On January 09 2010 20:28 Keniji wrote: That I stopped learning/playing piano at the age of 14. When i would have overcome the period of aversion I would be an awesome piano player now! Seeing how good my little sister already is, it's a pain that i stopped.
There's never a time that you can't restart, I started at the age of 14, and with some practice/dedication, have become a pretty decent player. Currently playing Liszt.
i dont know in elementary schoo i had a , well not friend.. but his parents and mine were pretty close, we played table tennis in the same club, you get my point. i always thought he was a bit retarded. i mean, he was not smart. He suffered from Lactose intolerance, wore glasses and was due to his height a bit stiff.
Still, he was in his way a funny guy. Then 5 years ago or so he died in a car accident. I don't know why I think of it now, but.. there is this feeling that I probably should have been nicer to him. I mean, his life was hard enough as it was without people like me making fun of him when he again stumbled upon his own legs. And then he died being 24 years young, maybe without ever meeting someone who completely accepted and appreciated the way he was.
There wasn't a LOT in my life that I so far regretted (I'm only 16...><)
But um......take back something........
Well, I guess a lot of my situations are just a bunch of embarrassing moments of me doing stupid stuff......nothing like...illegal.....or something that I regret...
Maybe I guess playing more serious Starcraft starting in 2005? I really didn't start playing competitively (and I still suck competitively) until this last year....so it's been an uphill struggle for me to compete with people who've been playing for years at a time and have gotten really good....or just people with good experience with the game.
My learning curve for Starcraft isn't TOO fast....it's fast...but I'm just too lazy to get all my timings right as a Terran, which makes me suck in the end. *shrug*
Not asking a specific girl out, or being more confident with one that I had. I can live with (and have mostly recovered from) the other mistakes I've made, especially academic, but the romantic stuff always gets me. Now when I ask girls out, I have no regrets about it, yes or no.
I would´ve never started to question the view I had on life, the universe and everything at the age of ten. After ten years of depression, fear of death, hate and feeling like shit I realised I was right in the first place. Kids are so smart.
We make the mistakes we do so we can learn the lessons we need to learn. The reason you would ever want to undo a mistake is if the feelings associated with it are too much to deal with at that particular point in time, but most people come to terms with their mistakes and end up better people having learned from them. If there was a way to retain that knowledge and still undo that mistake, well...
i would have applied for real colleges while i was in highschool. I had mostly a's and a few b's all throughout my high school career as well as teachers that offered to write me glowing recomendation letters but i was lazy and decided to just go to community college.
When I was like 5th grade, I realized other people are threathened/insecure around me, so I started to turn my volume down - act dumber, be more passive etc.
On January 09 2010 19:00 Mickey wrote: Change something in the past that has effected you within your life what would it be? It could be anything from a specific action that had tremendous impact or having a different mindset entirely during a certain period of time.
There are a few things I should have done differently. For one, I would have never started modding and just focused on writing.
But the biggest thing would have been to drop out of high school much sooner than I did. I dropped out of early grade 11 when I should have just refused to ever step foot in that pit in the first place. I would have been much further along now than I am. That part of my history is like a giant black wall in which nothing was achieved besides pain and anger, and delayed my progression in learning, evolving, deprived me of a time where I could have prepared for my mental problems that later crippled me to this day.
trying to think if anything would really have effected my current future now if it had been changed previous. I don't think it would really matter all that much assuming I have the same outlook and attitudes at the time and now. I mean maybe getting my license sooner would have netted me a car sooner and I would have had a job and more money sooner, but with my attitude at the time and the lack of funds from family to get me some cheap car or whatever i don't think so.
Really the only thing that could have really effected me is what my parents did when I was really young.
edit- Probably if I would have stayed quit from broodwar and diablo 2 in about 2000/2001 then I would have pursued and honed my artistic skills to more of an extent, but I don't know if that would even have taken me anywhere I am not at now.