And ofc Happy new year too ! Where are you guys going to celebrate ? Im going to Prague with my friends its gonna be Legen... wait for it... dary ! Im looking forward to seeing my old friends again yuhuuuuuuu ^^
How could I forgot, what are you going to give your friends / parents / bf, gf ? Have you been already shopping ? Or are you waiting till 23th to buy something on a gas station ? what is it ?
1. I bought DeathAdder to my bro.
2. Really huge box of condoms and little ninja on keys to my best friend.
3. CD key for HoN to my second best friend. / heh and one for my :D
4. Some jewelery for mom.
5. Sport dress and other things of Slovakia Hockey Representation to my dad (he is in England and he love hockey and I want to send him something from us if you know what Im talking about : ) )
6. I have no idea what I want to give to my moms husband :x
And at the end I have a little Christmas gift for my TLers.
I was really hard thinking of what I can give you and I end up with nothing cool so Im going to give you my old Steam ACC with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 ! yea I know thats for nubz but what ! I want to give you something so much :-*
How to get it ?
1. Send my PM exactly at midnight this night. I dont know what time zone Im in so you have to figure it out. Who will have best time is winning.
2. GLHF owning nubzlordz out there : )
Happy xmas TL !