Hey all you Liquidians out there. This is my 1,001st post. I've seen other milestone posts before, and I'm not really sure which kind I like best. I guess I’ll split mine up into my StarCraft history, my accomplishments on Team Liquid, and then a useful guide to something.
I was first introduced to StarCraft in 2000. My username (at least the one I stuck with the longest) was qaz (creative, right?). I played it for a few years, and then drifted on. But in 2007, I began playing again after hearing about Team Liquid (thank you Georgia Tech BroodWar Club!) I got introduced to the pro scene and all the awesome that makes up TeamLiquid.com. But I was pretty shy at the time, so I just kind of… lurked. I didn’t even lurk hard; I just watched the streams and browsed a few threads. I became a huge fan of Klazart. To the SC2 people who don’t know Klazart, shame on you. Click here (Klazart being Awesome). When Klazart stopped casting I was bummed. I pretty much stopped watching Broodwar, to be honest (though I still played). Sure, SC2 was coming out, but I wasn’t really excited for it. I didn’t pre-order, get a beta key, or even buy it when it the day/week/month it came out. I didn’t actually get SC2 until November 2010. I was still on iCCup, playing on Blue Storm (my favorite map by far), as a D+ Terran.
I also made plenty of maps in BW. Ranging from simple melee or mass-attack games to morpgs (4 players isn’t exactly Massively Multiplayer imo). I made a few custom campaigns, including a 20-mission one called War on Terror. One of the missions played almost exactly like the Outbreak mission in SC2. But I never got into the mapping “scene” per se, the only people who played my campaigns were my three friends Simon, Joey, and Michael, none of whom play SC2 as far as I know. Simon (Red_Glo) was a beast as protoss. He could actually control dragoons well (or at least it seemed like he could to me). Without you guys, I’d have never gotten into StarCraft, so thanks.
Team Liquid/SC2 Accomplishments
When I finally got SC2, I began making maps immediately. The editor is just so powerful and amazing! Now, my maps were absolutely terrible. Unlike many of the people making maps, I hadn’t had the editor since it was released in beta. My first map was Summons, which was an incredibly ugly, square 2p map. But I kept at it, and I kept learning what makes a map good and what does not. Immediately, I could tell that the Blizzard maps were god-awful. And then, sometime in December, someone (not me) brought up the idea of a custom map tournament. The community latched on to it, and talked it over for a long time.
Eventually, I realized no one was going to take any initiative and actually make it happen. So I did. I made a secret forum, dragged several top figures in the custom map community into it, and forced them to help me come up with a system that would work. And lo, the Map of the Month Tournament was born.
Each month, I’ve dedicated all of my free time to running this tournament. The first one was a logistical disaster, but I learned quickly, and in February I recruited a large team of people to help me when tournament time rolls around. Month #2 also brought 16,000 viewers to the tournament, casted by iCCupTV’s prodiG and AoD. In just our second month as a tournament, we were getting some big name players to sign up. Month #3 on the 26th promises to be the biggest ever. The talent that has signed up is just staggering… I really can’t believe people this good are playing in something I created. People like Antimage, dde, Sheth, Stalife… the list goes on. And yes, I know I didn’t come up with the idea. But I think that without me, MotM would still just be talk. I pour my heart and soul (and part of my wallet) into this tournament every month; I set up the meetings, organize the games, assemble all the replays, write all official messages (except prodiG’s special Awards). And I do it all for the love of StarCraft and Team Liquid, which SC2 has rekindled inside of me.
My fellow Liquidians, thank you so much for all the awesome threads, the fantastic streams (MrBitter, Run_br), the hilarious bans, the incredible events. TSL is going to be the most talented tournament in the history of videogames, and the games themselves are going to be nothing short of incredible. Without Team Liquid, I wouldn’t enjoy StarCraft very much. I never would have gotten to D+, never would have watched Jinro demolish the Koreans, never would have heard Klazart speak faster than NaDa can click, never would have found a game I can devote myself to. ♥♥♥
P.S. Big thanks to Manifesto7 for ruining my 1,000 posts without a ban or warning attempt at post # 934. No hard feelings, it was bad and I deserved it ^^
And now for the how-to guide… hmm.
