Edit: Referencing this thread for those who are wondering.
Some time ago, our iNcontroL Had used his sig space to extol A bear of Nazi-mauling fame, A hero! Voytek was his name.
Geoff's gaming landed him a curse; It seems attention must reverse. Now bears are flocking to adore His rugged looks, his golden fur.
They clamor, spellbound by his charms. Each growls his intimate appeal: "I'd love to cuddle in those arms!" "Come pound me like a piece of veal!"
His sordid story thus begins. For more, please purchase "Lesser Sins."
Hungary11238 Posts
I'm not sure about adore and fur, but it's still good.
COme pound me like a piece of veal
oh jesus lol
On April 09 2009 20:53 Ellis wrote: I'm not sure about adore and fur, but it's still good.
Now bears are flocking to adore His rugged looks, his golden fur.
it's like the most poetic lines there, what are you talking about?
i wasn't with you until the last two lines. now i whole-heartedly endorse this poem (and lesser sins).
Belgium9943 Posts
poetry is always lame but at least defenestrate does it properly
Australia3316 Posts
oh god
the veal line killed me
My goodness. That's amazing.
Valhalla18444 Posts
let it be known that there exists on this site a poet i can't compare to
you are teh b3st
defenestrate, take me under your wing and teach me the ways.
United States3573 Posts