In my opinion, the MGS series has got progressively worse. MGS was fucking awesome
MGS2 was...well it was going ok despite being this panzy man, you know, i was having fun and stuff busting C4 and shit everywhere and making my own pretend scenarios. I thought the boss fights were pretty lame and my god at the end, what the fuck happened to the story?
So there i am, 14 or so, busting Metal Gear Rays left right and centre. BANG BANG WHOOSH CAPOODLE SHIT and then old Solidus starts talking to me about the SSS shit.
Let me tell you something, having some dude explain this whole fucking SSS thing for 10 or so minutes, and then having the next 20 minutes having some other dude explain that the previous SSS thing was a mistake and tell you the real version for the next 10 come's like reading the first chapter of a book and getting on to the next chapter which starts as:
"yo, forgot the first chapter, it's all shit" and have that chapter last for 100 pages.
bloody bloody crap
MGS3 - i don't know how to rate's a good game (sadly i didn't have the better edition so i was forced to play with enemies that come out of nowhere because the camra angle is retarded) and it was kinda fun i guess. I did like being Naked Snake but the game just...was so linear.
Yes i know they all are, but with 3 it just felt like, YO, DO THIS AND SHIT THEN DO THAT with no jokes inbetween or fun dialogue (no way can you beat MGS1 dialogue)
The last fight vs the Boss was pretty damn good, but after i completed it...i just couldn't think of any fun stuff to do with it.
On to MGS4:
It's an alright game, but a terrible MGS game.
The story, well, fairplay, i'll go through this stuff just so i can see how this saga ends anWAR ECONOMY NANOMACHINES NANOMACHINES NAN
Ok i don't really have much to say about the story, it was alright
The bosses in this game are fucking terrible. Absolutely pathetic:
No1: Frogs
Not really a boss but it's the first kind of special battle you have with these elite ninja P50 motherfuckers that like to walk into you while Johnny shits his pants.
2: Laughing Octopus
So there i am in some laberotory with just my wits to arm me (ok and some guns). WHERE? WHERE IS THIS CAMOFLAGUED DEMON?!
She taunts me and laughs, i walk around slowly...wait a that...? shit i better take a closer look...
Ok so i see this moron camoflagued pretty well, but er...whats the point in completely hiding yourself when you're going to do absolutely nothing when i walk over to you? I mean what the hell? This alone just ruins the boss fight entirely. Here i am expecting some crazy shit splatty ambush stuff when i can just walk about to her and stick my gun in her ass...whats the point?
And that fucking stupid rolling attack she does...
3: Don't remember
Bloody stupid flying raven thing. God this fight was boring and stupid. Yes i want to fight a boss, no i don't want to fight these stupid bloody unmanned flying twats.
4: Crying Wolf
Again, i want to fight a boss in this stupid bloody weather where i can't see shit, not having to stop the fight to shoot those damn Frog bastards again. THEY DON'T SEE ME, THEY DON'T SHOOT ME, THEY WASTE MY AMMO. Pointless.
5: Vamp
bloody hell, how is this guy so shit compared to 2? This fight is just atrocious. Boring, not fun and nothing special.
When your little robot dude sticks his wang in REX to restart him or something, a bunch of bastard smaller metal gears jump around, some that just self destruct (waste of money really...)
Now, Raiden did do a pretty good show of gunning down a relentless horde of RAYS back in 2, that was pretty cool, that was intense and you didn't know when it would end.
This however is just stupid. Just stupid.
7: REX vs RAY
During being abandoned, REX meditated and gained some ninja powers. This fight is pretty cool, i mean come on, it's Snake and REX vs Liquid and RAY, fuck yeah.
Too easy to enjoy it fully though
8: Screaming Mantis
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FROGS AGAIN. As soon as you shoot Mantis' doll things and throw one at him, he's dead. Thats it. How pathetic is that? Some long drawn out fight in some crazy place, dodging shit and zombies and when you throw a doll at him, he just dies...she rather or whatever.
Overall the boss fights are shit, except the last which has been the greatest fight and cinematics i have witnessed for a game so far. You crazy old bastards.
It seems like the dialogue has no flaNANOMACHINES and is just tedious. The characters are so flat yet they have so much history together...
SNAAAAAKE?! and Meryl:
the fuck man, i got tortured for you, saved your ass countless times and how do you repay me? You called me a legend back in the day and now you don't say anything nice to me and you go blow Johnny...da fuck man
and Mei Ling:
Same shit man, she says like one thing to snake after like...10 years or whatever from Shadow Moses? Yeah thanks for saving the world snake and risking your life and shit, see you later when you do it repeatedly...pff
Don't actually remember anything he said...he's a cool guy though...
