patriotism seems like the most retarded reason to join the iraq war. I mean it's like go to war so you can ensure that everyone in your country has a 5% discount of their gas prices,a .0000000001% less chance that your nuked and so that Iraq, a country that isn't america is saved from a dictator.
"to stop the guns we must stop the bullets" - Page 9
Blogs > theron[wdt] |
New Zealand1543 Posts
patriotism seems like the most retarded reason to join the iraq war. I mean it's like go to war so you can ensure that everyone in your country has a 5% discount of their gas prices,a .0000000001% less chance that your nuked and so that Iraq, a country that isn't america is saved from a dictator. | ||
New Zealand1543 Posts
On February 03 2010 08:21 arb wrote: most people i know all agree that dying for your country to defend the united states from tearany(sp?) and opression is like the greatest honor anyone can acomplish in their lives. it is a great honor, but americans havn't had the chance to do it since 1945. | ||
United States2828 Posts
On February 03 2010 08:24 zerglingsfolife wrote: Alright. I wanted to say that there are various reasons why people join the military. Another poster thought that they are all blood lusting killers. I'm simply providing other reasons why people would sign up. My Grandpa was in the Korean War. My Dad was in the Vietnam War. Sometimes I feel like I should follow in their footsteps and serve my country. It pisses me off when people talk shit about our armed forces like they aren't people. They are people with different reasons for joining the military. Maybe they want to escape a small town and get out into the world. Maybe they want to go to the army to mature into a better person. It's so elitist to think that you know better than that individual person. I'm getting too emotional about this, I don't want to mess up the topic anymore. PM me if you want to keep discussing. Why are you getting emotional? I admitted I was wrong, and chill, and my self, made fun of the only other person opposing you. You're fine brah, heres a drink | ||
United States1844 Posts
On February 03 2010 00:27 Intr3pid wrote: Amercians and guns, the only but really greatly pathetic thing about your country. Dude... your menz have fully automatic machine guns toting everywhere. On February 03 2010 08:26 stroggos wrote: it is a great honor, but americans havn't had the chance to do it since 1945. And vietnam. | ||
United States2851 Posts
Power corrupts, and Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If ANY country, even with the best of intentions, succeeds in fully disarming it's citizens, I'm fairly sure it won't be too long until we see things like the situation in China, where individual rights mean shit and the government has so much power over every single person. | ||
Canada5066 Posts
On February 02 2010 23:05 theron[wdt] wrote: This is big bullshit because as a gun owner, now i have to go buy the ammunition at two or three times the cost of going to the internet. And now law abiding citizens are being treated like criminals by requiring a registration in the system in order to just buy bullets. That's how life works, the bad guys ruin it for the good guys. You use your gun for competitions but why not try something like archery or darts if you want to try to hit a target. Not to mention production of bullets is much more wasteful (than arrows not necessarily darts) | ||
Sweden33719 Posts
On February 03 2010 08:36 ghermination wrote: .... Power corrupts, and Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If ANY country, even with the best of intentions, succeeds in fully disarming it's citizens, I'm fairly sure it won't be too long until we see things like the situation in China, where individual rights mean shit and the government has so much power over every single person. Sweden is far from a perfect country, but uhm, well, this hasn't happened here. Of course, we barely have any military either (but it's ok, Finland will hold things down for us if anything happens ![]() Anyway, unless you want to legalize anti-tank weaponry I don't see what good guns are going to do from the perspective of defending your freedom from an oppressive government. | ||
United States364 Posts
On February 03 2010 08:57 FrozenArbiter wrote: Sweden is far from a perfect country, but uhm, well, this hasn't happened here. Of course, we barely have any military either (but it's ok, Finland will hold things down for us if anything happens ![]() Anyway, unless you want to legalize anti-tank weaponry I don't see what good guns are going to do from the perspective of defending your freedom from an oppressive government. There are many ingredients to taking down an oppressive government and one of those are weapons. the fight in it self is much more complicated then shooting the other side. People need to stop saying this when they try to attack the "even if u had guns u couldn't win" argument | ||
Canada5066 Posts
On February 03 2010 09:06 StarsPride wrote: There are many ingredients to taking down an oppressive government and one of those are weapons. the fight in it self is much more complicated then shooting the other side. People need to stop saying this when they try to attack the "even if u had guns u couldn't win" argument There are ways to win fights without the use of weapons. Had guns never been invented I'm certain you would not be saying that. But fact of the matter is 99% of gun usage is NOT against an oppressive government and the only reason guns are necessary in that struggle is because THEY have guns. | ||
Sweden33719 Posts
On February 03 2010 09:06 StarsPride wrote: There are many ingredients to taking down an oppressive government and one of those are weapons. the fight in it self is much more complicated then shooting the other side. People need to stop saying this when they try to attack the "even if u had guns u couldn't win" argument I'm not actually against guns, I just don't think that defending yourself with the guns that are currently legal is something you'd have much hope of doing if the government decided to enslave its people. You are going to need illegal guns, regardless. | ||
Australia4813 Posts
On February 02 2010 23:34 DanceCommander wrote: just because you guys have viktor krum doesn't mean you can criticize our constitution rofl | ||
United States875 Posts
On February 03 2010 07:55 PanN wrote: I have no clue, the dude was laughing about the story the entire time. It's my personal belief that anyone that signs up for the U.S. military right now, is just blood thirsty. And trust me, the exact question you asked, has been in my head since then. Probably because the penis has a huge amount of blood vessels in it and is much easier to cut than muscle. What makes a penis engorged? Blood. Compare that to deliberately aiming for the major artery in the thigh. Anyways, I believe gun control in California is a good thing. The demographics here justify gun laws because of all of the gang/drug violence. My stepmother's store was robbed recently while she was working and I'm glad that the assailant didn't have a gun. Stabbing is a messy business and I would imagine much harder to mentally prepare for than simply pulling a trigger. | ||