Guide to getting something done: Just go fucking do it. I had no idea how to run a tournament before I started. I still don’t to be honest. The biggest thing I’ve learned from this has got to be if you want to do something, just go fucking do it. It’ll never happen if you’re worried you’ll mess up.
You: ...
A more useful guide you ask? Perhaps a bit less cliché? Perhaps something with a cool accent mark over the e like in the word cliché? And with pictures? All right, well lets see…
iGrok’s guide to All-inning Pokémon Generation II.
+ Show Spoiler [Really, Really long] +
In this guide, I’ll be playing Pokemon Gold version. However, this guide works equally well for Silver or Crystal Version. It’s kind of a speedrunning guide, but I will say that I am not at all sure that this is the fastest way to defeat the Elite 4. Note that this guide will not help you to catch all 251 Pokémon of Gen2, and bypasses several side-quests.
I’m going to start by taking a lesson from the illustrious Day[9]: Have an mid game goal in sight, some unit composition that you want to have. From there, you can work backwards and figure out the best way to get there. In the later stages of Pokemon battles, being able to One-Hit Knock-out (OHKO) an opponent is very useful. And the best way to do that is to use attacks that do bonus damage. There are two ways to get an attack bonus in Gen II: Attacks of a type the opponent is weak to, and attacks of a type that you are (called a Same Type Attack Bonus [STAB]) Attack. So, I want a Pokemon that has attacks that will be super effective to the most types of Pokemon I can. Speed is also very important, so I want him to be very fast as well. Some players like to keep a team of balanced Pokemon, I prefer to find one or two good ones (depending on generation) and powerlevel them only, as opposed to raising an equal-level team. This is a very all-in strategy; if your focused Pokémon dies, you’ll be shit out of luck.
Working backwards from this, what will let me reach my goal? My midgame goal is to catch and train an Abra. You’ll understand why once we get there, but suffice to say he achieves all my goals.
One restriction I place on myself is that I cannot trade Pokémon. This prevents me from acquiring fast-leveling Pokémon, and also keeps me from Evolving certain ones, including my baby, Kadabra. But in truth, this is also good for me, because a quick-leveling Alakazam would quickly grow beyond my control.
So, on to the game!
The Beginning
You start in your house. Go downstairs, you’ll have to talk to your mother, who will explain to you how to use your phone when you tell her you already know. Such a thoughtful mother ^^. Out the door to see Professor Elm!
Elm’s Lab is to the west and north. You’ll see a red-haired guy peeking at the lab, ignore him for now, he’s probably harmless, right?
So you walk in, and Professor Elm needs you to do him a favor. Blah Blah Blah, Mr. Pokémon, Blah Blah Blah Here you’re only 15 but take one of these super-rare Pokémon that you’ll never see another of ever!
So now comes the ultimate choice: which start to get? For me it was no choice. Every game, I get the water starter. Its part because it’s the best, and part because Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise was so amazing and I’m nostalgic ^^. But in all seriousness, water starters have a tendency to be both high-hp and high damage, whereas Fire is damage-focused and grass is health-focused. So I chose Totodile. It doesn’t particularly matter since you’ll be ditching them reasonably soon, but Totodile will make the beginning stages much easier and will help us reach our midgame goal more easily. Totodile is a good "Opening" into the Abra-Kadabra "Build". He also means that you won’t have to find a different Pokémon to Surf.
So now you have your starter. Walk out of the lab (after getting a gift from your
When you get to the next town, talk to the old man. He’ll take you around and tell you shit, but then he’ll give you a map which is pretty useful. Go heal your pokemon at the PC and then head north and right to Mr. Pokémon’s house. The only danger here is being poisoned by a Weedle (so fucking annoying). If this happens, immediately run back to the PC and heal up (and pray that you don’t hit a battle). Once you talk to Mr. Pokémon, its time to head back. On the way home you bump into the Red-haired dude. Kick his ass.
Back at the lab, the Professor tells you you are the Chosen One. Off to a world of adventure! Go back up the path you did before, but north and left this time. Eventually you’ll get a call from your mother. Ask her to save your money for you – it comes in handy. I should mention – don’t capture any of the Pokémon here – you’ll need your balls later.
