I've recently realised that a great way to give BW its farewell (obviously operating on the assumption that a mass exodus to SC2 will occur, hopefully not) would be to compile rep packs of progamers we've loved for the past 12 years. That's over a decade of sick plays, metagame shifts, peaks and troughs, etc!
As such, I'd like to ask if anyone's interested in a huge collabo; there are SO many progamers out there, and thousands of reps for the old schoolers! It'd be nice if the replay junkies here all teamed up for a well categorised rep pack project. Wondering how to give the old, old schoolers a final salute? Is there a B teamer that you've been in love with since BABARA? Do him a solid with a rep pack!
I've finals that will finish at the end of this month, so I suppose full steam ahead then! Hopefully if enough quality rep packs are made a mod/staffer'd offer perm hosting here so they won't be lost to the fickleness of third party host sites~
PM me or reply here if you're keen!
Damn, I had like 4 gbs of replays then my old comp died T_T. I'll try to find some though.
I've got the proleak from Ygosu.... Where can I put them lol?
oh god, i loved Ares[Sepriose] so much, that man had the biggest tvz balls i ever saw, SK every game, you would see him moving in a group of 20 lurkers, thinking he had no fucking way of fighting that with mnm ,and then he would just def matrix the right units at the right time and tear through everything, i had like 10 packs of his on my disk that recently died and it saddens me, if anyone has reps and is a fan like I am, it would be so awesome.