Does anyone here at tl.net play Shadowrun, the fast-paced FPS for 360? I've just started to get the basics of how competitive play works and now I'm dying to find more people to play with. It would be great to have a bunch of TLer's making up a team and coming up with our own strats.
If you haven't played Shadowrun, now's a great time to start with the game gaining some popularity back with MLG/gamebattles. If your getting tired of Cod and Gears or just looking for something new to play then this game might be right up your alley. You can download a demo free from the Xbox marketplace and even play it online with one map and limited tech. You can also get a used copy from gamestop for $15. I advertise it because I had no idea this game existed until a couple months ago, and when I finally tried the demo online I fell in love with it. I previously thought there wasn't any console shooter other than Halo that was worth it.
Anyways, if you already play go ahead and add my gamertag (same as above) and we can play some Publics/Privates.
Germany2896 Posts
How do FPS on a console work? How can you hit anything when targetting with a gamepad? Can you hit anything without installing an aimbothack?
Well you obviously don't have the level of control you would have with a mouse, but for some people like me that just adds to the challenge. And yes, I hit people all the time. It really isn't that hard at all to get some coordination out of your thumb
I have not played shadowrun =(
I just wanted to comment that your ID is awesome.
On December 13 2008 23:50 ilistis wrote: Isn't halo auto target?
Yeh it has an insane amount of autoaim, same with shadowrun. There's barely any real skill in aiming on controller, only thing that really differentiates between players is things like map knowledge/movement, and movement isnt even hard when all console fps games are slow as shit.
Halo has auto aim, yes. But Shadowrun has virtually none of that, which is one factor in and of itself that turned me onto it. The sniper rifle in this game is perhaps the most difficult weapon to use in any FPS game. It is honestly harder to headshot a guy just standing still in Shadowrun than it is to headshot a guy flying off a mancannon in Halo 3. This is coming from someone with minimal sniper experience however. I've seen people who are actually used to it pull off amazing shots. The thing is this game has a very heavy learning curve which turns beginner's off at first.
Another thing I really like about this game's design is the fact that the more skilled player almost always wins 1v1 encounters. How many times have you been walking around in Halo and just got owned completely unexpected by someone using a shotgun, sword, assault rifle, rocket launcher, or any of the other myriad of weapons in that game that take virtually no mechanical skill? In Shadowrun, a pistol or rifle has just as much a chance of beating a shotgun, katana, or rocket launcher at virtually any range. That's right, if someone jumps in your face with a shotgun/smg you can actually take that guy out with your rifle which is designed for long range. You just have to be a damn good shot. Weapon advantage still plays a role, but the fact that every weapon takes a degree of skill to use, and the use of a few special abilities allows for the better player to almost always win when the odds are even.
On December 14 2008 00:08 Nebula wrote:Yeh it has an insane amount of autoaim, same with shadowrun. There's barely any real skill in aiming on controller, only thing that really differentiates between players is things like map knowledge/movement, and movement isnt even hard when all console fps games are slow as shit.
Have you even played the game? There is honestly next to no auto aim. Just try walking past an enemy and see how much your cursor gets dragged away. The game's developers used the bare minimum amount of autoaim necessary to provide a decent level of control and still take an insane amount of mechanical skill. And if there is no skill involved in rifling, why is it that pro players can kill with only 3-4 shots, while more average players take 6-7, and absolute beginner's need a full clip?
On December 14 2008 00:17 NatsuTerran wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2008 00:08 Nebula wrote:On December 13 2008 23:50 ilistis wrote: Isn't halo auto target? Yeh it has an insane amount of autoaim, same with shadowrun. There's barely any real skill in aiming on controller, only thing that really differentiates between players is things like map knowledge/movement, and movement isnt even hard when all console fps games are slow as shit. Have you even played the game? There is honestly next to no auto aim. Just try walking past an enemy and see how much your cursor gets dragged away. The game's developers used the bare minimum amount of autoaim necessary to provide a decent level of control and still take an insane amount of mechanical skill. And if there is no skill involved in rifling, why is it that pro players can kill with only 3-4 shots, while more average players take 6-7, and absolute beginner's need a full clip?
Yes i have played it, my friend dribbled over it for few months. Maybe i was a little harsh comparing the autoaim to halo but it still has alot. i never said there was no skill, i said there was barely any, and considering everyone but elves walk at 2mph on shadowrun, shooting ppl in the head is not hard.
Elves and Humans have almost the exact same speed. Unless you aren't using a rifle/smg for some reason, which is what equalizes the movement speed. I don't know how you find it easy to score headshots though. I find it to be a huge challenge in 2 shotting an elf, even if they are sitting still. I have actually only done this about 4-5 times my entire time playing this game. The autoaim basically doesn't exist at a range at all, which is where most fights occur. There is difinitely a huge learning curve in the shooting mechanics though, otherwise it doesn't make sense how I don't last a split second in a rifle fight with people who are semi pro, but then go like 25 and 6 in a random pub right after.
Zurich15307 Posts
God why license the Shadowrun franchise to make a multiplayer only FPS? This makes absolutely no sense to me.
Has any Shadowrun fan played this yet? Is the original setting recognizable?
I haven't played the RPG Shadowruns but I doubt there is any relevance whatsoever. That said, this FPS is definitely the most innovative game I have ever played, period. Besides, we need more hardcore competitive games, not single player, but that's just what i like. Also, this doesn't mean that an RPG Shadowrun is impossible now, they just kind of expanded the name.
On December 14 2008 00:08 Nebula wrote:Yeh it has an insane amount of autoaim, same with shadowrun. There's barely any real skill in aiming on controller, only thing that really differentiates between players is things like map knowledge/movement, and movement isnt even hard when all console fps games are slow as shit.
This is something that really bugs me on TL.net. All the time the SC elitists here claim that other games require "barely any skill". Most of us are so god damned biased that it stopped being funny a long time ago. Not that I know how much a game like shadowrun requires skill.
Shadowrun has been so dead for months.
On December 14 2008 02:09 rkarhu wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2008 00:08 Nebula wrote:On December 13 2008 23:50 ilistis wrote: Isn't halo auto target? Yeh it has an insane amount of autoaim, same with shadowrun. There's barely any real skill in aiming on controller, only thing that really differentiates between players is things like map knowledge/movement, and movement isnt even hard when all console fps games are slow as shit. This is something that really bugs me on TL.net. All the time the SC elitists here claim that other games require "barely any skill". Most of us are so god damned biased that it stopped being funny a long time ago. Not that I know how much a game like shadowrun requires skill.
I'm a high level quake 3 player, i think if anything qualifies you to talk about skill level in fps, it's that.
The game is not completely dead. Gamebattles has come back to it and set up a holiday tourney lately. There are also a lot of people pushing for an MLG Shadowrun 09.
This thread has gotten quite derailed so far. This thread isn't about difficulty of console gaming, auto aim, or a franchise change. I never said this game was more skilled than things like Quake 3 or Counter Strike. However, compared to the MLG shooter market going on now with games like Halo 3, CoD, and Gears of War, this game is a piece of heaven amongst them.
I'm assuming by now that hardly any TLer's know of SR, so I'll just reiterate : If you play console FPS games and are looking for a change or are not completely satisfied, just try the free demo out, you might be surprised.
Yeh kinda my fault for derailing and for that i apologise and hope you get some new players ~!
MLG stands for?