Violet City
The gym leader here likes birds. At this point, I’ve used solely my Totodile, and he is level 11. The other thing here is Sprout Tower. Basically, use your starter to demolish everything in Sprout Tower, healing when you need to. Sprout Tower is hardest as Totodile, but once you hit level 12 you’ll be able to ride the experience up, one-shotting most bellsprouts anyways. The only reason you would capture a weak bug type earlier is so that you can capture Sprout Tower’s Ghastly (only appear at night)! Ghastly is a Pokémon that you will not use more once, but he is absolutely mandatory. Odds are your starter will be too strong and will OHKO him ever time. If not, you’re in luck, if so, just throw all your Pokeballs at him and hope for the best!
Now its time to beath the gymleader. Team: lvl15 Totodile, lvl 5 Ghastly. Once you beat the two gym-scum, on to the Gym leader. This is why Totodile is awesome: He learns rage. Simply spam rage, and you’ll trash the boss very easily. Congratulations! Stop by the PC to heal up and talk to your
Route 32 & 33 There is nothing here of value. Move through it and on to Union Cave. Again, nothing really of value. Move on to and through Route 33, to Azalea Town.
Azalea Town
Oh look, theres a Rocket member standing in front of a hole… maybe if I just kick him in… Nah, there’s got to be a more elaborate way to win! Go talk to Kurt, who loves… Balls. Then crush all the Team Rockets in the well (still using only your Starter), heal up, and go to the gym. Team: Croconaw lvl 21, Ghastly lvl 6, Mareep lvl 6. Defeat all the trainers (you don’t have to but the exp is good) by spamming Bite. Once you get the the Leader,spam either Rage or Bite to win.Once you win, heal up and head west to Ilex Forest, where you fight your Rival again.
Spam Bite again to waste them. If you get poisoned go back and heal, otherwise move on to…
Ilex Forest/Route 34
You have to chase a Farfetch’d around the forest. This gets you HM1: Cut. Teach this to your starter. Also theres a Revive in the forest – really useful with this “build”. Then we’re on to route 34. We’re almost to where the real fun begins.
You see, Route 34 has the most OP Pokémon ever conceived. Abra.
I know, I know. Abra only has Teleport! Just wait and see. This is the sole reason we have Ghastly. Use hypnosis on Abra until you put it to sleep, and then use Ghastly to weaken it a bit so you can capture it. NOTE: In some cases (too low level) your Ghastly may not be able to use hypnosis before Abra teleports! If this is the case, train ghastly on Drowzee (which also appear in Route 34). A Lvl 6 Ghastly can easily take a Lvl 12 Drowzee! I had to train Ghastly up to level 11 (about 4 drowzees) before he could catch an Abra in hypnosis. After that, a single Lick and Abra was easily captured! On to Goldenrod City!
Goldenrod City
First, heal up. Then go around the Department Store and get the bicycle. Then, to the Department Store. Take the elevator to the fifth floor, and head to the counter. The man here is selling TMs. Buy TM33, TM41, and TM48. These are Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, and Fire Punch, respectively. And guess what Pokémon can learn ALL of these moves? Abra can. Teach all three to Abra. Soon you will rarely/never need to use your starter again.
In case you still don’t get it, your Abra is now super-effective to Water, Grass, Ice, Ground, Flying, Bug, Dragon, and Steel. And once he hits Lvl 16, you can add in Fighting and Poison, and a STAB attack (remember how we talked about those?). There is only one thing you have to be careful about, and that is Dark types. One of the Elite 4 loves Dark types, but that’s okay, we’ll deal with her later.
