My final game off the day was me as random Vs a terran.
My little heart sank as I just knew I would spawn as zerg.The map was Lost Temple.....
I spawned as zerg .... /cry /sniff.
Oh well I thought, I'll try and do what the pros do, ling/baneling into muta one base and see what happens.
I 10 pooled in case of reapers and when I scouted, saw no gas and rubbed my hands with glee, hehe no reapers, so he's going mass marine ball is my only conclusion, my banelings are going to love that!!
I don't even get scouted by him, my smile broadens,"I got this"
Now, this is where it goes tits up I feel. I run in with my lings and spot ......3 bunkers in his base .... oh bugger!! I do what I can to his mineral line, taking out about half of his workers. The marines take out everything else. I send the rest of my lings in but get no joy.
Hmmmm maybe mutas is now not such a good idea!!! Or is it ......
It's become obvious, even to my silver brain trapped in bronze fingers that this guy is in for the long haul and won't be leaving his base anytime soon. It's like that in bronze guys, your opponent comes in to harrass and for the next ten mins you're shit scared to leave your base.
Ok says I, I'm going to (attempt) out macro him. I expand to my natural, get a roach warren up for some defence while I'm jaedonging away at my macro. I constantly pump drones, a few lings and lots of mutas. I expand to gold, do a quick scout and ........ oh fuck......tanks, all sieged, at least 12 of the buggers, AND THAT'S AROUND HIS EXPANSION!! I pop around to his main and am confronted with a terran wall of death I like to call 4 Thors!!!
In my frankly ridiculous jaedong macro fantasy I had lost all track of time and let him just build, and build, and then for good measure bloody build again.
I glance around my desk, looking for something heavy to hit myself with, find nothing and look to the heavens..... SEAN Day9 PLOTT I need your assistance!!!!
I had an epiphany, those broken glasses, those over excited moments of dailys gone by, episode 100, all of day's wisdom washed before my eyes..... Turtle some more, get brood lords AND ultralisks for the tanks and Thors, a few more roaches... and a partidge in a pear treeeeeeee!!!, job done
I expand again but in my heart of hearts I know I'm biting alot more off than I can chew. I'm playing my worst played race against it's (allegedly) over powered nemesis. I am on 4-5 bases and even my best jaedong impersonation can't deal with that much. These 43 year old eyes and fingers haven't come to term with more than 3 bases yet.
My income is off the chart, over 4k minerals and 1k gas building at will to be honest,and felling pretty smooth ......
For the first time in SC2 I am sat at 200/200 food, lots of roaches, 7 ish ultras, 8 ish broodlords, enough lings to sink a ship, some more roaches, and even some hydras ..... don't ask...
I take a deep breath and in good old bronze style ...1 A ... and away we go.
I'm flexing looking at my army, I've seen Idra with armies like this, how can I fail? I push his natural...
I send the ground troops in, ultras at back so all roaches etc soak up the first few volleys from the tanks in theory giving my ultras time to get in and eat terran tank crews. The brood lords follow shortly behind ...a sound on the right from his main makes my heart sink ... Bloody Battlecruisers. AND SO MANY I CAN'T SEE HALF HIS MAIN!!! Oh lord...My beautiful brood lords explode under that damned yamato cannon and my ultras are faring no better by this time, I see it all going wrong in a spectacular fashion before my very eyes, I look at my income over 5k minerals 2 k gas .. I'll rebuild and crush him.
Then it hits me, like ice cold water ... I don't know how to beat what must be 20 or so tanks and at least 10 battlecruisers.
I GG and surrender, feeling lied to by Day9 and his broken glasses.
The game was 55 mins long and immense fun, I lost, hey ho, nevermind, next time I'll try and vision the guys on the elitist podcast and see what they have to say!!!