Canada706 Posts
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United Kingdom6632 Posts
On February 03 2010 06:36 PanN wrote: Have you ever heard of a state called Arizona where nearly everyone is allowed to carry guns, and there have been multiple instances of people going to shoot others, or cops, and other civilians have intervened and shot the aggressor? Because I grew up in Phoenix, and this wasn't an uncommon thing. You all need to realize that there are responsible people out there being hurt by this law, responsible, law abiding citizens. If you can't admit that, you need help. I understand that most people are responsible and that it may be very helpful for these people to have guns to stop criminals, I'm just saying it's a very sad state of affairs when you need to arm the average citizen to the teeth because there are so many gun wielding maniacs out there. On February 03 2010 08:36 ghermination wrote: Power corrupts, and Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If ANY country, even with the best of intentions, succeeds in fully disarming it's citizens, I'm fairly sure it won't be too long until we see things like the situation in China, where individual rights mean shit and the government has so much power over every single person. You honestly believe that? That the only reason the US government doesn't have tanks rolling down your street and troops kicking your doors in is because citizens have guns? GL stopping a highly trained military force complete with tanks, helicopter gunships, fighter bombers, heavy explosives, mortars, rockets, UAVs etc etc. -_- I can kinda understand the restriction of freedoms thing, but there's a reason you can't go out and buy a fully functioning tank or apache gunship, is the government oppressing you by not letting you get these? | ||
Switzerland336 Posts
Dude... your menz have fully automatic machine guns toting everywhere. Well but that's the thing about Switzerland: there are lots guns in our homes, but the majority of the people hates it and the fact that you HAVE TO do this annual shooting is a big pain in the ass for everyone doing military service (which I did). Also, everything is registered and the weapons can be appointed exactly to the owner, so if you start fucking around it would be quite easy to bust your ass. At the moment there is actually a political debate to being able to deposit your gun at a central arsenal which many many people (including me) will make use of. Talking about freedom in this context is plainly stupid, if you are allowed to carry a gun around on you then that's diminishing MY freedom not wanting to walk around with a weapon. It is ok if you want to own a gun and like going to a shooting range, but It should be as hard as possible to get guns and ammo, and yeah the minimum requirement should be to getting all your personal information tied to that gun. P.S. If you guys want to defend yourself, try martial arts ffs. What a cheap argument, if someone comes at you and wants to shoot you you're dead anyway unless you have some magical powers that allow you to see the future. | ||
Australia3225 Posts
On February 03 2010 08:21 arb wrote: most people i know all agree that dying for your country to defend the united states from tearany(sp?) and opression is like the greatest honor anyone can acomplish in their lives. Well, it's pretty hard to accomplish anything else if you're dead. | ||
United States379 Posts
On February 03 2010 22:50 Intr3pid wrote: Talking about freedom in this context is plainly stupid, if you are allowed to carry a gun around on you then that's diminishing MY freedom not wanting to walk around with a weapon. It is ok if you want to own a gun and like going to a shooting range, but It should be as hard as possible to get guns and ammo, and yeah the minimum requirement should be to getting all your personal information tied to that gun. P.S. If you guys want to defend yourself, try martial arts ffs. What a cheap argument, if someone comes at you and wants to shoot you you're dead anyway unless you have some magical powers that allow you to see the future. This makes absolutely zero sense. How is someone choosing to carry a gun for self defense forcing you to carry one of your own? Is everyone out to get you? There is no reason to make it difficult for a law abiding citizen to obtain firearms or ammo for recreational or self defense uses. If you want to limit the rights of others then go live somewhere else more oppressive. | ||
Switzerland336 Posts
How is someone choosing to carry a gun for self defense forcing you to carry one of your own? Oh yeah that's brilliant, if you don't have to register the guns and tie it to your personal information then chances are you have to declare it's ACTUALLY JUST for self defense...And btw, don't get me wrong, I am not entirely against guns. Shooting over large distances is actually a very mentally demanding sport, where things like how you breathe and focus your entire body into the shot determines how good you are. I have a lot of respect of that as a sport. Still, guns CAN be very dangerous, my personal belief is that it needs to be handled very responsibly and strictly regulated. Also, illegal ownership of guns should be punished not as a minor crime. | ||
United States379 Posts
On February 04 2010 00:24 Intr3pid wrote: Oh yeah that's brilliant, if you don't have to register the guns and tie it to your personal information then chances are you have to declare it's ACTUALLY JUST for self defense... In the U.S. - Sale of a firearm by a federally licensed dealer must be documented by a federal form 4473, which identifies and includes other information about the purchaser, and records the make, model, and serial number of the firearm. Sales to an individual of multiple handguns within a five-day period require dealer notification to the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Violations of dealer record keeping requirements are punishable by a penalty of up to $1000 and one year's imprisonment. Not sure how it is in other states, but in N.Y. it is really difficult to get a pistol permit. In New York All handguns possessed within New York State (except antiques or replicas of antiques) must be registered, with each handgun's registration indicated on the licensee's pistol license. All handguns, including antiques and replicas, must be registered in order to be legally loaded and fired. Some counties limit who can register a handgun on their license with some allowing cross registration of a handgun from any other licensee to licensed family members only to no handgun can be cross registered. NY law does not address this issue. Sharing use of a handgun not listed on your license is only allowed at a certified range with the licensed handgun owner being present. (See NY PL 265.20 7-a) A pistol license is required to physically examine a handgun for purchase at a gun store or gun show. A separate purchase document is required for each handgun purchase that is obtained by filing an amendment with the local authority. | ||
Switzerland336 Posts
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