Go back to Route 34 and train Abra up to level 16, when he will evolve into a Kadabra. This is a difficult part of the game, because a Lvl 10 abra is weak as hell - if it stubs its toe, it dies. You may lose him a few times, and if so, just finish the fight with your starter, heal at the PC (very close by), and come out and fight again. Thunder Punch is your friend! It often paralyzes the opponent. By Lvl 13 you should be able to go a few battles in between heals. At Lvl 16, you become a Kadabra and learn Confusion (replace Teleport). Heal up and head to the Gym. Team: Kadabra Lvl 16, Croconaw Lvl 25, Ghastly Lvl 6, Togepi Lvl 5 (it hatched a while back). Spam Confusion your whole way through the gym, except against the Snubbull. Its part Dark, so use punches on it. Heal when you need to, the trainers don’t reset when you do (Potions are more for convenience than anything else in this game), then head to the boss. By this point, my Kadabra was Lvl 18. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT LEARN DISABLE. You will never learn any move that isn’t Confusion, Psybeam, or Psychic. And you will always replace the previous one from the above list. Kadabra can’t solo this boss. He should be able to take out Clefairy, and maybe do some damage to Miltank. That’s ok, just send in your starter once Kadabra faints and finish the job. Then (after the Gym Leader cries and you finally get your badge, go to the north-east-most house (very close to the gym) and get the Squirtbottle. Then go heal up. We’ll be back later, but for now it’s time for…
Route 35, National Park, Route 36, and Route 37
This is a very long stretch without access to a Pokecenter. Make sure you heal up, and grab that super potion from the computer in the corner (your mom bought you one!). You’ll be using Kadabra to solo 4 areas of trainers and any wild Pokémon that appear. Now is a good time to talk about spreading your PP (yes I know that sounds awkward). PP is the number of times you can use a move between heals at a Pokémon Center. You punches each have 15 PP, and Psybeam has 20.Remember that the Abra build relies on being able to target your opponent’s weaknesses. For this reason, you want to keep as many options open as possible. Any time that you are over-using one attack, and its pp drops significantly below the others, use other moves when you can afford to (vs weaker Pokémon or vs ones you have no attack bonus against). This will ensure that you always have the proper move when you need it.
There are a ton of trainers here. Kadabra can handle all of them, just use your knowledge of Pokémon type-advantages to decide which attack to use. If none of them are super-effective, use the Psychic-type STAB attack (assuming the target is not Dark ofc). Move through the Bug Park (a poor replacement for the Safari Zone), through Route 36, and up to the Squiggly Tree. No troubles here! Use the Squirt Bottle on the Squiggly Tree, and you’ll fight Sudowoodo. Ice Punch that ho, and go Northwest to Route 37. There are a couple of trainers here, easily disposed of by your ever-stronger Kadabra. And finally, you’ve made it to the next town.
Ecruteak City
It’s a town, not a city. But it does have a place you can watch the Dancers. The only one you have to fear is the Dark-type one; use Thunder Punch on her. You can leave and heal at any time. Once you defeat them all, talk to the owner, get surf, teach it to Croconaw, and head to the Burned Tower. You fight your rival (PsyBeam, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Celebrate). There’s an HP UP in the basement, give it to Kadabra (he needs it). Then head to the Gym at the bottom of town. Team: Lvl 28 Kadabra, Level 25 Crocanaw, Level 5 Togepi, Level 12 Ghastly. If you have 15 PP left in Psybeam, congratulations you can OHKO every single Pokémon here without taking a shot, including the Gym Leader! And we’re done here.
Route 38, The Farm, & Route 39
There’s a motley assortment of trainers on your way to the farm. Just keep heading west and north (though you have to go south around a fence), wiping trainers as you go and taking their precious Pokébucks! Ignore the farm; Snore is a good attack for Snorlax (remember our late-game plan), but you’ll be getting a better one later. This is a really short section, and drops you off in…
Olivine City, Cianwood City, & the Ocean
You bump into your Rival again here, but he doesn’t fight. Strength is in the southwest, and the lighthouse is in the southeast. The lighthouse is a great place to train. You’ll be tempted to overuse Thunder Punch, but remember that Ice deals a bonus to flying types as well, and manage your PP accordingly. The gym leader needs you to get medicine from across the sea. While you’re here, make sure to pick up the Ether, it’ll come in handy for the sea voyage. Go out the west side of town and sail west to Cianwood. By this point, you’ll really start to notice how ridiculous the level gap is between Kadabra and your opponents. The hardest part of the swim is not using up all of your PP. Use Ice punch on any Shellder, you can probably still kill them with it.
