G'day folks.
I got to thinking - do people ever use the veil of "oh noes I'm on battle.net, this guy is going to cheese me"?
I almost never cheese when I'm laddering - it's not a 'moral' standpoint on the issue or anything like that - I just generally don't ever do it because I'm a little bit more of a macro player. This seems to shine through in my wins, almost every time the game goes over 25 minutes, I seem to win. I'm not claiming I'm a BeSt-style macro master or anything, it just seems that while my early game is pretty crappy, later on macro is my shindig.
Back on track - I was thinking about whether people pretend to cheese while covering another risky play - so I decided to give it a shot.
PvP on Blistering sands (one of my least favourite maps), and I decided to cover an 'eco cheese' (15nexus or something around that) with a 'military cheese'. I will admit, it was unfortunate for the other player that he didn't scout the early nexus properly, and that's obviously what cost me the game, however - if a mediocre player such as myself can get this to work in (lol) low diamond, can pro players do it?
Replay below, as mentioned above yes I know it was mainly the other guys fault for not scouting correctly - but have you ever attempted to 'cover your tracks' with a fake-cheese? Better yet - does anyone know if any pros have done anything of this style?
Also I've uploaded a few nice vods onto my youtube recently, show a brother-nerd some love and let me know if you like the vods or not! :D www.youtube.com/duckvillelol
I get cheesed basically every game. I'd like to think I'm getting pretty good at punishing the other player for it, too.
And fake-cheesing.. interesting idea. If I played Zerg and saw an early scout, I'd probably slap down a pool ASAP to make him freak out, hahaha
I've personally never "fake cheesed" (nor do I cheese in general, as I'm a heavy macro Terran user), but I do sometimes like to "accidentally say to [all] instead of [allies]" that I am going for a banshee or reaper rush, hahaha.
I find a TON of players, especially in the lower leagues tend to do a LOT of cheesing, and do it decently (probably because if it works = win most of the time, and if it fails they just die over). As a result I tend to play conservative (no fast expand builds) and scout pretty heavily because as long as I know its coming I can stop it 9/10 times and take the easy win since they fall over once the cheese fails.
One time on steppes I opened 6-pool but for some reason he sent his 6th scv (i guess the metagame is 6pool haha) to scout so i abandoned ship and just built some queens and expanded. When I scouted his base next he had a fortress built and little scvs with his rines still standing guard for a rush that wasnt coming hahahaha.
Edit: wrong thread, if a mod sees this delete please and thank you.
One thing I loved to do at D- / D on Iccup as a Protoss against a Terran... usually did this on Heartbreak Ridge:
DT Rush - this will make the terran turtle up and build a lot of turrets. They will be afraid of going anywhere since they probably aren't great at using scan yet.
Then take the nat and a third and go for a macro game, just use DTs to contain / snipe expo attempts.
i rarely cheese but my early-mid game is where i shine and my lategame is where i fall (I forget to macro, i dont expo up, i have no map control, im in chaos and loss) in both BW and SC2