So being that I've taken up an interest in art within the last couple months, I tend to appreciate art a lot more then I used too. Pictures that I would initially dismiss as "cool" now seem much more interesting to me, I notice the edges, the colors, the shading. Generally looking at pictures just brings me a lot more joy then it ever had before.
So anyway, I googled hydralisk today. I already knew there was a bunch of killer art out there for zerg units, so I actually managed to get pretty excited during the .08 seconds it took to load up the page. Imagine my surprise, when on the very first page I find this:
+ Show Spoiler +
Woah. Now I don't particularly have a problem with ecchi and anime stuff. But still. Woah.
What do you guys think of this... art?
United States4796 Posts
...Whoa, what?
I can't say I approve of this.
is awesome32269 Posts
Well, someone has to fuck kerrigan right?
On January 15 2010 11:40 IntoTheWow wrote: Well, someone has to fuck kerrigan right?
I'd hit that
+ Show Spoiler +With 2000 siege tanks, 300 yamato guns and 2 Ion Cannons.
this is just disturbing.
The top left is a hydra, top right is a drone... Anyone got ideas what the other 2 are??
edit: oh shit there's three... I think ones a zergling...
is awesome32269 Posts
there's a dragoon in the upper-mid i think the one on the right-mid is actually an infested-anime girl, not a zergling
On January 15 2010 11:58 natturner wrote: there's a dragoon in the upper-mid
it's Fenix =)
On January 15 2010 11:58 natturner wrote: there's a dragoon in the upper-mid i think the one on the right-mid is actually an infested-anime girl, not a zergling That's definitely a Zergling anime girl.
Marine at the bottem right.
Bottem left is... Defiler?
On January 15 2010 11:58 natturner wrote: there's a dragoon in the upper-mid i think the one on the right-mid is actually an infested-anime girl, not a zergling The hugging girls are definitely Zerglings according to the labels.
There's also Dragoon Fenix and a Marine for whatever reason.
Nothing else to say about this. Weird images are on the internet.
I like the dude who looks like he's bludgeoning her netherplaces with a sledgehammer
On January 15 2010 12:06 meeple wrote: I like the dude who looks like he's bludgeoning her netherplaces with a sledgehammer
lol, very much yes.
I'm going to imagine killing these things next time I play TvZ. God this is freaking weird
this kind of thing is done all the time (i.e. OS-tans)
I'm not particularly bothered by it, it's just sort of a cute and out-of-character thing to do
3861 Posts
I like the marine. "You want a piece of me, boy?"
I dont see why some people dont approve or think this is shocking. My reaction is "meh". Looks like a silly drawing to me.