Look Raiden, no one likes a know it all cyborg ninja twat thats invincible. I mean, it's not even like you're risking your life, you just do shit and fight vamp and get owned (UNLIKE OLD SNAKEY BOY). More on you later
And some other characters that i forgot
The beauty and the beast squad...look ladies, i don't fucking care about your stupid bloody stories that some dude tells me after i've killed you. Unlikes MGS1 where snake shares some dialogue way before you even fight them, before you fight them and have their tales told to you as they lie dieing, you damn bitches think i give a shit about you when you say stupid things like "I'M LAUGHING HAHAHA" and "RAAAAGE"? Come over here so i can bust your ass and die and then after i'm done with you, some other dude will tell me about your stupid life over the phone as if i cared anymore. Just think back to snake with Psycho Mantis and Vulcan Raven, man, when do you ever have a good chat with a boss like that? No chat, no reason to care.
Vamp is just a pussy. They had to ruin his mystic and YO WTF BULLET IN THE HEAD shit with NANOMACHINES NANOMACHINES HE LIVES CUZ NANOMACHINES LOLL. Yeah nice one Vamp you gimp.
Honestly man, why didn't anyone die? Ok, Naomi did, but once again, when someone is gonna be a bastard and backstab me, i tend not to care if they die.
Maybe Snake at the end could have blown his brains out. If he did i'd think
"oh snake, forever fighting all to the end. Never had a chance of peace...why...why do you have to sacrafice yourself again and again?! It's not fair's just not fair"
Then i'd probably get pissed off because all these junk characters like Meryl and Raiden survive.
When Raiden gets himself mashed up by that big mother fucking boat and you get those flashbacks and, fairplay Raiden, you were a bit of a dick, but i feel sorrow that you die like this, you have sacra- oh wait he's alive, just a bit fucked up. Stick him in the plane.
Oh Raiden, back to save Snake from the FROGS while he goes through that corridor of death (really cool by the way). Oh how you use your mouth to wield the blade and slice FROG bastards, you know Raiden, you're kinda cool an OH SHIT THEY ALL JUST STABBED THE FUCK OUTTA YOU. Damn Raiden, your death will not be forgo- oh wait he's afuckinglive again...fuck sake Raiden this is why no one likes you, you donk.
And by the way, Grey Fox shits on you.
Meryl and Johnny, how the fuck do you not die? HOW THE FUCK. Even without your superpower nanomachine, you still survive and have a stupid bloody wedding after. HOW YOU THINK SNAKE FEELS ABOUT THAT HUH? DAMN BITCH I HATE YOU!
God damn man, those dicks should have died, then i could have respected them instead of them injecting some pheonix down into themselves.
YO SNAKE, I'M YOUR MOTHER THAT YOU NEVER KNEW ABOUT. YO SUP, OH SHIT I'M DEAD. Snake doesn't seem to be bothered much...
Man, so you were ocelot all along pretending to be liquid? The fuck man, why you kill the magic? WHY YOU KILL THE MAGIC
Like MGS2, i am flabbergausted with all these weapons. Every weapon in 1 had a purpose, you needed them at some point to progress through the game. Now MGS4 just shits weapons on you and whats even worse is that i'm never going to run out of ammo because i can buy a lot of shit faster than i can sneeze.
Whatever happened to the slugfest vs Vulcan Raven where you're running low on shit? You stick a few C4s around and try to time it, plant a claymore or two, even shoot a nikita into his face. Desperate times man.
Big Boss:
Sup man, glad to see your alive because of some stupid story. You mother fucking badass. Ah well looks like you're dead again...nevermind
A a cell?!
Bosses suck dick except final boss
Characters and dialogue are pathetic
other negetive stuff
Oh and by the way, don't big up some kind of multichoice shit with having multiple ways through maps. You either take the shooty way with the ever present rebel dudes, or you take the quiet road...bloody overhyped gay mother fuck donkaments
Only reason i got a PS3 was mainly for MGS4 and to a lesser extent Tekken 6 and the FF series (actually a much less extent, lost faith long time ago)
Don't even think i'm getting ANOTHER metal gear game with that fucknig Raiden because he's a dick and he's not going to die or do anything creative and i find no joy in playing immortal bastards.
oh and i forgot
Shadow Moses:
Way to fucking ruin this whole chapter with those stupid bloody little shitty gay ass robot dickheads that...fuck sake man...stupid bloody 3 legged robots...3 armed robots rather