hahah gj, Its always fun playing famous people.
I got destroyed by ret on his stream back when I was a newbie.
you sure it was tasteless? not trying to kill your thunder, but i kinda remember how everyone thought husky was a hacker...
that's so cool Man I shoulda saved my rep of when Sea played me on West (and murdering me offrace in 8 mins)
Seychelles2061 Posts
I played iNControl a couple patches ago and I was all giddy after I beat him, just like you.
Yay for teamliquid celebrities
That's pretty awesome... as long as it's the real him
YOUR NOT ALOUD TO MAKE TITLE IN ALL CAPS. Jk Wish I could play a celebrity -_-. Like Chill, Tasteless, Day9(hes a celebrity ain't he?)etc
Doesn't tasteless play on the asian server?
Hahaha sounds great man, I hope it's really him! Lookin forward to this replay (if the new patch doesn't mess things up).
update... well, FML, i guess the replay somehow got currupted. Even if I try to go to my match history, SCII freezes and shuts down. There goes my epic showmatch between me and Tasteless >_<
maybe he will see this and post it, haha,
On June 04 2010 09:47 Steelflight-Rx wrote: update... well, FML, i guess the replay somehow got currupted. Even if I try to go to my match history, SCII freezes and shuts down. There goes my epic showmatch between me and Tasteless >_<
maybe he will see this and post it, haha,
Lets hope so... he probably will.
Here is the currupt version, it might work on someone else's client, so try it out if you want let me know if it works [url blocked]
I played tasteless back in week 2 of beta. He owned me in tvt with marauder + marine pressure while I was teching like a noob..
I played Horror in one of my first sc2 games, I think it was still placement matches. He built a sunken behind my min line (at like 25 supply) and I didn't notice. Not a very proud moment. :p
i played ret once on iccup. felt so bad afterwards since i played like D-. total one sided rape still fun tho ;D
i played day 9 like three times once. i completely demolished him.
+ Show Spoiler +jk. he contained me and i lost completely
I played chill/kennigit in 2v2 and we got manhandled. Chill was streaming too, fuck.