So I've been playing alot lately. Like a pretty serious amount. Winning alot of games, changing my TvP style and losing alot of games...Just getting kind of bored of the whole thing.
I mean getting B and having 340 APM...being clever with everything and climbing up the ladder...Kinda started to realise that it doesn't really lead anywhere. I mean you can play alot and get really good but you don't end up with anything, maybe some prize money if you're lucky and maybe eye and muscle problems if you're not. Foreigners have no shot of going to korea or taking their 6-10 hour a day hobby any further and really, if you're playing that much and yet have no future in it it just kind of seems like a waste of time, especially when there are other things, like writing or studying or just taking time out to do nothing, that may actually lead somewhere.
So for a while I'm going to put this game on hold and do other things.
Shit, I might play for fun sometime if I can still remember how to do that
You play because you just love the game or because you wanna be the best (ofc you gotta love the game too). The first one leads to mainly UMS and not that high rank, the other one leads to.. top foreigner? This is what i believe in.
Meh I had me a bout of serious depression today and figured a change would be good :p
And that's just the thing, you spend all this time getting good at something that only a niche community will ever care about - no matter how much you love the game it's still hard to find the motivation
Just out of curiosity. Would you feel more motivation to play competitively if starcraft had automated sit and go money tournaments going on 24/7 like poker websites?
Just play as much as you want when you want. It doens't have to be a light switch although when the spark relights you usually do zone in on BW and remember why it's sick it tends to devour you again. When you're bored your bored and ya, plenty of other shit to do.
In my 9 years of doing this I've gone through that question lots of times, and I've finally just learned to enjoy the game for the last half of my career. I don't care how good I am I just log on and play for fun and I respect what all the pros are able to accomplish while knowing I will never have the time to do that so I focus on school and my life.
there is a difference between play to win and play to be pro. you obviously just playing alot and like to win, playing to be pro is completely different.
"doesn't lead anywhere"... where do you want it to lead? Fame? Money? Take it further. What good is fame? Fame is fickle, it depends entirely on the whims of the masses. Money? If you're concerned about having your time (your 6-10 hours a day spent on your hobby) translate into funds, then you're right, StarCraft is a waste of time. If that's the case then go make some money.
What's the point of putting so much time and effort into an activity that will not bring you fame or money? The value is in the doing. It's the same question I'm sure artists, or anyone studying English, or Philosophy, or Music, etc. ask themselves: you toil away in obscurity and no one else will ever (unless you're lucky) care about what you've done. So what if no one else ever cares? You've done something you love for a while. If you no longer love playing StarCraft, then take a break, find something else you love to do.
As long as you're enjoying at and it's not stopping you from doing other things that you should be doing at certain times or whatever then it's definitely worth it IMO.
Good for you Piy. I came to a similar conclusion last weekend.
I haven't played a competitive game of sc in over a week and it was definitely one of the better weeks I've had in a long time. Amazing how much more I did when I wasn't running to freakin iccup every night for hours on end practicing some ridiculous timing or build order.
I'm sure you will discover the same thing as you do other things.
Take care,
stop when the game stops being fun and it isn't ruining your life. Saying it doesn't lead to anywhere or you don't get anything out of it... you can say that about a lot of things
Why do I still play badminton then? I'll never be pro or anything, but I still train and playing with friends and occasional serious games is just amazing. You do get something out of it. Although a physical sport would lend you much more than starring at a computer, I'm sure.
i feel the same way
mostly because i lost 12 games straight today. at fucking C-..
anyway good luck. if it's not fun, there's no reason for you to continue really..
Well, ask draco and nony about this. Seems they did not really want to talk about it, but surely they realized it was not really worth it either, and they were over there which was "the dream" eh. And then take a look at idra.
When I understood and realized what was involved with being great at this game meant I stopped, and just write about strategy some now. It takes some kind of drive to play sc 10hours a day. If you only play 4 that is sucking a huge amount out of your life and you will never be tops. Your right, there is hardly a future in it, so what you get out of it will most likely only be the intrinsic value and enjoyment which is in the quality of experience. When that dwindles drop it.
There was a thread recently too...something like 14year old says playign video games is pointless. I did not read it but surely similar points come up in that thread.
you could cheese in all your game, it makes it REALLY fun and exciting
a sense of achievement. Thats wat it think sc is about. That sense of achievement and awesomeness u get when the opponent types in GG