I like King of the beta games, the biggest problem about SC2 earlier was people playing (kind of) blindly or massing overpowered Roaches and Marauders but now strategies look fun to watch and there is a lot of unused micro potential imo. I'm not as worried about power of SC2 Storm anymore and I hope expansion will make Corrupter more of a spectacular unit like Scourge is - it would be so cool to see them rebalanced, with some sort of melee attack / ability as addition to their standard attack. New Muta micro isn't that horrible if I tested it correctly because they almost have no slowing down time like Banshees and new ways required to clump them make microing them even more challenging than in BW imo.
I don't play BW multiplayer at all currently because it's no fun to play random strangers most of the time but it was so fun to spend 1 day and 1 night straight to go through some campaings again. It was like rediscovering BW, everything seems just so much in place there. I could also feel my cursor and clicking gaining speed, I could feel tiny bit of improvement even though all missions seemed so easy I kept asking myself how did I manage to get some trouble going through them earlier, especially the last one in Zerg BW campaign. BW ZvZ astonished me by it's effect of calming it down - it's the only match up I got D+ in; playing 30+ games in a row few times were one of the most satisfying things I've done in my life and I am incapable to focus on anything negative about it.
I love strategy potential of units like Ghost or Queens - it's so fun to watch top level BW games and that's still not everything that can be seen! It was great to see even parts of games were Flash was using Valkyries. It's too bad there isn't more games like JD vs Midas(?) with (nearly) all units in arsenal used and I don't like the feeling of macro fest with no variables in strategies I sometimes get when I watch games too.
I gave you 1 star for every 1,000 posts you've made my friend. GJ!
Really great blog.
I totally have the same feeling that no caster (except the koreans I don't understand) have more knowledge of the game than I do. In fact I usually rage hard about what crap they are talking so often. (except TSL - there you had the feeling these guys have at least as much knowledge as you do)
I never joined TL for SC2, but we're still kinda on the same level here. TL turns more and more into a SC2 side with an SC:BW part on it. (+ the awesome community/blog part obviously) It's kinda sad. I don't really play BW that often anymore but I still love watching progaming and do it alot.
Also I don't always like SC2 posters (not that all are bad - alot are pretty good and have already contributed more to TL than I will ever do to) but I have the feeling that really bad posts from low-count (1-30 or so) members heap up.
There is one point I disagree with you tho (or not disagreeing but I would like to add). One thing of BW I like the most nowadays is how much I know about it. That I don't have to figure it out anymore. Even tho it sounds kinda sad BW is probably one of a very few things I know the most about in my life. It's my hobby. When I play it I can play the crappiest tactic ever, but I still know exactly what I am doing and why I am doing this exact thing right at that time. Same thing with watching it. I know which army will win. Or when it's not clear before the battle, I know the reasons at the end (better storm / positioning or whatever). When I see two armys engage and I know immediately he needs an incredible storm to win that battle, and the storm actually gets off (or the HT sniped), it's amazing. It's kinda weird. I do have no problems with trying out other games or stuff (and have fun with it wihtout deep knowledge), but sc2 is so familiar and still so odd. I kinda have the necessity to have deep knowledge of it when I want to enjoy it as much as I do enjoy BW. And therefore it's not that I think SC2 is good but it might be only because it's new and not figured out, I have the feeling that as soon as it gets more figured out (for me) I will enjoy it more (and maybe as much as I enjoy BW nowadays).
Wow, that was so hard to form into words... hopefully someone can decrypt what I wanted to say.