So last christmas was the time I got into Starcraft. I had heard about it but never really knew much about it. I started watching Husky on youtube and before I knew it starcraft was top on my list. I couldn't wait because I knew I would get it and sure enough I did. Nothing is ever easy is it though. Countless problems occurred starting with an outdated graphics card to random game crashes. About a week ago I finally got it working and victory was mine. I could finally delve into the starcraft community that seemed to be very welcoming. I had stuck to watching some day[9] and husky until I could get the game to work. Now that it does there's still some more problems to work out being with friends.
On a recent day9 daily he talked about how to get into starcraft. That lead me to this very site! I'm still new to this site and am slowly finding my way around. It would just be my luck if for some reason this blog is never seen. So that's why I'm here. I'm a very low level bronze looking for some friends to help me get into starcraft more. I posted in some other blogs asking for friends and I posted in the practice partner area so hopefully some people there will add me. The thing is I'm a bit...shy. lol I know sounds weird I'm trying to get all these people to add me and I'm shy. Well I looked on the practice partner thread and found one or two people but they were either offline or It felt too awkward for some random guy named squiggles to suddenly be chatting with you. -.-' So I'm hoping to get out there and make new friends.
Here's my profile link: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2453462/1/Squiggles/ if you wanna see. My character name is "Squiggles" character code "496" I play on the US servers and I'm on EST. I do have skype because voice chat is ftw.
Anyone at all who wants to add me feel free to. I'm hoping for some other bronze level players to add me so I have some people my skill and some higher level people to help me be better. And thanks for your help d=(^.^)z
I'll be your friend! I'm not very good yet.
AWwww!! that's adorable, would totally adopt you if you were on europe server. Hope you find people to practice against and maybe even someone higher level to help you improve, just remember to have fun!
lol cute's not what I had in mind but thanks. Weird to be cute when your 16.
On April 04 2011 07:16 MajorSquiggles wrote: lol cute's not what I had in mind but thanks. Weird to be cute when your 16.
Look at Pokebunny! Lol. If you're on often, I can help you out a bit. If you somehow manage to find a practice partner that is about your skill level (or above) and has skype, I'd be glad to coach you guys a bit every week. Hit me up on Starcraft: KidNamedOmni.970 or skype: gabebeasts (leave skype running like 24/7)
Ohright.. I'm Masters @ any race. Feel like my coaching is pretty gosu. Na'mean? *E-Flex* :X
I'm a mid silver protoss who just recently got promoted and i'd be open to practicing whenever i'm online, you can PM me on TL or shoot me a message on the NA server. BDPohaenix.319
Most people I have on my friends list usually just play WoW, or they play StarCraft very rarely, so I'd always be looking for more people to play against (I'm bronze) and chat with.
Go ahead and add me if you'd like, I'm a silver zerg, always looking for new friends. :D (Kinesthetic.171 or Korinaii on Skype) I play with a bunch of bronze/silver friends most of the time and they'd love to have you around.
Bronze level player, should be able to get to silver if I start playing more. I watch Day[9] so I know what to do, I just have no practice doing it myself. Feel free to add me, Killerkerara 462. I am usually willing to play a game or two when I'm on, otherwise I'm playing 1v1 obs xel'naga caverns.
Also, I am extremely shy irl, but on the interwebs, I'll talk to anybody about anything. Anonymity is a wonderful thing.
Im add a lot of you guys allready, and im using the Buddiship channel, but if anyone want a new SC2 friend and stuff, please add me:
N/A Server CyryC: 668
I've played through the campaign, and I play verses the A.I. However, I would love to have some friends who can help me actually learn how to play.
Wikd8ball 210
i'll play with you sometime if you want
my info is in my sig
I am always up for playing against new people and observing games. I'm a bronze level terran on the NA server: BrandNew 964 Also check out the channel Buddiship for cool people to play with
I'm a mid gold player, trying to start playing more. If you want basic help, I can do it, or we can just play 1v1's or 2v2's
Anyone can add me, been on a hiatus since the start of S2 (was mid-high silver end of S1). Planning on comming back soon, need practice partners and sc2 buddies to get cracking when I get back.
MrPicklcoptr 272
Ain't Day9 a peach?
Well, currently, I'm 50ish in Bronze, I've only played one game in the season. I play Protoss, and occasionally random. I play VERY sporadically, but I'm trying to get in a routine. Let's hope this group will help!
Just add me and I'll be more than happy to play with any of you.
Sup doods. I'm a platinum zerg if you guys wanna add me. I don't really know anyone who plays sc2 so it'd be nice to play with some people instead of continuous random 2v2s and ladder 1v1. i mostly play at like 11pm eastern
Nakedsurfer #865
platinum! XpNc.526. NA server . zerg of course :D
Mid diamond player ID: Oppa #915
If you have any questions feel free to ask! and I'll be more than welcome to play some games with you! =)