I never thought once I picked up SC2 that I'd actually...not play for another game, but, I've found just such a game. I love Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam.
For those that don't know, Vietnam is the expansion/DLC for Bad Company 2 which is set in (spoiler alert) the Vietnam war.
It's an FPS, but it's not a bad FPS (I'm looking at you, Call of Duty); instead, it's a more...realistic and immersive FPS. There's a lot of weapons, and there's also vehicles. So, you can choose a soldier class to play as, customize your weapon and equipment loadout, and then go fly around in a helicopter and blow some shit up.
I absolutely loved Battlefield 2 (and can't wait for Battlefield 3), and I loved Bad Company 2, and while I was initially put off by the whole Vietnam thing, I'm finding I really love it.
The map designs are really nice, and actually create some pretty interesting combat situations, even if the maps aren't perfectly balanced for each team. What I mean is, some maps are favored for a certain team so long as the other team isn't forced past a specific point.
There's one conquest map in particular that has this issue. (Conquest is basically a king of the hill/domination mode where there's three points to capture and hold, and you win by gaining the most tickets from holding more capture points.) If the NVA loses B, they lose. The US just sits on the hill, and in the rice paddies, and on the slope coming down to A, and the NVA just...loses. That's it; it's over. No realistic chacne of coming back. That happened last night. I just sat in a rice paddie and blew shit up with an RPG-7. Oh, wait.
Edit: I sort of posted without finishing my rant. >.>
Basically, I love the game and I can't wait to play it when I get home. It's such a good stress reliever; SC2 can still be frustrating and stressful, especially when you're in a heated game. I rarely ever get mad in an FPS unless someone is blatantly cheating and there's no admins to deal with it. T_T
Here's a video review if anyone doesn't have the game but needs a good incentive to get it:
Tehre are a few things that I hate about this game: 1) There is no decent way to take down a chopper. You have to gun it down with a squad of m60's or nail it with a godly rocket 2) There are like no servers 3) The only servers are all 32 man, and 16v16 is such a clusterfuck :/
other than that, fuck this game is wicked. quickscoping with the m40 never ever gets old!
I admit the choppers are really annoying, too. I got pretty good at pegging helicopters with tracer darts in BC2, but without those, trying to aim and hit a moving chopper with a moving projectile is pretty difficult.
Shooting at the damn things is an invitation to be strafed.
There's tons of servers; I'm not sure why you aren't finding many.
On January 04 2011 08:11 LazyMacro wrote: I admit the choppers are really annoying, too. I got pretty good at pegging helicopters with tracer darts in BC2, but without those, trying to aim and hit a moving chopper with a moving projectile is pretty difficult.
Shooting at the damn things is an invitation to be strafed.
There's tons of servers; I'm not sure why you aren't finding many.
I've got full and empty servers filtered out so that might be why. 32 Slots really sucks the fun out of it though :/
Some maps and game modes are a bitch with that many people. The map feels too populated, and people inevitably end up fighting over vehicles and such.
Just play with the server browser a bit and I'm sure you'll find something. There are definitely less servers up for Vietnam than the core game, but there should still be something showing up for you. T_T
I think the Vanilla is better than the Vietnam gameplay wise but Vietnam has a ton of character. I love the atmosphere and sounds/models. Everything feels amazing.
Yeah, if BC2 is this good, imagine how good BF3 will be?
DICE said a while back that they intended for BC2 to be less hardcore than than BF franchise. I'll be in the BF3 beta because I preordered MoH (which sucks TBH). I can't wait.
On January 04 2011 08:11 LazyMacro wrote: I admit the choppers are really annoying, too. I got pretty good at pegging helicopters with tracer darts in BC2, but without those, trying to aim and hit a moving chopper with a moving projectile is pretty difficult.
Shooting at the damn things is an invitation to be strafed.
There's tons of servers; I'm not sure why you aren't finding many.
I've got full and empty servers filtered out so that might be why. 32 Slots really sucks the fun out of it though :/
Really thats what I love are the 32 servers. I miss BF2 32 vs 32 omg fun times.
On January 04 2011 08:11 LazyMacro wrote: I admit the choppers are really annoying, too. I got pretty good at pegging helicopters with tracer darts in BC2, but without those, trying to aim and hit a moving chopper with a moving projectile is pretty difficult.
Shooting at the damn things is an invitation to be strafed.
There's tons of servers; I'm not sure why you aren't finding many.
I've got full and empty servers filtered out so that might be why. 32 Slots really sucks the fun out of it though :/
This why its called the Bad Company series . Why can't dice just make BF3 already...
I can't wait for BF3 as well, BC2 is awesome and I got it during the steam sale and I love it, but I still crave for a game that's more like BF1942!! :D
On January 04 2011 14:51 Superiorwolf wrote: I can't wait for BF3 as well, BC2 is awesome and I got it during the steam sale and I love it, but I still crave for a game that's more like BF1942!! :D
The beta is supposed to be out sometime this year. Last I heard, it's Q4 2011. If you preordered Medal of Honor last year you automatically get into the BF3 beta. (DICE, the company that does the BF games did MoH's multiplayer.)
Awww man. I wish my laptop could handle BC2, but alas it cannot.
The Vietnam expansion looks mind-blowingly awesome. I had tons of fun with the dark horse of the series Battlefield: Vietnam before switching over to BF2.
On January 04 2011 14:51 Superiorwolf wrote: I can't wait for BF3 as well, BC2 is awesome and I got it during the steam sale and I love it, but I still crave for a game that's more like BF1942!! :D
The beta is supposed to be out sometime this year. Last I heard, it's Q4 2011. If you preordered Medal of Honor last year you automatically get into the BF3 beta. (DICE, the company that does the BF games did MoH's multiplayer.)
Dice announced that BF3 will be released wtihin the last 6 months of this year :D. Beta will be announced march is my guess during that conference.