Money is a funny thing. I have had absurd amounts of it through my father, and now i have $280 Canadian in my bank account.
it took 4 years to lose the money and no one person is to blame, but i have learned to live without it and honestly i was no happier then than i am now, maybe the fact that i kind of always viewed it as money I didn't earn and therefore had no real claim on it, is what drives me to see it this way.
which brings me to my point. I am perfectly content living a minimum wage life and simply not having to bother with all the striving and risk involved with investing myself in any endeavor. Why would I?
the only end result would either be failure, or money with which i guess i could use to pursue an education, but to what end? i have never wanted to be anything as a child + Show Spoiler +( well other than rich, and i say this because that was my response back then, and it was merely so that i could accomplish at least what my father had ) and i have no desire to become anything really, honestly it is partly due to the fact that i know it is impossible for me to truly contribute to any field. I have no passion to pursue arts and many individuals with a higher degree of education, who are younger or my age, and who simply put, are more intelligent than I am already contribute to ( insert field) thus rendering me obsolete.
which brings me to the so called money professions running businesses, poker, being a lawyer etc.. but these are so empty, sure they offer freedom, but what do i need freedom for? i drank, traveled, and had relationships enough to sate any hunger i may have had for these things.
this was just a rant i guess, and maybe i am looking for someone to prove me wrong, but i am sure i could supply an endless stream of arguments in my favor as has always been the case with me.
Feel free to post any questions about my life, i will probably answer them no matter how personal.
/rant / vent
few facts - i am 18 - Male .. no shit - i am described as stable, humble, and comically witty ( everyone loves a laugh ) -born in Portugal - i don\'t really identify with one country or culture, but i lived 5 years in Brazil, 9 in the states, 4 in Portugal, and creeping on 1 in Canada
If this blog is completely honest and not at all self deceptive then i think you should just do whatever you feel like doing at the time. have faith in what you want to do and don't put the long term effect on a pedestal.
Also just by curiosity how did you spend "absurd amounts of wealth" in a few years at the age of 14-18?
Sydney2287 Posts
Are you sure you have experienced enough to say that there is 'nothing you want to be' ?
On May 23 2009 19:00 ShaperofDreams wrote: If this blog is completely honest and not at all self deceptive then i think you should just do whatever you feel like doing at the time. have faith in what you want to do and don't put the long term effect on a pedestal.
Also just by curiosity how did you spend "absurd amounts of wealth" in a few years at the age of 14-18?
Not truly spent more like lost through a very irritating set of events or as some describe it "a cluster fuck."
unless you are asking what i have bought/ used the money on in those years? and i became broke from 12-16 and have been broke for a couple years ^ ^.
and i am being honest, and i guess that what you are suggesting is kind of what i am doing now, but what i feel like doing is usually very meaningless.
On May 23 2009 19:02 Bockit wrote: Are you sure you have experienced enough to say that there is 'nothing you want to be' ?
honestly no i cannot say that i am 100% sure especially since i am so young, but i have experience quite a few things in my life and, have pushed towards many areas, and non really called out to me.
Some things to consider might include health insurance (consider the cost of getting sick and hospitalization -- you certainly don't have enough to cover even simple things in your bank account right now), a future family, and changes regarding what you'd like to do with your life.
Logically, one problem with the statement "money doesn't buy happiness" is that happiness is (in this claim) undefined. For a really extreme example: if buying expensive sports cars makes me really happy, then yes, money does buy happiness. Maybe more realistically, if I love cooking but can't afford to buy anything but Spaghettios, I'm not going to terribly happy. Maybe the issue is that you're not sure what really makes you happy, so it doesn't matter how much money you have.
Singapore66065 Posts
One fatal flaw in your revelation is that you're 18 and you don't actually know anything. welp, cya
this was just a rant i guess, and maybe i am looking for someone to prove me wrong, but i am sure i could supply an endless stream of arguments in my favor as has always been the case with me. become a lawyer
On May 23 2009 23:40 floor exercise wrote: One fatal flaw in your revelation is that you're 18 and you don't actually know anything. welp, cya and this...
