Okay so bnet keeps dropping me so I havent done my 1v1 placement yet so what have I been doing to pass the time in the beta? Getting achievements, I gotta say it's fun as shit but I'm a bit worried.
I've spent way too much time on achievements today as you can see
What I'm worried about are people in ladder games as soon as the game starts going "Achievements?" in all chat. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the concept on XBL for Halo where when they released achivements there were servers of people just lining up to die to give people easy achievements. I really don't want to have to deal with people begging me to let them kill 50 supply worht of units in 15 seconds for their meatgrinder or to fly a full dropship into their base.
It hasnt happened yet but I can almost hear the QQ already when you refuse to help someone get a cheap achievement and their rage echoes off the walls so badly that you can almost hear the high pitched voice.
I live in fear...
edit: I"m not editing out the name on my profile because it's shown so many times on my Stream already I find it a bit pointless.
what's the point isn't it all going to reset with the release of the game.
I haven't come across this yet, but if it does happen I'm sure it will be in the lower leagues.
I'm at 170 achievement points just from laddering and I can see why you are saying that. Would be very annoying.
On July 09 2010 11:11 semantics wrote: what's the point isn't it all going to reset with the release of the game.
I'm referring more towards post launch, and I"ve been doing it cuz my game has been so unstable I dont wanna get placed into silver with only 10 days to fix it since I'll probably just say "fuck that." and then people will trash talk me for being a sivler player.
On July 09 2010 11:12 CheAse wrote: I haven't come across this yet, but if it does happen I'm sure it will be in the lower leagues.
You'd be surprised how bad the lower end of Diamond league was last time around, I mainly didn't ladder much last reset cuz I couldn't stand it I'm sure that at least at that level where you run into people who cheesed their way there and dont' have an overall understanding of the game it will be a problem as well.
Please take your name off of the picture before somebody tries to prove another point like what they did with Bashiok.
On July 09 2010 11:13 iCCup.Raelcun wrote: You'd be surprised how bad the lower end of Diamond league was last time around, I mainly didn't ladder much last reset cuz I couldn't stand it I'm sure that at least at that level where you run into people who cheesed their way there and dont' have an overall understanding of the game it will be a problem as well.
^^ My thoughts, 13/33 games I played I got cheesed in some way or another.. ridiculous..
lol theres so many random achievements that I look them up after the match O_O
I am at 370 right now
Unfortunately I'm in a bet with a guy who has 490 D:
Hitler says:"And I would like to know if the people responsible for this have ever played a game in their entire lives...Probably Halo 3."
I can't wait till kiddies start valuing their achievement score over actual ladder rank.
![[image loading]](http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/8782/achievementunlocked.jpg)
Got you beat raelcun :D
you want an achievement...go get the one where you need 4000 wins before beta ends you will be worshiped
Yeah, I'll probably throw all my placement matches in release to get achievements and work my way back up in ladder later. Oh god, what has achievements turned me into TT
Raelcun, streaaaaaaaaaaam!
Shameless achievement whore, reporting in.
51335 Posts
did any of you guys manage to get orlan yet? i did the achievement but it didn't give me it.
On July 09 2010 15:48 Anthony Wilson wrote: did any of you guys manage to get orlan yet? i did the achievement but it didn't give me it. lol at the namechange.. and no I havent tried that one yet not brave enough. The insane computers cheat do they actually fight eachother or is it like BW where FFA means they all gang up on the player?
51335 Posts
i did it a couple of hours ago... all legit and it didn't give me the achievement.
you can see the rep in here http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=135018
they actually fight each other, and luckily it helps that they kill most of each other off so they give you a chance of building up a sizable army
i haven't got it yet, tried twice and failed T_T(getting double teamed sucks) but huameng has it