Being the nerd i am and seeing a name i've never seen before that other people recognized i immediatly looked it up on wiki. From there i got the history.
But again being the nerd i am (and in a successfull attempt to fill time) i noticed a short story cited on the wiki wuth the same title as said name. I searched for it on google and began reading and was hooked pretty quick.
However, i only got to read half the story due to the fact that the book it was published in was copyrighted.
I'm not due to hit a book store for some time as i can bearly afford rent atm. So im hoping one of my fellow TL's could help me out by recommending a place to search for this story online, i know there are lit buff's out there who must have some idea of a website or forum that would have this short story.
Any help would be appriecated. Helpfull post's encouraged.
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Plz don't flame my thread.
edit: sartre = author; erostratus = title