Dumbell and weights. A decent bench + bar. A small machine that allows me to do chin ups. A skipping rope.
Right now I am 120lb and 5'9
I've read many places (including this blog) which talks about the fact that sleep and rest is where the muscle growth takes place. In 1 month I will have a schedule as follows:
Sunday to Friday Night:
Leave house @ 10pm
Start work from 11:30pm to 7:30am
Take bus to school and arrive around 9am.
Study/Homework/Nap till 1st class @ 10:30am
Lunch @ 12:30pm - 1:10pm
Class from 1:10 - 3:10pm
Get home around 4pm and do homework till about 5pm
Sleep from 5pm - 9:30pm
9:30pm - 10:10pm - get ready for work and repeat this for 4 more days
Friday after school till sunday night I don't have any work.
So anyways, as I heard that rest is where muscle growth takes place, I am worrying that me working out is not as much benefit or none at all. I will only be sleeping around 4-6 hours a day and then I work midnight shift where I stand up for 8 hours but its not that hard of a job for my upper body. Doing a hard workout friday night and resting on saturday is not a problem.
So should I workout hard Friday Night and Saturday Night so I have those days/nights to rest? I heard your supposed to do as in the OP which is:
Day 1 workout
Day 2 Rest
Day 3 workout
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 workout
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 Light exercies/cardio
So what should I do. Advice needed