masterbreti Stream - Other Games
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I am a professional Protoss player hailing from Ontario, Canada currently living in Bucheon, South Korea
I was formerly training in the PRIME house alongside such players like Marineking, and Creator.
Trolls will get banned. One thing I ask is that you be nice in chat, no matter what I am doing. Critism is ok as long as it is not rude or offensive. Insulting other stream viewers or anyone in general is a giant nono in my books. Anyone who insults another gets banned, no matter what. I want my chat to be a fun and friendly place to be.
Follow me on twitter : radrelsc2
If you have any questions or requests of any sorts. My e-mail is
I try to interact with viewers as much as possible. So please ask questions and interact with me.
9 comments. Latest: Jun 10 2011, 01:00 by Sayle