Games over, I lost. What now? I say, "gg"... then what?
Does anyone else wait until their opponents also responds in a gg? I feel that if my opponent wants to say gg, and I leave early, it's bad manner. "GG" is like saying "byebye". Disconnecting before someone says it back is like hanging up the phone early. I usually wait for the other end of the line to hang up first.
Buh-by...... hello? Oh... you already hung up
Ending Note: I hate it when I don't get a chance to say gg to my opponent if he surrenders first. Makes me feel like I made him angry.
Do other people do this, too? Or am I just weird.
I rarely give my opponents the chance to gg back. If I gg(which I do about 70-80% of the time) I will gg and leave directly afterwards.
This is how I deal with losses. I don't want to think about the fact that I just got roflstomped by some random guy so I leave the game as quickly as possible, leaving him with a gg.
Hmm, I usually use "gg" as "wp". When I say gg, I basically mean that he played well and that he deserved to win since he played better than I did.
Tbh i doubt very many people see it this way, i usually gg and insta f10-e-q (f10-n in sc2 i think?). It's all kinda the one quick motion imprinted on my brain for when i lose.
<enter> <g><g> <enter> <alt> <q> <q>
As fast as I can. I actually prefer it if my opponent doesn't say anything.
If I lose to a scrub, I just gg and insta quit. If I'm playing with a friend or someone good and we have a nice game, I'll usually wait for them to say it back.
i just gg then altqq
if i truly feel that we were evenly matched i just wait a bit longer, or ask for a re
gg and wait for the gg back.
Keep playing until he gg's back.
I only say gg if it was actually a good game or im in a nice mood. So I dont say it often. Forget; waiting
Am i the only one who ever: GG ALT+F4 X Normally when i play a game that was annoying enough to rage quit i just leave the program completely, and then sit staring at my desk top for 30 seconds until my addiction kicks back in and says "that was stupid, now you have to sit through the game loading again".
On August 07 2010 23:43 ghermination wrote: Am i the only one who ever: GG ALT+F4 X Normally when i play a game that was annoying enough to rage quit i just leave the program completely, and then sit staring at my desk top for 30 seconds until my addiction kicks back in and says "that was stupid, now you have to sit through the game loading again". alt+x+x is easier. i never do it, because i'd rather o look at the replay to see what the fuck just happened. especially versus koreans. damn koreans.
i dont really care what my opponents say to me, i prefer when they bm me tho its more fun.
i dont say anything after a loss i just leave, i say gg vs friends sometimes. even tho i don't usually say gg i never bm my opponent or rage tho.
hmm for some reason I always pressed F10 e s q to quit games
If the person's good, he'll be able to gg before I leave the game.
Besides, I sometimes screw up in insta-quitting anyway, so it usually gives time for people to gg back.
I type: "GG" then leaves the instant after.
On August 08 2010 02:16 DemiSe wrote: I type: "GG" then leaves the instant after. This is how I do it, and it is how most of my opponents do it. This is also the way every progamer does it. Leaving before your opponent has a chance to reply is not bad mannered at all, it is normal.
Am I the only person who F10 ESQ's instead of ALT QQ?
On August 08 2010 02:50 Hurricane wrote: Am I the only person who F10 ESQ's instead of ALT QQ?
I f10 ESQ as well.. didn't even know you could ALT QQ.
The OP is such a scrub. So concerned about people's feelings on the internet. What a loser.