Heal up in Cianwood (just for the PP regen), get the medicine from the bottom house, and prepare to beat the next Gym worse than NaDa could beat a D- on iCCup (Silver League to the SC2-only crowd ^^). It’s a fighting-type gym. And you have Kadabra. He chews through these guys like a 3/3+Thermal Lance Colossus through undefended drones. Team: Lvl 37 Kadabra, Lvl 25 Croconaw, Lvl 5 Togepi, Lvl 12 Ghastly (notice how the others aren’t changing at all?). My Kadabra leveled up to 38 in the middle of the gym, which made it learn Psychic, and then even more rape ensued. It was now like the previously mentioned colossus, except its lasers had charged like a Void Ray. Absurd. Grab HM02 Fly when you get outside by chatting up his wife.
Now that that’s settled, its back to the PC to regen my PP, and back to Olivine. But oh no! We have no flying-type Pokémon! That’s ok, Kadabra can use the training as you surf back across the ocean. Try to hit any trainers you didn’t hit your first time through. By the end of the swim back, Kadabra is Lvl 40, and Kadabra is OHKO’ing Water-type Pokémon with Fire Punch. Climb back up the tower, give the medicine to Jasmine, then regen (its no longer really healing) and head for the gym. 3 Fire Punches and the Steel Pokémon (hey aren’t they supposed to be really good at defense?) go down. Heal, then head back to Ecruteak City, and then finally east along… Route 42 (it doesn’t deserve a special paragraph). Just surf across, you can ignore Mt. Mortar. Catch a Spearow or HootHoot here and teach it Fly and Flash. Up around the bend lies…
Mahagony Town, Lake of Rage, & Ice Path
Hmm, shenanigans are going on in here. It must be the Men In Black (Team Rocket [anti-Team Liquid]). Head up north to the cue deathmetal voice Lake of Rage . Your suspicions are soon confirmed when the MIB take 1000 Pokébucks from you as you head north. When you get to the top, you see a rampaging Red Gyrados in the Lake. Surf out to him Save here, because it’s nice to capture him to use as a toolbelt (HMs), which might take a few tries. Two Ice Punches to put him in deep red HP, then switch in Togepi to take a hit, and Ghastly to Hypnosis. This gives you a roughly 40% chance to catch him with a great ball (he’s annoying like that). Once you catch him, he’s all yours. Talk to the Caped Crusader and walk back down the road.
Heal up, then head to the Pokémart, which is where, surprise! , Team Rocket is hiding. Down the stairs, clear the basement. Once you clear the first two Rockets, spiral inwards without passing any traps to beat a scientist. Use his computer to turn off the traps. Then go down the stairs to find out that you have to torture the two Team Rocket Lieutenants to get the passwords. You can easily thrash them and the boss, and move on. On your way out, open the doors to the generator room, and finish the quest there. Then head to the gym. Team: Lvl 45 Kadabra, Lvl 25 Totodile, Lvl 5 Togepi, Lvl 13 Ghastly. Thunder Punch everything besides the Swinub (Psychic ftw). Very easy. Ignore the call from Professor Elm and move west to the Ice Path. In the maze, go ULDLURURDLULDRDRUR. The other mazes are easy, as is the Rock-dropping part. Ignore most of the Pokémon here, you don’t get much experience and yyou don’t have a ton of PP. Remember, PP management is really important in the long stretches between PokéCenters. But finally, you’ll make it through to Blackthorn City. We ignored Elm before, but now that we’ve been in Blackthorn, fly to Goldenrod. (this lets you immediately fly to Blackthorn later). There’s trouble brewing around the…
Goldenrod Radio Tower & Underground Warehouse
Looks like the ever-notorious Team Rocket is at it again! Tear up the tower, heal, go to the basement. Oh look! MinChul is back and looking for a fight. Beat him, then the rockets, then toggle the switches, farthest from the stairs to closest. Head through the basement, and make sure you pick up the Max Ether. Take the Director’s Card, head back to the Radio Tower. Go through the locked door on the right side, up the stairs, defeat the Rocket Executives. Looks Like Team Rocket’s blasting off again, and so are you, right back to…
Blackthorn City
We’re back! Its time for the hardest gym in Johto! And by “Hardest” I mean “If this was the GSL, you’d go 4-1.” You will almost Certainly need to heal after a few trainers. Use Psychic a lot, Ice and Thunder punch where applicable. Drop the rocks into the right holes, and then it’s time for Claire. Not to be confused with the former name of a guy who really loves Marines. Team: Lvl 55 Kadabra, and you know what, I’m not going to bother with anything else. Psychic 4 times will crush her, but she won’t give you the badge. In the lake behind the gym theres a cave, go through that. Follow the water counter-clockwise (you’ll need Whirlpool – at this point my Totodile knows Cut, Strength, Surf, and Whirlpool), grab the dragon fang, and you’ll be told to go to the Elite 4.
