On October 06 2009 05:23 Kennigit wrote:
I was depressed for about 6 months. I got over it through sheer will power and telling myself "man the fuck up you little bitch". Once i embraced an attitude of raping life and becoming a Ripped Nerd Baller, depression disappeared instantly. Embrace it.
I was depressed for about 6 months. I got over it through sheer will power and telling myself "man the fuck up you little bitch". Once i embraced an attitude of raping life and becoming a Ripped Nerd Baller, depression disappeared instantly. Embrace it.
You've got to make your life scheduled: good sleep, good eat, good exercise. Next step is to force yourself to be productive, doing so is much harder than actually being productive. I guarantee that once you get into this routine and be productive you will be much happier, drugs will make you numb, not better.
Minimize entertainment because it is a very temporary relief to your natural instincts of go, see, conquer. Also if you are not getting sex then stop jacking off because it will encourage you to go out and meet girls.
I'm no expert It's just some psychology/self-help stuff I read.