I just got a Motorola android last month and with my last phone being from 2004, (Moto V710) I am blown away by how far technology has come.
Some awesome things I've done in just 1 month.
1) Problem: -Comcast shut off our service for being behind in payments. The account holder no longer lives here so we can't pay over the phone. The closest access to internet is my school which doesn't open for another 2 hours. I tried paying with my phone, but flash isn't on the droid... yet (suck it iPhone) so it was impossible to complete the payment due to the flash payment system.
Solution: -Google "using android as a modem." Find solution and free application (download on included 15gb android memstick) in less than 2 minutes, transfer to laptop and have up and running in less than five minutes. That was today.
2) Problem: 4hour networking lecture with nothing to do but listen.
Solution: Get a seemingly impossible craving to play the first Ogre Battle when I get home. But, is it impossible? Nope. Download a free SNES emulator and accompanying Ogre Battle ROM on phone. Networking lecture is now awesome.
3) Problem: Having trouble with CS assignment due Saturday at midnight on Friday. Only 10 minutes of Office hours left for the weekend for TA/Teachers when I get out of class. I try and explain the output I'm getting but fail to get teacher on the same page.
Solution: Use the Remote Desktop Application that I recently installed and configured to work on my home windows 7 pro desktop. Connect to my home PC and run my program and output it to a easily readable text file that I can then open on my android. Teacher recognizes it as a common problem and quickly sets me straight on where I need to look.
Anyone else with some awesome technology stories.
Still looking for awesome apps too!
Spend the money for a good cell phone, you won't be disappointed
Getting on TL wherever I want when I got a new phone was pretty nice ^^..as well as watching vods and stuff.
On February 14 2010 02:59 Megalisk wrote: Getting on TL wherever I want when I got a new phone was pretty nice ^^..as well as watching vods and stuff.
This is also awesome and the smaller stuff that has been around for a few years now (like watching youtube) has blown me away too. I figure that it doesn't qualify as amazing to most people and only to people who haven't been upgrading their phones every 2 years, like me and 2004 model.
Yeah phones are getting pretty cool, too bad telecommunication companies focus all the energy on finding new and creative ways to fuck customers in the ass
browsing TL on the toilet is my favorite part about living in the future
On February 14 2010 03:11 Ideas wrote: browsing TL on the toilet is my favorite part about living in the future
I'll admit it..I have done this.
On February 14 2010 03:11 Ideas wrote: browsing TL on the toilet is my favorite part about living in the future
Now imagine that someone replies to your post while droping shit.
Yea I have a Droid as well and its awesome. I'm also posting this from my phone. :D
transferring funds between bank accounts or using my home computer from my iphone is really handy.
I love my iPhone, still better than any other phone in my opinion
What remote desktop application are you using?
On February 14 2010 03:42 KingV wrote: I love my iPhone, still better than any other phone in my opinion
I need to wait till August 2010 to get a new phone/contract This gay Mysto ain't doin me any good Stupid 3 year T_T
I still have a Razr T_T
I should get a good upgrade if it wasn't for the fact we are switching carriers soon so what a waste of time.
On February 14 2010 03:42 KingV wrote: I love my iPhone, still better than any other phone in my opinion Unfortunately it's this, as was said before all the cell phone companies do is find ways to take as much money as possible from their customers, so they don't develop any new phone technologies. But other than being slightly ahead in technology, really apple is just shitting the whole process up by boycotting flash for some reason.
Finally got a data plan 2 months ago.. paying $38/mo for basically unlimited talk text and data with Sprint
using a Palm Pre, it's awesome because Linux is in the backend. and with root access and a homebrew community you can really customize the phone to do exactly what you want for free. (and it'll have Flash soon.)
On February 14 2010 03:11 Ideas wrote: browsing TL on the toilet is my favorite part about living in the future
iPhone is good, but like I said flash on DROID OS will own the shit out of iPhone w/o flash.
On February 14 2010 03:48 APurpleCow wrote: What remote desktop application are you using?
Remote Desktop Client by xtralogic http://www.xtralogic.com/rdpclient.shtml
its 20 bucks, but its worth it. The free ones totally sucked.
Smartphones are great. I'm posting this from my Nexus One right now. A great android app to have is ASTRO file manager. You can go through and organize your files without having to plug it into the PC. A great game is Abduction. Definitey check those out.
u gotta skate8152 Posts
I've watched SC vods while on the shitter.
I love technology