On May 24 2009 00:17 R3condite wrote:Show nested quote +this was just a rant i guess, and maybe i am looking for someone to prove me wrong, but i am sure i could supply an endless stream of arguments in my favor as has always been the case with me. become a lawyer EDIT: Show nested quote +On May 23 2009 23:40 floor exercise wrote: One fatal flaw in your revelation is that you're 18 and you don't actually know anything. welp, cya and this...
anyone with a greater amount of information than the opponent and half a brain can supply an endless stream of arguments. i have no desire to study tax laws, or worse become a criminal lawyer of any make, as that is an elaborate trap, and a psychotic break down waiting to happen.
i realize i am 18, but i can say that i have given this quite a bit of thought, and as for experience i have done more in my short 18 years than many. but ultimately it maybe i am simply not mature enough to digest this properly? although i would hardly think this the case, it is certainly normal that i think this not to be the case if I am in fact immature.
On May 23 2009 23:12 DeepGreen wrote: Some things to consider might include health insurance (consider the cost of getting sick and hospitalization -- you certainly don't have enough to cover even simple things in your bank account right now), a future family, and changes regarding what you'd like to do with your life.
Logically, one problem with the statement "money doesn't buy happiness" is that happiness is (in this claim) undefined. For a really extreme example: if buying expensive sports cars makes me really happy, then yes, money does buy happiness. Maybe more realistically, if I love cooking but can't afford to buy anything but Spaghettios, I'm not going to terribly happy. Maybe the issue is that you're not sure what really makes you happy, so it doesn't matter how much money you have.
In the unfortunate event that i did get sick to the point of it seriously risking my life, i am sure i could call some people and they would supply me the funds i need to pay my medical expenses. let's hope not.
in regards to family i have no intention of forming one, at the very least in the next 12 years, i realize this is a bold claim, and maybe be seen as naive but i know enough about myself to honestly believe this is the case, but i guess i cannot know.
as for the money doesn't bring happiness argument, i guess i don't really know what i want except menial things like sc2 some cash on the side to go see some scenery every now and again. I do however know for a fact that while growing having "sports cars"( actually more luxury cars because that's what my father was in to ) never really made me any happier, and now that i don't have them it really doesn't bother me.
i guess you are missing a point, I am fully aware that money is required for most everything in life, but what i would do with it? I would either drink myself into a drunken stupor every night again except this time i would be accompanied by hot hookers in luxurious hotels or sit on it and give small sums to people who i knew that would benefit greatly from it.
oh a little back story: I spent 1 year of my life in Portugal effectively running my life into the ground i lived with my cousin in some ghetto apartment in a little town right between Porto and Lisbon, and got drunk/ high and into fights very often. because i rebelled against my parents at 16 and went to live alone ( haha big mistake) i would talk to them still, but we were simply quite a ways apart ( different cities then late different countries)
i later grew up a bit and reconciled with them and am now moved into Toronto and living with my mom ( <3 aww). i wanted to leave the retarded lifestyle i had ran myself into, and she needed help financially etc. . . on of the main reasons i am broke is my money goes to pay bills etc since, i don't really need it, and that way she has more money for her things. I pay more than half the rent, and i pay the phone bills and internet, since that is basically what i use.
my father and my mom's friend lives with us, neither pay rent or anything for that matter, but that doesn't bother me at all they are both trying to get back on their feet.
SHENANIGANS. I call shenanigans! You just haven't found your passion yet. No one ever became great at anything by doing nothing. Intelligence is a product of effort! It's not a constant you were born with. Your lack of self confidence amazes me.
On May 24 2009 07:52 DeathSpank wrote: SHENANIGANS. I call shenanigans! You just haven't found your passion yet. No one ever became great at anything by doing nothing. Intelligence is a product of effort! It's not a constant you were born with. Your lack of self confidence amazes me.
hahaha intelligence is a product of effort, cute.
At least you're sucking the public teat in Canada and not my country. Stupid deadbeat.
On May 24 2009 07:57 Etherone wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2009 07:52 DeathSpank wrote: SHENANIGANS. I call shenanigans! You just haven't found your passion yet. No one ever became great at anything by doing nothing. Intelligence is a product of effort! It's not a constant you were born with. Your lack of self confidence amazes me. hahaha intelligence is a product of effort, cute. have fun making sandwhiches.
