Ok, I'm having this really weird issue with Starcraft 2 atm. Lemme just explain what happened first: I was trying to get the US launcher and the EU launcher on my computer, so i start the dl for the EU one, and obviously I had to go and rename a few files so i could have both launchers on and be fine. Well, after I change all the file names and start the dl for the EU launcher, the US sc2 one that i have running comes up, and then goes to a black screen. This message appears on my screen that says "Unable to reach frequency". Can't get rid of it or do anything, so I restart comp, uninstall everything with SC2 off my comp, and reinstall the US launcher again. After it's all done I run Sc2, and same thing happens only this time i can actually get out of it.
Any ideas on what's going on? o.oa
Thanks in advance
Just replace the sc2base thing or w/e to go on other servers :o
Can't do ANYTHING on Sc2 atm =/, i keep getting that black screen with that frequency message
Well, that sucks. I followed that SC EU/US thread and I can log on Europe and US perfectly fine.
Ok, yes I get that you can do that but that's not really my problem atm, my current problem is every time i even run SC2, my screen goes black, this messages that pops up and says "Cannot reach frequency, please try other resolutions" and the only thing i can do is close SC2 =/....so if anyone has any idea about what i can do about THAT before i go and do that EU/US thread...please do so =/