(thanks Nony)
and I think it's a really important thing for anyone who is working on any goal to remember, so I wanted to share it.
Too often in our quests to accomplish something we become impatient. We see where other people are, or we consider where we want to be, and we become upset that we aren't there and give up on our goals. It is important, however, to remember to stay patient in your goals. Nothing happens over night. Personally, I will not be at single digit body fat within the next week, or probably even within the next month or two. This upsets me, but I have to constantly remind myself that the path I am on is the right one, and that this is not a sprint, it's a marathon. My long-term goals will not be accomplished over night, nor will anyone else's, and it's ridiculous to expect to accomplish these goals quickly; it's even more ridiculous to give up entirely on my goals because I'm not where I want to be. What kind of logic is that? Not very sound logic that's for sure.
If your goal is to be a lawyer, you don't just go take the BAR and expect to pass it. You go through years of schooling to reach that point. Why should one approach anything any differently? In my mind, the answer is that one should not approach anything in life differently.
Anyway, I think patience is something that is often over looked by a lot of people, and maybe that article will work as a good reminder for someone else.