On May 24 2009 07:57 Etherone wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2009 07:52 DeathSpank wrote: SHENANIGANS. I call shenanigans! You just haven't found your passion yet. No one ever became great at anything by doing nothing. Intelligence is a product of effort! It's not a constant you were born with. Your lack of self confidence amazes me. hahaha intelligence is a product of effort, cute. have fun making sandwiches.
On May 24 2009 07:59 Hawk wrote: At least you're sucking the public teat in Canada and not my country. Stupid deadbeat.
i work for a living retard, learn to read.
On May 24 2009 08:05 DeathSpank wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2009 07:57 Etherone wrote:On May 24 2009 07:52 DeathSpank wrote: SHENANIGANS. I call shenanigans! You just haven't found your passion yet. No one ever became great at anything by doing nothing. Intelligence is a product of effort! It's not a constant you were born with. Your lack of self confidence amazes me. hahaha intelligence is a product of effort, cute. have fun making sandwiches.
wow truly amazing, people have lost all sense of decency.
You for example will never in your lifetime be as intelligent as Einstein, and neither will I.
It matters not how much effort you place into it, nor how committed you are. your genetic make up has a huge say in how intelligent you may or may not become.
i thought you would have the maturity to rationalize this, but no you rather attack me by ridiculing a class of people who work hard for a living and don't have mommy and daddy to help them. thanks Deathspank real mature.
Minimum wage means you're sucking up funds for people legitimately need them because they have no other means of at least raising themselves past the poverty level (which is where you are with a minimum wage job, you idiot). You're just being a lazy cunt doing as little as possible to get by.
Hawk... Are you trolling? God I hope you're trolling lol.
Not in the slightest. Not everyone has to be a doctor or a millionaire, but the least you can do is attempt to live above the level that constantly receives free handouts. That's for people who hit a rut in life and need help, not for someone who is content living at a bare minimum with assistance from people who actually contribute to society.
Money is important. Very, very important.
When you start having to pay your own bills, you'll understand why having more money is better than having less money. Having extra money, even if you don't need it and are a thrifty person, gives extra security. You'll have a buffer in case of things like odd utility bill jumps, mistaken/fraudulent charges that might make you default on other charges, be able to more easily handle accidents/lawsuits, etc.
Having money is always better than having less money. I'm not a greedy person, but that's just how it works.
Even if you don't want it for yourself, it becomes 1000008023758723x more important when you're starting up a family. This is going beyond what I've experienced, but at that point, you need money not for yourself anymore, but for your spouse and possibly for your future children. Here, you don't have the luxury of being selfish. You NEED the income to support others.
On May 25 2009 07:30 PH wrote: Money is important. Very, very important.
When you start having to pay your own bills, you'll understand why having more money is better than having less money. Having extra money, even if you don't need it and are a thrifty person, gives extra security. You'll have a buffer in case of things like odd utility bill jumps, mistaken/fraudulent charges that might make you default on other charges, be able to more easily handle accidents/lawsuits, etc.
Having money is always better than having less money. I'm not a greedy person, but that's just how it works.
Even if you don't want it for yourself, it becomes 1000008023758723x more important when you're starting up a family. This is going beyond what I've experienced, but at that point, you need money not for yourself anymore, but for your spouse and possibly for your future children. Here, you don't have the luxury of being selfish. You NEED the income to support others.
completely agree especially with the last paragraph, but as i stated before i have no intention in the near future to make a family.
I handle myself well enough, i It would take a disaster for me even at minimum wage to be placed in a situation where I would struggle heavily to get out, and even then i know some people that could help if it came to that.
On May 25 2009 00:05 Hawk wrote: Minimum wage means you're sucking up funds for people legitimately need them because they have no other means of at least raising themselves past the poverty level (which is where you are with a minimum wage job, you idiot). You're just being a lazy cunt doing as little as possible to get by.
On May 25 2009 07:15 Hawk wrote: Not in the slightest. Not everyone has to be a doctor or a millionaire, but the least you can do is attempt to live above the level that constantly receives free handouts. That's for people who hit a rut in life and need help, not for someone who is content living at a bare minimum with assistance from people who actually contribute to society.
I have never received a government hand out EVER. minimum wage is above the poverty line. I have a computer, internet, a phone, i share a car, a roof over my head, running water, electricity and heat.
What do you consider Poverty ?