" consume only what...50 calories (probably didnt even finish the salad due to fiber). thats being malnutrition lol. dont get me wrong however i do no ACTUAL vegans that eat right and are very athletic and healthy. btw a lot of people you see thats big and muscular are probably, very high chance, trying to cut and lose fat that is done by their bulking. thats why i consider cutting harder then bulking cause when you are done with bulking your going to have a habit of eating alot and what not. but when you are cutting you have to start learning to manage your diet more, thus eating veggies a little more and cut more on the meat side (but not all).
On August 13 2010 10:09 fredd wrote: depends on what you mean by working out
if by working out you mean lifting heavy weights in a gym then no it's not good for you lifting heavy weighs = big muscles big muscles != strength the human body can adapt to anything, this includes being able to lift heavy weights. most people are suprised by their adaption and go too fast and injure themself. big muscles make you less agile, stress on joints, tendons etc. stick to natural bodyweight excersises and go lean, i say.
this is a garbage post and is all sorts of wrong
-lifting heavy weights won't necessarily mean that you get big muscles -having big muscles does not directly correlate with strength but generally bigger people are stronger -big muscles don't make you less agile (see american football players: RBs/LBs. or olympic sprinters), and weightlifting strengthens your joints and tendons -"natural bodyweight exercises" don't make you lean. they might even give you big muscles. see gymnasts.
i hope no one listened to you