I played this game since its beginng.
I never been able to play as hardcore I'd always wished, Cuz I get so boring when doing so. I Know I don't have to and that I should play for fun. But it would rly boost my confidence in being rly good at something. It's something that drvies me on, still playing this game since the beginnig of the millenia. been playing the terran race as long as I'be been playing too. I've been playing all crazy ladders back to 04-05 when I started wcg. Do you guys remember PGT? Wonderful server just as good as Iccup the way I recall anyway.
Im a humanwannabe, reject all other races and thinking "I wanna defend earth for a good cause or our survival" and then I've just been stuck with terran for reasons like they're the hardest race imo, they're the biggest challange.
I have many times raged about Protosses Superiour over terran. It was all just childised and bm..often feeling I was much better than my opponet and still lost.
Yesterday I played some tvp's and I can say i lost to little things, which drove me mad. Credit for all who beats me, but that's not how was thinking in that minute.
I played this venezuela guy yesterday, 3 games.
#1game I played against him I droped him behind that cliff at the main at medusa and, he'd went 3 gate obviously thinking I was going FE when he saw my siege. But he stop the unit production all of a sudden and double expoing instead just in time to I arrvied with my drop.
Just doubleexpoing is an insult enough not only is they're spiting in ur face saying "Look I can take 2 expos while u can only take one"
I manage to stall he's mining saturation for half a minut or so, then I follow up with 3 fac's to pressure and kill him. once I get there with my 4 tanks,4 rines and 7 vults there and contain and follow all terran gurus book and pressure him without moving too far in, I go a little bit back, just outside him it looking good but as all toss he just outwait me till he can regain he's advantage of he's third and I couldn't move in either.
So I missed probably building the right units composing, and forgot building a units here and there. But that dosen't give him the right to win the game because of that when he doing a double expoing and transform my counter to an all-in fail. Cuz that is what it is. For all terran users out there. IF u cant beat p greedy third expo with 3-4 facts early game, u will most likely lose if toss is somewhat decent. Beacuse it's an all in, especially 4 fac timing pushes.
In the heat of the moment all this dont seems very fair at all, then my bad side comes up. The bm starts to flow. Always so bm
But the truth is that it isn't that greedy for a p to do double expoing since it's totally viable and that terrans timing must be very accurate and properly microed and how many good terrans do you see do that out there?. So if u just miss 1 unit the game can be over..
nah be a coward and a boring player instead and go for third right away and sit on ur lazy ass, do some haress, teching up and move out when u reach 200 like you terrans mostly does. BORING! take some chances.
I just feel so bored when Im facing a player that takes this game so serious that they cant talk in the middle of the game (it's a game dude, not ur life hanging on a thin thread). and ppl that take all their army just to the other side of the map just to kill of my scouting scv and leave me with the teasing option to attack he's base or army when he's out of position to do that. Unfortunaly im not good enough to do that, yet, If I ever will be.
Game#2 He goes for a 1 gate, robo build, which leaves me for the perfect counters which is the Joyo push that can deal with both reaver drops and FE's. And that last mention is what he did. So with my decent micro I manage to kill of he's little shitty stinky nexus and some units, but all in all after the battle we we're kinda even in psi? What fairness is that? Throwing out 400 minerals and losing that and ur units and still ending up on the same unit count? Another thing to get me bug on.
But oh hey, I killed he's fe and im just recently build my own CC( being slow due to tiredness) and a macro before that of 900 minerals .
So the games go on and he pauses the game and bm as Iam and overconfident im saying "quickly the game is practially over anyway". But I shouldnt have said that since I know in the bottom of my heart when i say something over confident I lose. And that's just what happend. Despite the fact I had 10 more psi or so when we're around 70 he droped some zealots on a bad spot for me to put my tanks in and took them out, so I just have 3 tanks for a moment and only 2 of them are siege. I only got 2-3 mines outside my choke. And the guy with he's 4 gate against my 5 goes in and rape what's left of that with the vulutres doing no good solo. I start to bm afterwards saying he should know he's race is noobish race which dosent take half the skill of a as for terran.
Some ppl god strikes instantly. Just like the blizzard. And I deserve it I know.
Yet again I go for another re with him with another account confident Im better than him and only playing shitty cuz im tired. yet again I lose on some shitty mistake in the mid to long game turning.
I starting to bm him
You probably think im taking this game too serious that take it somewhat personal. But I think you are the one that is serious to play this game to such an extent that u dont can talk in the middle of a game. Why do you take it so seriously? Do you honestly think ur gonna be a progamer if u focus so hard? Don't u realize it takes away the fun in the long run to be that serious? You cant just massgame without talking without getting totally bored.
Perhapes you just don't like to talk? I find you ppl very shallow and hard penetraiting.
Show me who you are in there! If you ppl and the next generation is going to live on the internet like it will get more and more, then atleast don't take away the satisfaction of a nice chat on internet!
And yes I do have friends, once in a time I didn't and just played this game, so i dont live my life on internet.
Infact my life feel better than ever. (friends,gf, apartment, hobbys and better at sc than ever)
I feelt so asmhed yesterday that I even started a D- game and delibirtly lose the game cuz I diserve atleast some punishment. LOL.
So why can't I stop being bm when I see how redicouls it is?
discuss, share or just hate me.
I apologize anyhow for any1 that has come across my bad behaviour. I wonder I I will change ever..
/The oldschool-cant-give-up-starcraft-gamer