Preparing for the Elite 4 and Beyond
Once you get out of the cave, you’ll be asked to go to New Bark Town. But we’re not quite ready. First, fly to Goldenrod one more time, and head to the department store. It’s time to splurge! Go to the 4th floor and buy two of everything, then give them to Kadabra. While you’re here, sell off any useless items. Also, if you have any PP UPs, use them on Psychic. (which has 5 less PP to begin with than your punches). Also, stop by floor 3 and purchase an escape rope.
Next, walk north of Goldenrod, through route 35. But before you enter the toll, take a right, and move clockwise around until you get to TM04. With this in your pack, fly to Ecruteak and head east again. Surf the first pond once more, but enter Mt. Mortar on the island entrance. You’ll need flash, surf, and waterfall. Croconaw cannot learn waterfall, so catch a fish here and teach it! I’ll let a different guide explain the next part:
Go right, and surf through two ponds to get the Max Potion. From the item, go up, Surf another pond, and go past where the item was. Jump down and head left. When you come to another pond, Surf it and head right. Jump down the first fence and collect TM 40
. Now escape rope your way out.Finally, fly back to New Bark Town. Elm gives you a Master Ball. Go ahead and collect any money your mother has saved up, and then surf east. You need Surf, Whirlpool, and Waterfall. Fly is nice to have as well. Once you touch land again, congratulations! You’re now on…
Victory Road!
This is a PP test again. Do not waste anything on wild Pokémon, and make sure you know your types so that you OHKO every enemy. You’ll need just about every shot for the trainers. Fortunately, there is a rest house that will restore your PP and HP, so it’s not too difficult. But make enough mistakes and you’ll pay the price. Once you do hit the Rest house, everything is much easier. Walk through the double doors, past the guard, and out into the cave. Finding your way through is pretty easy, and when you get to the end, your Rival shows up once more. Once you crushes him, he tries to do a ceremony speech. Just shrug, pat him on the shoulder, and move up to what we’ve been waiting for.
Proud home of the Elite 4!
First things first. Heal up. Next things: Buy 5 Revives, 4 Hyper Potions, and 5 Full Restores if you can afford them. If things go according to plan you’ll never need them, but you know… better safe than sorry. My Kadabra is level 59 (if you’re 58 or higher you should be fine, if not train in Victory Road. Its technically possible to do it with weaker ones, but just… raise your level man). When you’re ready, head right around the corner and up the stairs to Will, the first member of the Elite 4. I’ll list the battles and how to handle them below. Note that Pokémon are not guaranteed to be in this order. Team: Kadabra Lvl 59, Croconaw Lvl 25, Ghastly Lvl 14, Togepi Lvl 5, Hoothoot Lvl 3 (caught instead of Spearow), Goldeen Lvl 20 (caught in Mt. Mortar for Waterfall)
Will (Psychic)
Xatu, Slowbro, Jinx, Exeggutor, Xatu. Average Level: 41. Total level: 205. (compared to my 59)
Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch.
Koga (Poison)
Ariados, Venomoth, Muk, Forretress, Crobat. Avg Lvl: 42 Total: 210
Fire Punch, Fire Punch, Psychic, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch
Bruno (Fighting)
Hitmontop, Hitmonchamp, Hitmonlee, Onyx, Machamp. Avg Lvl: 43 Total: 215
Remember the other gym that was just an OLOLOL RAEPFEST?
This is like that but easier.
Psychic x5.
Hitmonchamp will hit you once, but it won’t do much. His move automatically goes first.
