I have never been intrigued by any foreign SC player for as long as I have been alive. But I find Suncow to be tremendously interesting. His story is just incredible to me.
From what I can gather, he was a Saudi Arabian immigrant to Poland and was sort of a bad kid. Then he moved to Korea to try his hand at progaming. After leaving, he moved to Egypt to become a tennis instructor at some type of fancy resort. He can speak German somehow. This guy should write a fucking book.
Now, it appears like he's coaching kids for the Dubai Tennis Championships: http://www.timeoutdubai.com/kids/features/6384-dubai-tennis-championship (his name is David Al-Dughaither)
Any Polish fans who can give me more Suncow stories and information, please do. I fucking love this guy. SUNCOW FIGHTING
wow this is amazing
I remember asking some polish guy on iccup about suncow about 1-2 years ago and I was told that hwe was charged for some random stuff an was close to going to jail.
pretty sure it's not true though
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
SunCow was a neighbour of me, we're both attemping same school for 3 years :D And yeah that's true, I remember him playing professional tenis in the past but he resigned due to laziness and now he's back. I don't have perm contact with him but I knew he was back with playing tennis
Oh I live in Dubai at the moment. Although I have no idea who he is. I also don't like tennis. Pointless post yo
On October 25 2009 16:26 Dr.Lettuce wrote: Oh I live in Dubai at the moment. Although I have no idea who he is. I also don't like tennis. Pointless post yo
I really like his style back when he and Draco were in Korea. Too bad it didn't work out very well for him.
USA29055 Posts
reekrul has some amazing stories of suncow.. someone should direct him here.
Wasn't it something to do with suncow getting into a fight in a korean bar or something?
Ive played him before! But I had no idea he was this interesting.
met him in my town in germany once : ) sad hes no more into bw
SunCow ftw
Belgium9943 Posts
haha the one with him in the car boot
what kind of idiot throws up on the FLOOR what a dick lmao
lol what a pictures haha, never knew that much about the guy anyway =)
Ya, you shouldn't drink so much that people are able to throw you into the trunk of a car.
On October 25 2009 22:32 Frits wrote: what kind of idiot throws up on the FLOOR what a dick lmao
I don't think he noticed, lmao. He must of been fucking wasted.
All I remember is that @ WCG 2004 Warsaw we smoked weed, he did not seem like a super interesting guy.
yeah and someone mentioned, he liked to party and get wasted - hopefully he changed :D
I think you are way overexaggerating how interesting he is. Ok so probably he has some connections to Dubai since earlier. He has played tennis while he was young, I mean to me this is just some normal young person today doing stuff.
Most people I know have done interesting stuff comparable to this; one friend was digging for diamonds in Australia, another one trecked through the Amazon, etc.
I mean, he is a tennis instructor, so what? He is from Saudi Arabia after all so Dubai is not exactly that exotic for him. I was a tennis instructor, not in Dubai mind you but like if you think his short resume is good for a book, everyone should write a book.
Then again it's probably an european thing. You guys don't travel that much in comparison, people here travel all over the world.
All I can remember from this guy was rekrul's diss about him being a douche.
and the fact that all Koreans hated him while he was there.
and that even though he was Polish he didn't speak very well Polish...