YouTube doesn't let you upload gigantic files like that. You need to compress or convert them in an alternative program and then upload a much more reasonably sized file type, ideally in HD quality.
Vatican City State1650 Posts
What program do you use, and what format do you convert? I try to use the windows movie maker, but the resulting quality is so crap...
I use FRAPS to record the game and then take that huge ass file and convert it in WMM. When I'm in WMM, I save the file specifically as a HD file, and always get 1080p quality when I upload onto YT. I'm using Windows 7 btw, if that matters at all.
Only thing I can't get is for may replay overlay to record as well, which is a pain in the ass
I've been doing HD vids for a little while now - the 'HD' part is actually mainly in your encoding once you finish editing the video.
As you can see on my channel; http://www.youtube.com/user/DUCKVILLELOL?feature=mhum
Generally the steps for making the videos are:
1 - Fraps the game - Fraps records in a very raw, very high quality essentially "as is" video/audio version of whatever you're doing - there really is no way to cut the size down, so just record with pretty much all of the standard settings as there isn't too much that you can do about it initially. Note: if you have more than 1 HDD - try and record the video to the drive that SC2 isn't on.
2 - Audio (optional) - I use audacity to record the mic onto a separate track (although I'm still trying to get this perfect) which you can then add to the video.
3 - Editing - Use Sony Vegas or some editing software to setup your video and then render it - note that if you use Windows Movie Maker I don't believe you can control the rendering settings, so a proper program is suggested for this. (Edit: Evidently this was wrong, however partially correct - in proper editing programs you can control a lot more of the rendering settings, FYI)
Link to rendering guide: + Show Spoiler +
4 - Upload - Usually my vods are about 10-15 minutes long which once rendered comes to about 1.3GB, because of Australia's fail internet this takes me about 4 hours to upload to the tubez.
Additional: Helpful tips: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=124256
@gilaboy/OP - note that if you use fraps and also use the IRFAN view 'watermark image' idea suggested in the above thread, fraps won't record it. You can however add a watermark image in Sony Vegas yourself.
Don't do 1920x1200. Do 1920x1080. Yes, Fraps saves gigantic files, but I have a 900GB hard drive. You have to piece the files together and convert them to a compressed format like .mov or .wmv. I use Adobe Premiere Pro 4 to do this. It takes a LOT of time to record a single cast, usually about 6x the length of the cast itself is spent exporting(compressing) and uploading to YouTube.
Vatican City State1650 Posts
Oh, thanks for the tips everyone. I really appreciate it. I'll try again and come back if I have more questions.