So far, I’ve taken 13 damage (stupid quick-punch), and defeated 3 of the elite 4. Of course, they only get more difficult as I move forward, and the 4th member is by far the most difficult. I’m taking every precaution, downing a potion to recover that 13 health. Dark types were designed to defeat Psychics, because Psychics beat everyone else in R/B/Y competitive play. Below is the most efficient way I’ve found to defeat them.
Karen (Dark)
Umbreon, Vileplume, Murkrow, Gengar, Houndoom. Avg Lvl: 44 Total: 220
Thunder Punch x2 + Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Psychic, Thunder Punch till its dead. If Kadabra dies, sacrifice other Pokémon to revive and heal it (2 Pokémon sacrificed per revive + heal), then keep Thunder Punching. She’ll use a Max Potion on Houndoom. Just keep Thunder Punching it until it finally, permanently dies. Make sure you save 2 Thunder Punches though; if you get down to your last two Thunder Punch PP, start using Ice Punch instead. By the time I was done here, Kadabra was level 61.
WOO! We’re finally done!
Except one thing…
The Caped Crusader is apparently the Pokémon League Champion, and you have to beat him to win.
Lance (Dragon)
Gyrados, Charizard, Aerodactyl, Dragonite, Dragonite, Dragonite. Avg. Lvl: 46.666… Total Level 280
There’s a reason we saved all those Ice Punches.
Save here.
Thunder Punch Gyrados. Thunder Punch Charizard. Ice Punch Aerodactyl. Ice Punch Dragonite ad infinitum. Lance’s three strongest Pokémon (the Dragonites Lvl 47x2 and Lvl 50) all take 4x damage from Ice attacks. I OHKO’d every single Pokémon Lance had.
You’ll be inducted into the Pokémon Hall of Fame. Congratulations! You’ve just successfully DT-rushed in Pokémon.
I really hope you’ve enjoyed this guide. Pokémon GenII was by far superior to Gen3-5. I came across this build while looking for the answer “What can I have that will be able to OHKO the best?” Kadabra has incredible Special stats, but it also has very fast speed. The elemental Punches count as Physical attacks, not Special, but it doesn’t matter because they will always be super effective anyways. The combination of high Special, STAB that is Special, the ability to learn the three elemental Punches, and speed which makes it attack first in every battle you’re even close to even levels makes Kadabra the premier choice for Pokémon.
If you are interested in the transition from this build, read the spoiler below. Its really short because honestly, the second half of Pokémon 2 is kind of boring. The wild Pokémon are extremely weak, and the most difficult boss is level 58, before jumping WAY the hell up to 80. The necessitates a huge, extremely slow grind to be able to fight at that level. I’ll outline the build theory below.
+ Show Spoiler [Kanto Transition] +
Step 1: Get Snorlax.
Step 2: Teach Snorlax Defense Curl, Rollout, and Sleep Talk
Step 3: Level Snorlax to roughly equal to Kadabra (Feel free to make him an Alakazam now – any Pokémon will listen to you at this point.
Step 4: Keep leveling them, and power train on Gary, the highest gym boss. How to Power-die: Gary’s last Pokémon is Arcanine. Intentionally die, over and over again, by using Fire Punch on Arcanine. Save each time you die, and whenyou do beat him, switch to Snorlax. Power Train Snorlax by switching out rollout and defense curl (not allowing rollout to build up), using sleep talk, resting as your first move, all that good stuff. When you finally can’t help but kill Gary, move on to Ash. Defeat him and become the World’s Greatest Pokémon Master!
Again, huge, tremendous thanks to all of Team Liquid. I love you guys so much. I’m preparing for TSL as we speak! ♥♥♥
Shoutouts to prodiG, BoomStevo, Dimfish, FlopTurnReaver, MrBitter, Run_Br, flamewheel, and everyone else that I’m forgetting at the moment because its 7am and I’ve been up all night switching between speed-running Pokémon and watching GSL.
P.P.S. I just realized that I don’t know if there’s a character restriction on posts. Oh boy.
EDIT: Apparently the character cap is greater than 33,297 ^^. Thanks R1CH (I assume its your magic that makes this possible)